Carolyn Gomes Lies:

Damion Mitchell, News Editor 
The Gleaner/​Power 106 News Centre

The Supreme Court has giv­en the Police Service Commission (PSC), until September 28 to file affi­davits in response to an appli­ca­tion by human rights lob­by group Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ).
The JFJ seeks to bar any pro­mo­tion of police super­in­ten­dent Delroy Hewitt, the com­man­der for the South St. Andrew Police Division. 
The JFJ has con­tend­ed that in 2009, it received some 13 com­plaints involv­ing 28 alle­ga­tions of crim­i­nal con­duct by super­in­ten­dent Hewitt, and that it has writ­ten to the PSC ask­ing for an inves­ti­ga­tion into the allegations. 
The PSC had report­ed­ly asked the police com­mis­sion­er to review the complaints. 
 However, the PSC has not made the find­ings of the commissioner’s inves­ti­ga­tion available. 
According to the JFJ, some­time in March this year, it heard by way of the media that Hewitt was to act as a senior super­in­ten­dent of police. The JFJ said it then wrote to the PSC and the police com­mis­sion­er seek­ing ver­i­fi­ca­tion on the mat­ter but got no response. 
As a result, the JFJ took the issue to the Supreme Court in June seek­ing an order to quash any deci­sion by the PSC to rec­om­mend the pro­mo­tion of Superintendent Hewitt. 
The JFJ is also seeks an order to com­pel the PSC to con­duct a thor­ough and impar­tial probe into the 28 alle­ga­tions of mis­con­duct against the senior cop.damion.​mitchell@​gleanerjm.​com

Carolyn Gomes
This new devel­op­ment is one more instance of Gomes lies, as I com­ment­ed, in web­post titled (HUMAN RIGHTS IN JAMAICA) post­ed Sept:3rd.2011
Carolyn Gomes has once again shown that she is will­ing to use Jamaica’s bro­ken jus­tice sys­tem to wage war on indi­vid­ual police offi­cers. In the post of September 3rd I detailed how she took flawed and in some instances false data to the Inter American Commission of Human Rights in Washington DC. In the post I also detailed fac­tu­al­ly, from her own tes­ti­mo­ny at the com­mis­sion and at a lat­er inter­view on TVJ, that she was unable to prove the innu­en­dos she pre­sent­ed as facts, infor­ma­tion that has been debunked by the Government and by Gomes own statements.
Not only has Gomes and her Organization sup­plied flawed infor­ma­tion to her han­dlers in Washington, but she dragged the name of Superintendent Delroy Hewitt to the com­mis­sion stat­ing unsub­stan­ti­at­ed, that Hewitt have been accused of sev­er­al cas­es of extra-judi­cial killings. Neither Gomes nor any­one in her orga­ni­za­tion pre­sent­ed one shred of evi­dence to the com­mis­sion that would impli­cate , much less con­vict Superintendent Hewitt in a court of law, yet no one except us on these blogs, has sought to call out Gomes on her lies and slander.
The Police Commissioner for his part, is alleged by Gomes to have told her that Hewitt is one of his best offi­cers, yet Ellington lacked the back­bone or the balls to stand up and issue a state­ment in defense of super­in­ten­dent Hewitt.
In the first instance if Gomes have infor­ma­tion that is admis­si­ble in a court of law which may impli­cate Delroy Hewitt I call on her and her han­dlers to sup­ply that infor­ma­tion to the duly con­sti­tut­ed author­i­ty in Jamaica that is charged with the pros­e­cu­tion of offend­ers, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution. Knowing the modus operan­di of Gomes how­ev­er I am sure she will argue that the DPP can­not be trust­ed to pros­e­cute any­one , least of all police officers.
The DPP was not spared the wrath of Gomes’ slan­der either .
Last night I watched as big wigs from Amnesty International stood on the grounds of the Georgia cor­rec­tion­al facil­i­ty and watched American Justice play out, whether one agrees with the actions of the state of Georgia is imma­te­r­i­al, the fact is that they had zero influ­ence in the way law enforce­ment or the jus­tice sys­tem work in that state or any state. They stood like every­one else , where they were told to stand , under threat of expul­sion if they moved from that spot, they watched and wait­ed for word as inside Troy Anthony Davis was being exe­cut­ed for the crime of mur­der of a police offi­cer 22 years ago.
In America Amnesty International had zero influ­ence, zero ! in pre­vent­ing a con­vict­ed mur­der­er from get­ting the death penal­ty even stayed, much less vacated.
In Jamaica Amnesty International through its sur­ro­gate Carolyn Gomes has suc­cess­ful­ly used the shit of a jus­tice sys­tem to sand­bag the car­rear of a hero police offi­cer with­out one shred of evi­dence of wrong doing by that officer.
I have long argued that the jus­tice sys­tem in Jamaica was bro­ken and down­right irrel­e­vant , this new move by the supreme court has sunk to the lev­el of putrid garbage.
Serious democ­ra­cies do not allow any­thing to stand in the way of the admin­is­tra­tion of the rule of law, the law is the law.
Carolyn Gomes if you have evi­dence of wrong doing on the part of Superintendent Delroy Hewitt, give that evi­dence to the DPP, oth­er­wise we will con­tin­ue to tell the world that you are a liar and a fraud.
We are read world­wide, and we will con­tin­ue to present the truth , you may be impor­tant to some, we on the oth­er hand are not fooled by you.
We are watch­ing,.….….….…. we see a lot .
mike beck­les:
have your say:


