We Honor Anthony Huber And Joseph Rosenbaum

Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum died in Kenosha Wisconsin at the hands of a deranged white suprema­cist who was only 17 years old.
Huber, 26, and Rosenbaum, 36, died on Tuesday night after they were fatal­ly shot while protest­ing in Kenosha, accord­ing to friends and family.
Video from the scene that has since gone viral shows sev­er­al pro­tes­tors, includ­ing one car­ry­ing a skate­board, attempt­ing to take down an armed man.
According to Huber’s girl­friend Hannah Gittings, the man with the skate­board in the video was her boyfriend.
“He was one of the most amaz­ing peo­ple,” she said dur­ing a vig­il on Wednesday night, The Chicago Sun-Times report­ed. “He had so much love in his heart for this city … he took down an armed gun­man with noth­ing but his f — — - skate­board, and he took that f — — - bullet.”

Victims of shooting during Kenosha protest both engaged gunman |  MyStateline.com

Rosenbaum’s sis­ter also spoke at the vig­il, say­ing that her broth­er was orig­i­nal­ly from Waco, Texas, but stayed in Wisconsin to be close to his 2‑year-old daugh­ter, The Chicago-Sun-Times report­ed. “He loved his daugh­ter very much,” she said.
A GoFundMe was also cre­at­ed in Rosenbaum’s name, though his sis­ter dis­cour­aged donors from con­tribut­ing because fam­i­ly mem­bers “have expens­es cov­ered” and “don’t need a GoFundMe page.”(peo​ple​.com, report­ed)

These two young white men gave their lives for a cause to which they did not need to. They were both white and male, two crit­i­cal fac­tors when it comes to the tox­ic white suprema­cist cul­ture that per­vades America.
Nevertheless, they braved being beat­en by police, shot with rub­ber bul­lets, suf­fo­cat­ed with gas, and in the end, they were killed by peo­ple the police gave water to and thanked for being there.

This is what is hap­pen­ing in America in 2020. This is what the world needs to see. these two heroes gave their lives for a cause greater than them­selves. A cause greater than America itself, the cause of jus­tice and equality.
This pub­li­ca­tion hon­ors their sacrifice.
