Barr-ing The Muller Report…

Robert Muller

In the hus­tle and bus­tle of every­day life and the chal­lenge to sim­ply put food on the table and get by, we are miss­ing some­thing rather con­se­quen­tial and prece­dent-set­ting.
The President of the United States, and his cam­paign has been under inves­ti­ga­tion by Special Counsel Robert Muller to deter­mine whether he, or his cam­paign, con­spired with a for­eign pow­er, [Russia], to defraud the United States in the 2016 Presidential Elections.

Donald Trump

As a result, a Special Counsel was appoint­ed, in the per­son of Robert Muller, for­mer Marine, for­mer FBI Director, Lawyer, Former Federal Prosecutor.
Muller’s man­date as Special Counsel, was dif­fer­ent than a Special Prosecutor, a‑la Kenneth Starr
Muller was tasked to look at whether Trump or his cam­paign con­spired with Russia to steal the elec­tions and there­by defraud the United States.
The chal­lenge for the American pub­lic which has an inter­est in jus­tice, fair­ness, the rule of law, and the con­cept that no one should be above the law, is the way the sys­tem is set up.
It is a sys­tem which means for all intents and pur­pos­es, a pres­i­dent can put him­self above the laws and there is pre­cious lit­tle any­one can do about it.

William Barr

According to what the present Attorney General William Barr revealed so far, Special Counsel Robert Muller did not exact­ly estab­lish a link that could stand the test of a crim­i­nal tri­al that Trump or his cam­paign had crim­i­nal­ly con­spired with Russia to defraud the United States.
That was the very first mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion made by William Baer. coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence inves­ti­ga­tions are not nec­es­sar­i­ly crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tions. Their results are for the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty and Congress.
The Attorney General took the view that the President had not com­mit­ted obstruc­tion of jus­tice, despite Trumps many acts of inter­fer­ence with the inves­ti­ga­tions in plain sight, notwith­stand­ing that deci­sion was not William Barr’s to make, but the deci­sion of the Congress.
(1) Firing James Comey, the FBI Director when he refused to pledge loy­al­ty and feal­ty to him.
(2) Lambasting then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recus­ing him­self from the inves­ti­ga­tions.
(3) Eventually fir­ing Jeff Sessions.
(4) Placing an unqual­i­fied polit­i­cal hack Matthew Whitaker in place to head the Justice Department after fir­ing Sessions. (After Whittaker had open­ly declared on Television that he knew how to end the Muller Investigations.
(5) After much out­cry at the Whittaker appoint­ment, nom­i­nat­ing William Barr, a man who wrote an exhaus­tive memo in sup­port of expan­sive Executive pow­er, and his dis­dain for hold­ing a pres­i­dent account­able for obstruct­ing jus­tice.
(6) Demonizing, embar­rass­ing and ulti­mate­ly fir­ing top-tiered Justice and FBI offi­cials who were instru­men­tal in start­ing a counter-intel­li­gence inves­ti­ga­tion into Russian inter­fer­ence into the 2016 Elections.
These are only a few of the steps Donald Trump took that are pub­lic, it begs the ques­tion of what kinds of actions he took in pri­vate over the two years that the Special Counsel Investigations were in effect.

The Justice Department and its employ­ees are part of the Executive Branch of Government. Subsequently, an inves­ti­ga­tion under­tak­en by the Justice Department is tech­ni­cal­ly under the con­trol of the chief executive,(the pres­i­dent). Even though the pres­i­dent is the sub­ject of the inves­ti­ga­tion, he has the pow­er under the laws to sup­press the find­ings of said Investigation.
The so-called safe­guards which had allowed this cha­rade to exist for as long as it did, were that pre­vi­ous pres­i­dents were less open­ly hos­tile to the rule of law.
So even though they may have open­ly bro­ken the laws, a‑la, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, the Bushes, in recent times, they still main­tained an expo­nen­tial­ly less dis­dain­ful atti­tude towards the laws of the nation.
The moral of all this, is that those laws were designed specif­i­cal­ly so that a cor­rupt President would not ever see the inside of a jail cell, unless he went into one to see con­di­tions for him­self as President Barack Obam did.
With all of Richard Nixon’s crimes, he resigned before he was tossed from office, but not before cut­ting a deal with Gerald Ford, the only man to have been vice pres­i­dent and pres­i­dent with­out being elect­ed by the vot­ers.
[Ford] par­doned Nixon imme­di­ate­ly h ascend­ed to the pres­i­den­cy, there­by ensur­ing that Richard Millhouse Nixon, the crim­i­nal, nev­er saw the inside of a jail cell.
The guise Ford used to jus­ti­fy his actions was that the Nation need­ed to heal. The irony of that posi­tion was that Richard Nixon know­ing­ly and crim­i­nal­ly cre­at­ed the Constitutional crisis.

Nancy Pelosi

For the peo­ple on the left who were of the opin­ion and belief that a find­ing by Robert Muller would result in Donald Trump being led out of the white house in hand­cuffs, it is a bit­ter pill to swal­low that the con­text of Muller’s find­ings will nev­er see the light of day, much less the truth of the crimes which were com­mit­ted in the process of cre­at­ing and main­tain­ing [a pres­i­dent Donald Trump].
There has been too much ener­gy and arro­gance invest­ed in the cre­ation of the sense of mys­tique and excep­tion­al­ism of America and the American Presidency, to allow a report on Donald Trump to destroy it.
Did any­one ever real­ly believe that there would be a report, (regard­less of the Investigator) which would say a for­eign pow­er picked and installed an American President? 