Wayne Henriques affec­tion­ate­ly called max

Above is the pic­ture of late Police Sargeant Wayne Henriques affec­tion­ate­ly ref­ered to as Max, by those who knew and loved him. Here my fel­low humans, is the face of a the brave men and women of Jamaica’s secu­ri­ty forces who toil tire­less­ly for mar­gin­al compensation,and oper­ate under deplorable work­ing conditions.

I ask all of you whom are not sup­port­ers of crim­i­nal­i­ty to remem­ber this face.

Wayne Henriques was a mar­ried father , a car­rear cop , on leave cel­e­brat­ing his wed­ding anniversary . 

Wayne was called away from his love­ly wife and won­der­ful kids, called back into the ser­vice of oth­ers, his fam­i­ly nev­er saw him again .

Sargeant Wayne Henriques and his col­leagues were bru­tal­ly attacked on MountainView avenue , when the shoot­ing end­ed Wayne and one of his col­leagues lay dead , while six oth­er offi­cers were shot and seri­ous­ly wound­ed by AK47 tot­ing mili­tia-men. Wayne Henriques had gone to the aid of a fel­low Jamaican, a woman strand­ed at bar­ri­cades erect­ed by maraud­ing urban terrorists.

Jamaica under what obtains for nor­mal­cy sees 1600 homi­cides annu­al­ly. Young boys and girls are sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly and rou­tine­ly raped in gar­ri­son com­mu­ni­ties , deprived of their God-giv­en rights to be kids and enjoy the pure inno­cence of being chil­dren. Parents are forced to false­ly report their daugh­ters miss­ing to police, after send­ing them to oth­er parts of the coun­try to live with rel­a­tives and friends, in order to pro­tect them from the ordeal of hav­ing to acqui­esce to the lust­ful drug induced sex­u­al per­ver­sion of local thugs who des­ig­nate them­selves “dons”.

