Angry Bus Driver Who Complained About Coughing Passenger Dies From COVID-19

Jason Hargrove, a city bus dri­ver from Detroit who post­ed a video on social media angri­ly com­plain­ing about one of his pas­sen­gers who was cough­ing with­out cov­er­ing her mouth, has sad­ly died from COVID-19. He was only 50-years old.
Hargrove’s video was post­ed on his Facebook page just about two weeks ago. In the video, he talks about a woman who rode his bus and appar­ent­ly did not care and was not tak­ing the pan­dem­ic seri­ous­ly enough because she repeat­ed­ly coughed with­out cov­er­ing her mouth.
During his 8‑minute video, he is heard say­ing: “We out here as pub­lic work­ers, doing our jobs, try­ing to make an hon­est liv­ing to take care of our fam­i­lies, but for you to get on the bus and stand on the bus and cough sev­er­al times with­out cov­er­ing up your mouth … that lets me know that some folks don’t care. Utterly don’t give a f — , excuse my language.”

Just 4 days after record­ing and post­ing that video, Hargrove him­self began to feel sick and sad­ly passed away late Wednesday night.
Mike Duggan, the Mayor of Detroit, made a pub­lic announce­ment say­ing “every­body in America” should watch Hargrove’s video.
Duggan com­ment­ed, “He was infect­ed before we closed the front doors [on bus­es]. Some of his lan­guage is graph­ic, but I don’t know how you can watch it and not tear up. He knew his life was being put in jeop­ardy… by some­one who didn’t take this seri­ous­ly and now he’s gone.”
It remains unclear if Hargrove con­tract­ed the ill­ness from the spe­cif­ic pas­sen­ger that he ref­er­enced in the video.
