Criminal Rights Society:

We had been this way long before the advent of vio­lent video games, as the lyri­cal con­tent of our music changed to one that glo­ri­fies vio­lence and civ­il dis­obe­di­ence so did the lev­el of vio­lence and civ­il dis­obe­di­ence. I remem­ber as a boy hear­ing John Holt’s song“if yu con­tin­ue to bun down de herb we gonna bun dung de cane fields” , even at that age I detect­ed an omi­nous mes­sage in that song that I did not like, not look­ing to sin­gle out John Holt but the mes­sage was clear and there have been a whole slew of songs that have come and gone that have arguably added to the debate.

The mes­sage inher­ent in that song that rubs me the wrong way is the arro­gance of the singer in sug­gest­ing that the actions the state takes, legal actions, by the way, would be coun­tered with a crim­i­nal response, one that would cause harm to the larg­er pub­lic and the coun­try as a whole. That made my blood boil, even as a boy. 

Interestingly enough John Holt is at the top of the list of my favorite artists of all time.

Each year our police report over 1600 mur­ders of Jamaican cit­i­zens, there are unmen­tion­able rapes, shoot­ings, home inva­sions, rob­beries, arson, and a pletho­ra of oth­er seri­ous crimes that have lit­er­al­ly wiped out any qual­i­ty of life for mid­dle-class Jamaicans. In fact, mid­dle-class Jamaica exists no more, tra­di­tion­al mid­dle-class neigh­bor­hoods like, Vineyard Town, Water House, Marl Road, Olympic Gardens have long been turned into war zones and actu­al zones of polit­i­cal exclusions.

Later, more tra­di­tion­al areas like Moreton Park, St Andrew Park, Duhaney Park, and once exclu­sive mid­dle-class areas like Havendale has seen the rot and decay of zinc fence and squat­ters tak­ing over their com­mu­ni­ties, and the oblig­a­tory crime that comes with the sprawl.

Having patrolled those areas as well as all of the oth­er gar­risons and enclaves in Jamaica, I am acute­ly aware of the pain of mid­dle-class peo­ple who worked hard played by the rules and saw their stan­dard of liv­ing dete­ri­o­rate in front of their eyes. I can’t count how many homes I have been to in response to break­ing calls, and home inva­sions where a fam­i­ly was held up at gun­point and robbed and some­times the woman raped, usu­al­ly at the hands of men from as far as Arnett Gardens, Greenwich Farms and some­times as far as Portmore.

I can­not recall how many scenes of mur­der I have attend­ed as a mem­ber of the JCF where a man return­ing home was shot as he got out of his car to open his gate after a long day at work, usu­al­ly at the hands at some punk who asked him for some­thing but did not get it or felt he did not get enough.

Many busi­ness peo­ple have sim­ply packed it in and moved away, not because they want­ed to, but because it would be sui­ci­dal to stay, as a result, we have seen our coun­try get from bad to worse, reg­is­ter­ing almost twen­ty years of neg­a­tive growth.

In 1991 I exit­ed the Police Department of my own free will, I had got­ten a lit­tle tired of peo­ple ask­ing me why I was in the police force, and ask­ing if I was trained in Jamaica, my answer to these ques­tions were always the same , I loved to serve, and yes I was trained in Jamaica, and there were many cops like myself who just want­ed an oppor­tu­ni­ty to serve.

I now hear many talk about police offi­cers act­ing like they are not get­ting paid for the job they do, some even go as far as sug­gest that jobs are hard to come by so they should be glad to have a job. I think if those smart ass­es knew the attri­tion rate of the Jamaica Constabulary Force they would shut their mouths.

Serving in the Constabulary in Jamaica is like mil­i­tary ser­vice, the risks are the same as that of active mil­i­tary in wartime. most police offi­cers serve with dis­tinc­tion and trust me it is ser­vice, more in the form of servi­tude, con­sid­er­ing the pay and work­ing con­di­tions, those who feel that it’s such a great job should encour­age their kids to give ser­vice to coun­try by serv­ing in the mil­i­tary or police force, most Jamaicans how­ev­er poor want their kids to be lawyers and doc­tors, noth­ing wrong with that, but who will look out for safe­ty and secu­ri­ty? Certainly not the rapa­cious unscrupu­lous lawyers!