Residents cow­er in fear in their own homes behind lay­ers and lay­ers of met­al bars, effec­tive­ly mak­ing them­selves pris­on­ers in their own homes. Even lay­ers of met­al bars are insuf­fi­cient in pro­tect­ing the cow­er­ing pop­u­lace if they run afoul of local thugs . Any such infrac­tion real or per­ceived, results in res­i­dents homes fire­bombed and any­one flee­ing the flames machine-gunned.
No one is immune from the fusilade of bul­lets, not even just born babies.
The coun­try, even out­side the scare of the Tivoli Invasion has no real growth or devel­ope­ment of con­se­quence to point to, crime and vio­lence has lit­er­al­ly crip­pled agri­cul­tur­al and man­u­fac­tur­ing sec­tors, most com­pa­nies have sim­ply moved away. Those with American Visas have left, oth­ers are forced to scrounge and beg, liv­ing off the largess of rel­a­tives and friends liv­ing abroad. Remittance is now Jamaica’s num­ber two for­eign exchange earn­er. Tourism the cash cow has seen more and more hote­liers offer­ing all-inclu­sive deals with a view to keep­ing their guests safe.
Farmers have no incen­tive to raise ani­mals which are rou­tine­ly stolen. Many whom are crop farm­ers have decid­ed against their cho­sen pro­fes­sion as their crops are sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly stolen.
Most Jamaicans liv­ing at home, or those who vis­it, will attest to the dire hard­ship of sur­viv­ing in Jamaica. Number one at the top of their stress list , is the issue of per­va­sive crim­i­nal­i­ty, and Government’s seem­ing indif­fer­ence to the direct and cumu­la­tive neg­a­tive effect it has on the nation’s psyche.
As a for­mer law enforce­ment offi­cer I am aware, with­out fear of con­tra­dic­tion, of the dan­ger, stress, and per­il , in being a police offi­cer in our coun­try. The world’s largest Police force the (NYPD) found out in the late 80“s to ear­ly 90’s how lethal Jamaican crim­i­nals were. They came to their sens­es when shock­ing­ly, one of their offi­cers was bru­tal­ly mur­dered sit­ting in his patrol car in Queens NY.
All across the United Sates, from California to New York , and as far as Alaska, State and fed­er­al offi­cials were forced to adopt appro­pri­ate, and decid­ed mea­sures to effec­tive­ly counter, con­tain, and degrade the capa­bil­i­ties of Jamaica’s ter­ror­is­tic drug deal­ing thugs.
Every year sev­er­al police Officers are mur­dered in Jamaica some on the front­lines, some mur­dered in the sanc­tu­ary of their very homes.
The report from Jamaicans for Justice, that suc­ceed­ed the May 2010 annex­a­tion of Tivoli Gardens by the secu­ri­ty forces , made no men­tion of the cir­cum­stances that led to the death of res­i­dents of that enclave.
No men­tion was made to her han­dlers, of the police sta­tions that were bombed and the police offi­cers, and mem­bers of the mil­i­tary who were killed and injured.
There was no men­tion of the restraint allud­ed to by the Observer report above.
Bureaucrats on the Commission, wher­ev­er they are domi­ciled, are patent­ly aware that in no coun­try in the world would that kind of assault be tol­er­at­ed or allowed to foment, much less unleashed on any state.
Expressed ene­mies of the state Randy Weaver was swift­ly deal with on Ruby Ridge by the FBI.
David Coresh and the Branch Davidians were expe­di­tious­ly exter­mi­nat­ed by the ATF.
The Black pan­ther par­ty was effec­tive­ly dec­i­mat­ed with bombs in Philadelphia.
Terrorists in Britain , Moscow, Tel Aviv, Paris,Mumbai , and wher­ev­er they raise their ugly heads are effec­tive­ly dealt with.
What makes Jamaica any different?
What is the pur­pose of enquiries by some that have no clout or lever­age in ques­tion­ing their own state or local offi­cials, much less Federal authorities.
Who and what gives them the right to demand reports , and sit in Judgement of our secu­ri­ty forces when they appro­pri­ate­ly put down acts of bla­tant ter­ror , and anarchy.
Carolyn Gomes took the name of one of Jamaica’s most ded­i­cat­ed police offi­cers to that com­mis­sion , where she made unsub­stan­ti­at­ed alle­ga­tions against him.
The Government’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive Audrey Marks dis­gust­ed­ly made no attempt at stand­ing up for Superintendent Delroy Hewitt a fine police officer .
Hewitt’s name was uncer­e­mo­ni­ous­ly dragged through the mud by Gomes and the oth­er mercenary,who false­ly alleged that he is guilty of sev­er­al cas­es of extra judi­cial killings, if ever there was an offi­cer that was 180 degree opposed to that kind of behav­ior it would be Delroy Hewitt.
Gomes was unhap­py with the fact that Ellington, Jamaica’s police com­mis­sion­er was hav­ing none of the nonsense,and stat­ed quote“that is one of my best officers” .,
Those who do not know Delroy Hewitt may form their opin­ions. Here’s what I have to say to Gomes.“Those hon­ors you received on the backs of dead police and mil­i­tary offi­cers , may they burn you in hell”.
Jamaica is a devel­op­ing coun­try that could have been a gem had­n’t it been for unscrupu­lous politi­cians,. The prob­lems the coun­try faces are many and varied.
Ideally peo­ple arrest­ed by the state should be guar­an­teed a bed on which to sleep, ade­quate ablu­tion area and some degree of exer­cise. Children find­ing them­selves in police lock-ups are not the fault of the police, but of their par­ents first, and the Government second.
