An Intelligent Electorate Would Have Routed The Republicans To The Extent The Party Would Disband Or Start From Scratch.

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Many in the media are crow­ing about what they char­ac­ter­ize as a Democratic vic­to­ry last November 8th at the polls. I do not under­stand how los­ing the house or the inabil­i­ty to win the sen­ate seats in Ohio and Wisconsin can be spun as a win.
Worse yet, I am still in shock after Donald Trump and his sup­port­ers attempt­ed a coup de tat; yet a third of the coun­try believes Trump did noth­ing wrong.
It is incom­pre­hen­si­ble that peo­ple who pre­vi­ous­ly self-brand­ed as patri­ots when they want­ed to un-Americanize oth­er peo­ple are sud­den­ly fine with the un-American idea of a leader who lost an elec­tion decid­ing he was­n’t going to hand over pow­er peaceably.

The net effect of the deci­sion of those vot­ers not to hold Republicans account­able for trea­son is that those same peo­ple are elect­ed to office and giv­en pow­er they do not deserve. And what exact­ly are the con­se­quences of that?
On Sunday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R‑Calif., vowed to remove Democratic Reps. Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, and Ilhan Omar from their con­gres­sion­al com­mit­tees when Republicans retake con­trol in the new Congress. During an appear­ance on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” McCarthy told anchor Maria Bartiromo that he would keep the promise he made in January to remove Swalwell and Schiff from the House Intelligence Committee and Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. McCarthy said Swalwell’s asso­ci­a­tion with a Chinese spy, Schiff’s pro­mo­tion of the Steele dossier, and Omar’s crit­i­cism of Israel dis­qual­i­fy them from serv­ing on their respec­tive panels.

Supporters of President Donald Trump climb the west wall of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/​Jose Luis Magana)

I said this before, and I reit­er­ate it here today, if think­ing peo­ple set aside what the cor­po­rate media feed them with its self-serv­ing agen­da, it is easy to see that the American vot­er is not what you are told.
Sophisticated, smart, and able to sort through the nuances of var­i­ous issues. All lies.
The American vot­er who would go into a vot­ing booth and cast a vote for a Republican can­di­date is none of the above. That vot­er is vot­ing on one issue and one issue only.…race.
If a vot­er is unmoved by what Donald Trump and his Republican cohorts did on January 6th, 2021, that vot­er is a straight-up racist who is vot­ing only to retain white pow­er in America.
The vot­ers who vot­ed to elect Republican can­di­dates to the House and Senate on November 8th, 2022, are exact­ly that, a pack of racist deplorable good-for-noth­ings… The main­stream media do not want to call them what they are, but Hillary Clinton got it right in 2016; they are deplorable.

The Republicans were elect­ed to the house due to insane ger­ry­man­dered dis­tricts across the coun­try, usu­al­ly under the direc­tion of Republican gov­er­nors and cement­ed by right-wing activists in the judi­cia­ry. The elec­tions were won in Florida, New York, California, and Wisconsin ger­ry­man­dered districts.
That aside, the vot­er had their chance to repu­di­ate the trea­so­nous repub­li­can par­ty, and they failed to do so. What does that say about peo­ple who would betray their coun­try, and side with politi­cians who cozy up to for­eign dictators?
The peo­ple who vot­ed to elect Republicans to the house and sen­ate deserve zero respect for their stu­pid­i­ty; let’s cut to the chase. These are not peo­ple who should have a vote.
All things con­sid­ered, the idea that vot­ers did not total­ly fol­low an inane tra­di­tion of giv­ing pow­er to the out-of-pow­er par­ty two years after a pres­i­den­tial elec­tion is an extreme­ly low bar for that elec­torate. An intel­li­gent elec­torate would have rout­ed the Republicans to the extent the par­ty would dis­band or start from scratch.
(1) Joe Biden passed an infra­struc­ture pack­age. (2) The $1.9 tril­lion COVID relief deal. (3 Highest appoint­ment of fed­er­al judges since Reagan. (4) Halt on Federal Executions. (5) Commitment to Combating Climate Change (6) Support for Transgender Service Members. (7)Reduced unemployment.

The Biden admin­is­tra­tion also effec­tive­ly took con­trol and end­ed the COVID scourge, hand­ed out bil­lions in Covid relief to cit­i­zens after the car­ni­val bark­er and his cronies played pol­i­tics with the pandemic.
Frankly, Joe Biden should have pri­or­i­tized Voting Rights over all of the above. Still, Republicans who do not want Black peo­ple to vote would not have sup­port­ed any mea­sure to enhance vot­ing rights.
The laws the trea­so­nous Republicans passed in sup­port of Trump’s lies had noth­ing to do with elec­tion integri­ty and every­thing to do with sub­vert­ing the vot­ing process of Blacks and oth­er minor­i­ty groups.
Unfortunately, some with­in the minor­i­ty com­mu­ni­ty have moved to the United States and aligned them­selves with the white nation­al­ist Fascist Republican par­ty to achieve a sem­blance of white acceptance.
This is what America has become because the media over­hyped a bare­ly lit­er­ate car­ni­val bark­ing, failed-at-every­thing nar­cis­sis­tic mon­grel to the high­est exec­u­tive office in the country.
May God help us all.….





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
