Rally’s Shooting Exposes Weakness In Ability Of Police To Provide Real Security..


Ever the para­noid ex-cop I watched both polit­i­cal lead­ers arrive at their respec­tive ral­lies and imme­di­ate­ly I default­ed to my police senses.
Like “Spidey sens­es tin­gling” I thought how easy it would be to actu­al­ly take out either of these two lead­ers if some­one had a mind to.
At a time when there are ter­ror threats and ter­ror­ist threats across the Globe, and with Jamaica’s his­to­ry of polit­i­cal vio­lence what is the think­ing of the can­di­dates and maybe most impor­tant­ly the agency tasked with their protection?

Okay I know many of my for­mer col­leagues are think­ing “Mike these m****r‑f*****s deserve what­ev­er may be com­ing to them”.
I get that but this is less about them and more about the peo­ple and the agency tasked with their protection.
Imagine the vit­ri­olic back-lash if one of these lead­ers is killed because the police fail to have a cohe­sive plan in place to ade­quate­ly pro­tect them.
If the Police can­not ensure that guns do not get into the venue, then can­di­dates should not be arriv­ing in a mass of flesh stand­ing with parts of their bod­ies pro­trud­ing through the rooves of their vehicles.
The police Commissioner and his top brass can­not assume that send­ing some poor­ly trained , poor­ly equipped poor­ly backed up cops to an event ris­es to the lev­el of security.
Security plans must be designed with the com­pli­ance of polit­i­cal can­di­dates who con­form with the dic­tates of the plan. Police does not get to tell politi­cians how to be politi­cians , con­verse­ly politi­cians must con­form to police plans to keep them and oth­ers safe.

As I watched both can­di­dates arrive at their respec­tive ral­ly I won­dered with a smile how in hell a cou­ple of cops hang­ing off the vehi­cle amount to secu­ri­ty for the candidates?
I must admit I was not at all sur­prised that an actu­al shoot­ing could occur in a polit­i­cal meet­ing . I would not have been one bit sur­prised that the leader of one par­ty or the oth­er could have been killed right there.
One of the things I taught my fam­i­ly and to a large extent my wife is nev­er get caught say­ing the things peo­ple say on Television when crim­i­nals strike, “oh I nev­er though some­thing like that could hap­pen here”.
Stuff occur wher­ev­er you give crim­i­nal mind­ed peo­ple the oppor­tu­ni­ty to com­mit crimes.
Leaving a pock­et book in a car will most like­ly leave the own­er with­out a pock­et-book, a car, or at best some cost­ly win­dow repairs.
Why take that chance take the pock­et-book with you or, after mak­ing sure you are not being observed, place the item of worth in the locked trunk of your vehicle.

Sunday February 7th Mass JLP ral­ly in Sam Sharpe Square did not hap­pen upon the Police with­out warn­ing, nei­ther did the PNP’s mass ral­ly in Half-Way-tree square.
I must con­fess that I do not have a copy of the plan the Police had in place to ensure the safe­ty and secu­ri­ty of the can­di­dates and their supporters.
I am also painful­ly aware of the un-dis­ci­plined nature of Jamaicans of both polit­i­cal stripes, par­tic­u­lar­ly when they have a cheer­ing sec­tion and worse when they are oper­at­ing in polit­i­cal groups.
The police should how­ev­er use these very char­ac­ter­is­tics to devel­op work­able plans which leave no ques­tion of who is in charge, as well as keep­ing their charges safe.

The Police had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to devel­op detailed writ­ten plans to ensure the safe­ty of atten­dees to these events as well as to ensure that whomev­er show up with mal-intent are swift­ly apprehended.
Many of my friends would most cer­tain­ly want to know how come I know there was no plan in place?
To those ques­tions I say , on Sunday two peo­ple were killed and oth­ers were injured and no one in cus­tody which is a shock­ing indict­ment on what­ev­er plan or secu­ri­ty appa­ra­tus that they thought they had in place.
Police may not be able to pre­vent every shoot­ing but they damn well can make sure that the shoot­ers will be appre­hend­ed on the spot.
The ques­tion I have for the JCF as a for­mer Jamaican cop is this,“when will the sup­posed more edu­cat­ed more sophis­ti­cat­ed JCf stop being the Barney Fyffe of policing”?
I believe the Police still have bar­ri­ers for crowd con­trol , the police must do a bet­ter job with the lim­it­ed resources it has .
The Commissioner of Police should have had hun­dreds of police offi­cers over a thou­sand even, cops on horse-back, cops with Canines and ele­ments of every prac­ti­cal piece of asset the Police has at it’s dis­pos­al shut­tled in from Kingston into Montego Bay days ahead of the meeting.
The police must set the agen­da , mov­ing atten­dees through bar­ri­ers where they are searched before they are allowed into the gen­er­al area where the crowd would convene .
I real­ly don’t want to hear about mul­ti­ple entry/​egress points .
It is what it is secure it.

Part of the massive crowd of JLP supporters at in Sam Sharpe Square on Sunday.. Observer Photo..
Part of the mas­sive crowd of JLP sup­port­ers at in Sam Sharpe Square on Sunday..
Observer Photo..

Jamaican peo­ple under­stand one lan­guage, that is the lan­guage of force and pow­er. The police demon­strate feck­less­ness and weakness.
I have just about had it with the feck­less­ness of the Police. There is no crit­i­cal think­ing in the police depart­ment from what meets the eyes and what my sources tell me it’s all a damn show.
Every damn per­son com­ing to that event should have been ush­ered through police check­points . If a patron does not want to com­ply he/​she should leave or face arrest .
That means the pad­dy-wag­on should be on stand-by and yes each offi­cer appro­pri­ate­ly armed and issued with plas­tic handcuffs.
The police must accept respon­si­bil­i­ty for what occurred at that meet­ing, I don’t care that a sup­posed crim­i­nal got killed, that is not the impor­tant thing.
What this event laid bare is the incom­pe­tence of the police in secur­ing the patrons and the leader of the Opposition.
The fact that there was no shoot­ing at the PNP event a week ear­li­er is cold com­fort for the police and the Prime Minister.