Police offi­cers can­not take juve­nile offend­ers to their homes , they have to be housed at police sta­tions, absent facil­i­ties fur­nished by Government.
If police offi­cers refused to arrest offend­ers juve­nile or oth­er­wise, Gomes’ argu­ments would be that police are inef­fec­tive, and useless.
As a Jamaican I refuse to allow Carolyn Gomes to use revi­sion­ist his­to­ry to rewrite what pre­cip­i­tat­ed the actions of the secu­ri­ty forces in Tivoli gar­dens in May of 2010. We do not know what hap­pened in the fog of war in Tivoli gar­dens. We weren’t there, and nei­ther was Carolyn Gomes or the peo­ple who sup­port her. We are unaware of any instances of extra­ju­di­cial killings by any mem­ber of the secu­ri­ty forces, we weren’t there , and nei­ther was Gomes or her affiliates.
Irresponsibly shout­ing about extra­ju­di­cial killings with­out evi­dence of same, or a tech­ni­cal under­stand­ing of what it con­sti­tutes , or because some­one say so does not make it cred­i­ble. Gomes sim­ply do not know what con­sti­tutes extra­ju­di­cial killings, evi­dence of which may be found in her inter­view with TVJ, in that dis­joint­ed ram­ble she showed she was out of her league as it relates to what con­sti­tutes mur­der , manslaugh­ter, or even an unlaw­ful killing, she even mean­dered into death by motor vehicle.
We sug­gest Gomes con­fine her­self to her pedi­atric prac­tice and leave law enforce­ment to those whose job it is to enforce the laws.
Jamaicans liv­ing in gar­risons have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly and rou­tine­ly demon­strat­ed against police irre­spec­tive of what actions they take. In some instance they are intim­i­dat­ed into doing so, some­times the do so will­ing­ly, and on oth­er occa­sions they are paid to do so. It is com­mon for them to wail and throw them­selves on the ground detail­ing what they claim to be acts of extra­ju­di­cial killings that hap­pened in their view at 3:am inside the vic­tims’ house, even though they do not live in the same house.
Members of Jamaican media are gen­er­al­ly more than will­ing to grant pro­fes­sion­al mourn­ers a soap-box know­ing full well they are lying. “Welcome to Jamaica , no prob­lem man” many hear this refrain ‚but are unaware of the dirty under­bel­ly of Jamaican life , an under­bel­ly that seem to get more sor­did with each pass­ing year.
A mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces may use dead­ly force in defence of his life or that of another.
If some­one shoots at an offi­cer then drops the weapon and puts his hands up police are not jus­ti­fied in killing him.
If a per­son points a weapon at an offi­cer , even though he has­n’t fired the weapon that offi­cer is jus­ti­fied in tak­ing that per­son out. If after the offi­cer neu­tral­izes the threat to him­self or any oth­er per­son , and it is dis­cov­ered that the weapon was a fake, or was emp­ty, the offi­cer is still jus­ti­fied in the actions he took, as he could not have know that the weapon was fake or empty.
If an offi­cer who, observes a per­son with a gun in the com­mis­sion of a crime, orders that per­son to drop the weapon, as long as the gun is point­ed at some­one, that offi­cer is jus­ti­fied under the law in tak­ing that per­son out , if he refus­es to obey said offi­cers commands.
Police offi­cers are jus­ti­fied in shoot­ing some­one armed with oth­er weapons , like knives , machetes, etc, if that per­son dis­obeys com­mands to drop the weapon and advances on the offi­cer in a threat­en­ing manner.
Each and every case of police shoot­ing must be looked at as a sin­gle case in and of itself,and can­not rea­son­ably be viewed with­in a broad­er con­text of oth­er killings,even by the same officer.
A Surgeon who loos­es a patient in the oper­at­ing the­atre is not a mur­der­er, unless there is evi­dence of malfea­sance, or neglect. A police offi­cer who kills a crim­i­nal just­ly , is not a mur­der­er that is the nature of his job. No argu­ment about the amount of peo­ple killed by an offi­cer or a unit, is cred­i­ble as a barom­e­ter in deter­min­ing crim­i­nal cul­pa­bil­i­ty by itself, . What those num­bers point to, is the effec­tive­ness and hard work of that unit or individual.
All cas­es are dif­fer­ent, Gomes’ argu­ments about what she per­ceives as the quote ‘unten­able” amount of police killings based on the num­ber of crim­i­nals shot , is an argu­ment she will find unten­able and impos­si­ble to substantiate.
They go not to any unsub­stan­ti­at­ed alle­ga­tion of abuse as she wants the world to believe ‚but more so to the ram­pant , unchecked crim­i­nal­i­ty that is the norm in Jamaica.
In order for that argu­ment to have cred­i­bil­i­ty, or legit­i­ma­cy, a Trier of facts , versed in the laws as they relate to the use of lethal force , would have to deter­mine that each and every case of shoot­ing by mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces was an ille­gal unjus­ti­fied act.
If any such Trier of fact is unable to do so, then those argu­ments based on num­bers , is one of igno­rance, steeped in mal­ice, and does not deserve a response. That is the predica­ment in which Gomes and those who sup­port her find themselves.
Gomes and oth­ers like Earl Witter (pub­lic defend­er) main­tains legit­i­ma­cy by using police , they are not the only ones , to have done so.