There have always been those who agi­tate against police, that is their right, there are indeed too many instances where police offi­cers have over­stepped their bounds and act­ed in a way that is con­trary to their train­ing and the depart­men­t’s pro­to­cols. This includes, but not con­fined to ques­tion­able shoot­ings. the lat­ter which can­not be looked at with­in the con­text of any oth­er police depart­ment or any oth­er coun­try, except a coun­try that has ver­i­fi­able sim­i­lar char­ac­ter­is­tics as our own.

There are those who point to the num­ber of police killings in the con­text of its numer­i­cal con­tent as if num­bers is a deter­mi­nant in how many peo­ple get shot by cops. What their num­bers fail to point to on every occa­sion is the num­ber of cops that get killed and injured annu­al­ly. Those num­bers are astro­nom­i­cal­ly high when com­pared to any oth­er police depart­ment in any oth­er coun­try, those num­bers do not get into the data col­lect­ed by the crim­i­nal rights groups oper­at­ing in Jamaica and fund­ed by out­side entities.

The Honourable Dr. Carolyn Gomes OJ (born March 30, 1958 in Kingston, Jamaica) is a Jamaican human rights activist. Dr. Gomes is also the co-founder and cur­rent Executive Director of Jamaicans for Justice.[1][2]On December 10, 2008, Dr. Gomes received the pres­ti­gious United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights.[3] On October 19 of the next year, she was hon­ored with the Order of Jamaica, in recog­ni­tion of her advo­ca­cy for human rights.

That did it for me under no cir­cum­stance would I rec­og­nize an awardee of either of the above-named entities.

The Daily Gleaner of August 27th detailed an account of two social climb­ing Mexican women pulled over by short­er dark-skinned Mexican police who gen­er­al­ly come from the indige­nous peo­ple. The women pro­ceed­ed to berate the offi­cers and went as far as slap­ping them for dar­ing to pull them over, the inef­fec­tu­al excus­es for cops allowed them to dri­ve away even though it was clear they had been drink­ing and posed a threat to the pub­lic, which was obvi­ous to the peo­ple who called the police in the first instance.

Of note is the iden­ti­cal envi­ron­ment that exists in both Jamaica and Mexico, one of the castes, those above the law do as they please, the result, two coun­tries with the high­est mur­der rates in the world. Both com­pet­ing for the dubi­ous dis­tinc­tion of mur­der capital.

Just recent­ly Vicente Fox for­mer Mexican President sug­gest­ed that the cur­rent President call a truce with the drug car­tels. President Calderon has waged a sys­tem­at­ic and sus­tained war against the car­tels, and cor­rect­ly so, there should be no dis­cus­sions with ter­ror­ists and crim­i­nals, the Mexican state should hunt them down like dogs and destroy them wher­ev­er it finds them.

That con­cil­ia­to­ry tone of Fox is the tone Jamaicans want to take with crim­i­nals, it’s no won­der Jamaica is mired in crim­i­nal­i­ty, and Vicente Fox was inef­fec­tive as pres­i­dent of Mexico. This blog com­mends pres­i­dent Calderone for his prin­ci­pled stance against ter­ror­ists that would destroy his country.

This is the kind of Jamaica that Carolyn Gomes and her for­eign han­dlers want. The European Union and the moth­er group British based Amnesty International funds Gomes and her agency JFJtheir job is to aggi­tate and sow dis­cord , cre­at­ing enmi­ty between the peo­ple and their police department.

A coun­try that has high crime and civ­il unrest can­not grow, check and mate. Our peo­ple are play­ing into the hands of the very same peo­ple who enslaved us. This time they are doing it under the guise of human rights, do you believe peo­ple in England care one hoot about how you live? ask your­selves why do they find it nesces­sary to give her all the fund­ing she needs to desta­bi­lize our coun­try? Why do they fund her so that she could quit her pedi­atric prac­tice to do their bid­ding full time?

Carolyn Gomes has been at the fore­front of crim­i­nals sup­port in Jamaica, she has waged a sys­tem­at­ic and con­cert­ed cru­sade against the secu­ri­ty forces , elic­it­ing and secur­ing fund­ing from var­i­ous for­eign groups to include the European union and oth­ers to sup­ply them with data which she does , not car­ing about the verac­i­ty of the data .

Gomes’ vendet­ta is report­ed to come from a case where a rel­a­tive got entan­gled with the law . Obviously Gomes feels she and her fam­i­ly are above Jamaican laws, and are enti­tled to roy­al treatment.

