Jamaica Heading Back To The Dark Days Of The 1970’s…


As the tra­di­tion­al car­ni­val spec­ta­cle of elec­tion time cam­paign­ing kicks into high gear, Jamaicans fill the high­ways and byways in auto­mo­bile car­a­vans criss-cross­ing the Island in seem­ing rivers of green and orange bodies.
Yet under­neath the car­ni­val atmos­phere are more sin­is­ter events occur­ring which eludes the die-hard laborites and kum­reds[sic] with the excep­tion of those pulling the strings.

The Island’s Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller rose from the poor­er class through affil­i­a­tions and patron­age to occu­py the high­est elect­ed polit­i­cal office in the Island’s par­lia­men­tary demo­c­ra­t­ic system.
Miller climbed through the rough and tum­ble pol­i­tics which char­ac­ter­ize the Manley régime of the 70’s ‚the lethar­gic ret­ro­grade and cor­rup­tion filled reign of Percival James Patterson to cul­mi­nate in that lega­cy being hand­ed off to her.
Through it all many peo­ple have come to know Portia as a less than qual­i­fied per­son to lead the coun­try , but also to real­ize just how pow­er­ful patron­age pol­i­tics is in the island nation of 2.8 million.

Throughout Miller’s career var­i­ous descrip­tive words have been used to describe her that are far from com­pli­men­ta­ry. Her con­duct in pub­lic to those in the know, has been far from exem­plary and in many case could be ade­quate­ly described as abra­sive and the behav­ior of a crass virago.
It is on this basis that it is stun­ning that Miller would have the gall to threat­en legal action against Andrew Holness the Opposition leader for refer­ring to her as the biggest con-artist the coun­try ever had.
It was Miller who labeled Holness’s 10-point plan as a con job.

This bla­tant attempt at intim­i­da­tion from Miller and her legal team is par­tic­u­lar­ly hyp­o­crit­i­cal con­sid­er­ing Miller’s his­to­ry of call­ing Holness Enemy of the state and a pletho­ra of oth­er unsa­vory names.
Despite this hypocrisy there is more.
Portia Simpson Miller intends to use the legal sys­tem as anoth­er tool of the PNP to quite dis­sent on the Island.
Between the thugs in the street and the Courts on the oth­er end it appears Jamaica is head­ing once again to the dark days of the 70’s when Michael Manley locked up almost the entire polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion and death squads sum­mar­i­ly exe­cut­ed any­one dar­ing to stand with the oppo­si­tion par­ty in public.

The leader of the Opposition was asked to respond to the Prime Minister’s com­ments about his pro­posed 10-point-plan which she referred to as a con.
The Opposition Leader responded .
Quote: “The prime min­is­ter is the biggest con artist Jamaica has ever seen,”.
This is what she is suing about, accord­ing to her kum­red lawyer Bert Samuels.

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The prime min­is­ter is demand­ing: “… a suit­ably word­ed apol­o­gy, approved by our client be pub­lished on Television Jamaica, in the Jamaica Observer and The Gleaner and that our client be paid dam­ages com­men­su­rate with her sta­tion in life local­ly and inter­na­tion­al­ly, along with his (her attor­ney) legal costs.”
They also claim Miller is dimin­ished in the eyes of well mean­ing mem­bers of the society.
Note to Bert etal, you should be ashamed to file this despi­ca­ble brief as a so-called respect­ed mem­ber of the bar. When was Miller ever ele­vat­ed in the eyes of the pub­lic (not PNP)?
What you and well mean­ing mem­bers of the soci­ety should be con­cerned about is not the lega­cy of a char­la­tan but the hijack­ing of our democracy .
Threatening not to debate the leader of the oppo­si­tion based on Faux indig­na­tion reveal to the world that Miller is a less than qual­i­fied cow­ard­ly oppor­tunist who will do any­thing , includ­ing dimin­ish our demo­c­ra­t­ic process to hold onto power.

This medi­um hold no brief for Holness but it is a despi­ca­ble yet trans­par­ent attempt on the part of the sit­ting Prime Minister to avoid fac­ing the nation, using the legal process as a cam­paign tool .
As an offi­cer of the Court Samuels and the oth­er Attorneys should hang their heads in shame . It is vast­ly more impor­tant to work toward improv­ing our fledg­ling democ­ra­cy than to engage in this bla­tant un-demo­c­ra­t­ic act. You should hang your col­lec­tive heads in shame.