Every lit­tle lout in talk radio has done so , Politicians have done so , Gomes and her lot are just the lat­est bunch to have got­ten on the band wag­gon, and it damn sure is work­ing. She has gar­nered sev­er­al awards so far. 

Where are the awards for Wayne Henriques and others?

have your say:


The fol­low­ing is an inter­view giv­en by Carolyn Gomes to a local tele­vi­sion station.

Dr. Carolyn Gomes OJ (born March 30, 1958 in Kingston, Jamaica) is a Jamaican human rights activist. Dr. Gomes is also the co-founder and cur­rent Executive Director of Jamaicans for Justice.[1][2] On December 10, 2008, Dr. Gomes received the pres­ti­gious United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights.[3] On October 19 of the next year, she was hon­ored with the Order of Jamaica, in recog­ni­tion of her advo­ca­cy for human rights. Notice that Gomes has received one of the high­est hon­or that can be bestowed on any Jamaican.

http://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​T​H​P​K​7​Y​8​k​Rn4 See Gomes and JFJ at the Inter American Commission of Human Rights hear­ing in Washington DC.

Interviewer ; You said you made a pre­sen­ta­tion to the inter-American com­mis­sion on human rights the report looked at human rights issues in Jamaica since the state of emer­gency last year, now on the set with us to tell us more about that report is Jamaicans for Justice Dr. Carolyn Gomes exec­u­tive direc­tor of Jamaicans for jus­tice, good morn­ing again, wel­come once again to smile Jamaica, 

Gomes: Good morn­ing nice to be here with you>

Interviewer: So you did what exact­ly when you said you made a presentation.?

Gomes: We looked at the data we had in our files over the course of last year and we put it all togeth­er and we made a report, we asked for an oppur­tu­ni­ty to present it in per­son ‚because we could have sent it in and said here’s our report, but we ahem got an oppor­tu­ni­ty to present it in per­son at the inter-American com­mis­sion in Washington there was a pan­el of three com­mis­sion­ers plus the deputy exec­u­tive sec­re­tary and then the Government had an oppur­tu­ni­ty to respond and was rep­re­sent­ed by ambas­sador Marks and a mem­ber of the Consular staff.

Interviewer: And your report sug­gest­ed what? that you did­n’t like what was going on did you give a per­son­al opinion?