I have point­ed to her deceit and lies in pre­vi­ous posts and once again ask, who is the pup­pet mas­ter behind Carolyn Gomes , a white woman, who con­tin­ue to receive huge sums of mon­ey to wage a cru­sade against Jamaica’s secu­ri­ty forces.

How much mon­ey is she being paid that she could give up her pedi­atric practice.

Does JFJ pay tax­es on the monies it takes in from for­eign bodies.

What infor­ma­tion does she give to her mas­ters in Washington and London?

Is JFJ in breach of Jamaican laws?

Why is Carolyn Gomes allowed to sup­ply false infor­ma­tion to for­eign agen­cies and there is no investigation?

Is the Jamaican Government of both polit­i­cal gangs in league with Gomes in sell­ing out Jamaica’s secrets and secu­ri­ty details to for­eign agen­cies and if so why?

What is the true rea­son she was award­ed with the title Honorable and giv­en an Order of Jamaica?

Those awards and titles now makes me nau­seous , and is not wor­thy to be spat upon.

Recently a series of behead­ings gripped the nation, includ­ed in the unfor­tu­nate list of vic­tims were a pas­tor and her daugh­ter, their crimes? speak­ing to the press, their sev­ered heads were recov­ered from the Rio cobre riv­er. This was fol­lowed by the grue­some killing of Norma-Lyn Hall, a senior lec­tur­er at Brown’s Town Community College, and her hus­band Stephen Hall. of Discovery Bay.

Early reports sug­gest the cou­ple was mur­dered in their home and their bod­ies dumped in a sec­tion of the com­mu­ni­ty called lake­side park, the police report­ed that the couple’s sport util­i­ty vehi­cle was also miss­ing from their home.

Despite the killing of these trea­sured Jamaicans the for­eign con­trolled insur­gency group Jamaicans for Justice and its reac­tionary leader Carolyn Gomes did not utter a word of con­dem­na­tion to the killers of these pos­i­tive Jamaicans, not one word of sup­port to the fam­i­lies, nothing.

Yet true to form they were all over the news thanks to their friends at the Gleaner and oth­er acqui­esc­ing media hous­es , call­ing for the swift tri­al and impris­on­ment of ex-cop Walter Spikes who was alleged­ly deport­ed to Jamaica. Spikes was alleged to have fired the shot 8 years ago that killed a lit­tle girl Renee’ Lyons, Spikes was alleged­ly chas­ing a sus­pect at the time.

Why does Foreign han­dled Carolyn Gomes and JFJ not care about good decent Jamaicans that are killed by the hun­dreds annu­al­ly , but are obsessed with cops who in the exe­cu­tion of their duties make mistakes?

Why did Officer Spikes and the oth­er cops who decide not to face Jamaican courts flee, is there an inher­ent hos­til­i­ty in the Jamaican judi­cia­ry fuelled by out­side groups that makes it impos­si­ble for cops to get a fair trial?

We know there is a seri­ous prob­lem with judges who act like they are part of defense teams, we know mon­ey is chang­ing hands, between lawyers, accused, and judges. Does the pub­lic know that their secu­ri­ty is being com­pro­mised because cops can­not do their jobs because there are forces that want Jamaica to fail and are active­ly work­ing to keep the coun­try behold­en to agen­cies like the World bank, International mon­e­tary fund, and the European union?

Recently the European Union begged Agencies like Jamaicans for Justice to come get mon­ey to sup­pos­ed­ly strength­en human rights, does any­one know any­one or any agency that gives mon­ey for free, with­out an agenda?

It is time for ordi­nay Jamaicans to accept that the Foreign group called Jamaicans for jus­tice has noth­ing to do with Jamaica but is a spy agency for for­eign inter­ests . The soon­er they wake up the bet­ter , or it will be too late . Your chil­dren’s future depends on it.

mike beck­les:

have your say:

One thought on “Criminal Rights Society:

