Black Man Has Died After Louisiana Police Fired More Than 10 Shots At Him As He Walked Away


A 31-year-old Black man was killed by Louisiana police on Friday night while attempt­ing to walk away from offi­cers fol­low­ing an alter­ca­tion at a con­ve­nience store.

Trayford Pellerin was pro­nounced dead at a local hos­pi­tal after being struck by offi­cer gun­fire. Investigators said Lafayette police had been called to the scene fol­low­ing a dis­tur­bance at a con­ve­nience store along Evangeline Thruway and encoun­tered Pellerin, who was car­ry­ing a knife

Pellerin was unaf­fect­ed when police used tasers on him, the Louisiana State Police, which is inves­ti­gat­ing the shoot­ing, said in a statement.

Footage of part of the inci­dent, which cir­cu­lat­ed on social media, shows Pellerin walk­ing away from at least four offi­cers on foot, with their guns drawn, while oth­er offi­cers trailed in vehicles.

After a pur­suit on foot, in which Pellerin has his back to offi­cers, he approach­es the doors of a sec­ond con­ve­nience store. The offi­cers, who are only feet away, then shoot — fir­ing at least 10 shots as heard on video — and kill him.


A state police spokesper­son told BuzzFeed News that the inves­ti­ga­tion is ongo­ing and did not pro­vide fur­ther details.

Once again, video footage has cap­tured a hor­rif­ic and dead­ly inci­dent of police vio­lence against a Black per­son who was bru­tal­ly killed in front of our eyes,” said Alanah Odoms Hebert, exec­u­tive direc­tor of the ACLU of Louisiana, in a state­ment. “While we need to know much more about what occurred last night, we know that it began with a rou­tine ‘dis­tur­bance’ call and cell phone video from the scene clear­ly shows Mr. Pellerin mov­ing away — not towards — police offi­cers, only to be tased and then bru­tal­ly shot dead.”

The Acadiana Advocate in Lafayette report­ed that this is the third time a Lafayette Police Department offi­cer shot some­one in the past five weeks. LPD inter­im police chief Scott Morgan told the out­let that the offi­cers involved would be placed on paid leave, pend­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion. His depart­ment has also turned over the inves­ti­ga­tion to state police.‑pXGA3aByk?t=113

Pellerin’s death comes amid a nation­al reck­on­ing over the use of police vio­lence against Black peo­ple. Since the May killing of George Floyd, mil­lions have tak­en to the streets in protest of racial injus­tice and the uneven use of police force against Black peo­ple and oth­er minorities.

Local orga­niz­ers have orga­nized a protest over Pellerin’s death on Saturday in Lafayette.

Trayford Pellerin should be alive today,” Odoms Herbert said. “Instead, a fam­i­ly is mourn­ing and a com­mu­ni­ty is grieving.”