  1. If Carolyn Gomes had a rel­a­tive who had a run in with the law and that was the rea­son she end­ed up lead­ing JFJ then indeed her motives are 100% sus­pi­cious. I don’t think it is like­ly though that she is active­ly con­spir­ing with the EU to keep Jamaica law­less. Rather I think she is hood­wink­ing the EU. After all the EU is against drug traf­fick­ing. Even the Netherlands where one can legal­ly buy mar­i­jua­na would be against drug traf­fick­ing since that trade would rep­re­sent com­pe­ti­tion. The rest of the EU coun­tries don’t sup­port drugs in any form. Indeed Britain was one of the part­ners in the for­mer­ly secret MOUs that allowed secu­ri­ty orga­ni­za­tions to wire­tap sus­pect­ed crim­i­nals and the British High Commission told the US Embassy that James Robertson was involved in crim­i­nal activ­i­ty and now we have James Robertson’s visa being can­celled. However as the EU orga­ni­za­tion respon­si­ble for giv­ing out funds to human rights orga­ni­za­tions prob­a­bly does not have any one in Jamaica to assess the verac­i­ty of Gomes’ claims to it, they prob­a­bly just have to take her word at it for the kind of work she claims to be doing. I doubt very much that she would noti­fy the EU agency respon­si­ble for her fund­ing that she is selec­tive in whom her orga­ni­za­tion gives sup­port to nor would she dare tell them that she is against the police force in gen­er­al. Indeed I remem­ber past utter­ances where she gave lip ser­vice to the con­cept of a func­tion­ing police force. She prob­a­bly repeats those utter­ances to those who fund her. However the trick though is that her “plans” for a func­tion­ing police force would result in anar­chy; such as her plan for the entire police force to be dis­band­ed and then replaced by a new (and small­er) police ser­vice. Given that we have one of the low­est police to civil­ian ratios in the region, if not the world it is lit­tle won­der that we have a high crime rate, but Gomes’ appar­ent­ly thinks it is too high. I view that sug­ges­tion in the same vein as the Bruce Golding gov­ern­men­t’s idea to move the JDF out of Kingston entire­ly by sell­ing off Up Park Camp (to their friends of course) and into St. Catherine. One can only imag­ine what would have hap­pened had this move been car­ried out before the gov­ern­ment was pres­sured into sign­ing the extra­di­tion request for Dudus (who plead­ed guilty by the way). We could well have expe­ri­enced a crim­i­nal ram­page in the city akin to what hap­pened in Colombia and what hap­pens in parts of Mexico with the JDF hav­ing to first fight their way into Kingston along a Mandela Highway that would obvi­ous­ly have been blocked. We might have seen far more days of vio­lence that had actu­al­ly occurred. 

    I also don’t blame the World Bank or IMF for our woes. After all the IMF and World Bank are in the busi­ness of giv­ing loans. You can’t expect them to go against the very foun­da­tions of their orga­ni­za­tions by telling Jamaica “no you should stop bor­row­ing!”. Imagine any bank telling you that! And they also don’t need to con­spire to keep Jamaica poor. We do that all by our­selves because we are addict­ed to bor­row­ing. Note how the papers edi­to­r­i­al car­toons (espe­cial­ly the car­toon in the gov­ern­ment pro­pa­gan­da paper) lion­ize a cer­tain finance min­is­ter for get­ting loans. As some colum­nists have said, ours must be one of the few coun­tries where our finance min­is­ters are gen­er­al­ly applaud­ed for increas­ing the nation­al debt. Both par­ties have a bor­row­ing men­tal­i­ty and if the IMF and World Bank were not around they would doubtless­ly bor­row from some­body else when­ev­er they form the government.

    We just need to stop bor­row­ing and pri­or­i­tize spend­ing. There seems lit­tle point in spend­ing mon­ey on roads the way we do since even some of of the JDIP fund­ed roads now have uneven sur­faces (the pre­cur­sors to pot­holes) and very, very shal­low chan­nels in them and some non-JDIP fund­ed road fix­es have fall­en into dis­re­pair already. So just patch them as we used and spend all the extra mon­ey on edu­ca­tion (it should be shame­ful to us that our uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents are prac­ti­cal­ly the only ones in the region which do not receive near total gov­ern­ment sub­sidy and that while oth­er coun­tries’ poor­est schools have white­boards and black mark­ers our poor­est schools have teach­ers strug­gling just to buy white chalk for some real­ly ancient black­boards) and secu­ri­ty (dou­ble the size of the police force and revamp the academy).

    [By the way I did as you said and con­tact­ed you Mr. Beckles using the “Contact Me” option at the top but I haven’t got­ten any email]

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