Gomes : We said we very upset by the rise in what was already an unten­able num­ber of fatal shoot­ings by the Police, which in fact went up by over 20% last year based on their own fig­ures, year on year, and that does not include the deaths of those killed in Tivoli, or those who the fig­ures acknowl­edged were killed by sol­diers out­side of Tivoli, when you put all of those togeth­er, we were at a rate of almost 400, and in con­text more than one in five peo­ple who died vio­lent­ly, died at the hands of the police.

Let’ just back up right here because I can­not rely on the Interviewer to ask ques­tions backed up by real facts and fig­ures of this per­son who took Jamaica’s name abroad, so let me present some facts.

Jamaica has one of the high­est mur­der rate in the world ‚we com­pete with coun­tries like Mexico and Colombia.

Jamaica’s crim­i­nals are some of the most vio­lent crim­i­nals on plan­et earth,they love to kill police officers.

During the time that this so-called report was pre­sent­ed the coun­try was expe­ri­enc­ing one of the most tur­bu­lent peri­ods in its his­to­ry, police sta­tions were torched , offi­cers mur­dered, to include eight offi­cers shot in one ambush on moun­tain view avenue , two offi­cers died that night at the hands of ter­ror­ists includ­ing the pop­u­lar sergeant Wayne Henriques.

Members of the mil­i­tary were killed.

Members of the ISCF were killed.

Untold num­bers of peo­ple were slaugh­tered by urban ter­ror­ists loy­al to alleged drug and gun run­ner Christopher( dudus )Coke.

The report made no men­tion of any of these facts.

Let’s read some more.

Interviewer: Does it nec­es­sar­i­ly mean an abuse of human rights when when.….

Gomes: Police kill? No absolute­ly not!and that is one of the things we have con­tend­ed from the very begin­ning Simon that the police are in fact on e of the only groups in the coun­try that are allowed to legal­ly kill some­body in defense of them­selves or oth­er peo­ple.…… the point becomes what are the legal­i­ty of a shoot­ing one of the things we have said from the very begin­ning is that the sys­tem put in place aren’t able to cred­i­bly clear police­men of act­ing absolute­ly with­in the law,and right­eous­ly, they call it a right­eous shooting.…

Interviewer inter­rupt­ing; so does that mean the process or the pro­cess­ing of each inci­dent is not suf­fi­cient and suit­able to give you a prop­er deter­mi­na­tion as as …

Gomes jump­ing in: the whole thing from the begin­ning com­ing right up to the end. the begin­ning is the preser­va­tion of the crime scene,or the shoot­ing scene if you pre­fer, don’t move the bul­lets so that you can make a deter­mi­na­tion, don’t move the spent shells, don’t move the dead per­son, take pho­tographs etc etc.

Let me just jump in here , what a load of crock.Every time a killing occur it falls on some­one to inves­ti­gate that killing, irre­spec­tive of who does the shoot­ing there are peo­ple called Police that are required to do the inves­ti­ga­tions, if Gomes does not believe that Jamaican police are capa­ble of polic­ing Jamaica, then she should come out and say so , clear­ly she some­how feel that a coun­try that is over 90% black is inca­pable of polic­ing itself , is Carolyn Gomes push­ing for for­eign inter­ven­tion in our coun­try , from the lies with­in this report,?

Where does Carolyn Gomes get her crime scene inves­tiga­tive skills from? last time I checked she was a pedi­a­tri­cian, I am unaware that being a baby doc­tor qual­i­fies one on crime scene man­age­ment , but then again this is Jamaica where every­one knows how to do every­one else’s job but can­not do theirs, , let’s go on.

Gomes: then there’s the bal­lis­tics and you know we must be the stu­pid­est coun­try in the world because we have the high­est rate of gun crime and we have inad­e­quate bal­lis­tic test­ing facilities..

I am going to jump in here because I am get­ting real­ly mad right now, did I hear right,? did she call my coun­try stupid?

Now this is real­ly telling, she has no respect for the peo­ple she pur­ports to be con­cerned about, this is about Carolyn Gomes and her ego, and what­ev­er moti­va­tion she has for the anti police cru­sade she is on, but trust me she will be exposed. I have always believed that if an inves­ti­ga­tor real­ly wants the truth , just let the sus­pect talk „ let the sus­pect tell their ver­sion of events , then when he or she is fin­ished ask them to repeat what they had just relat­ed to you, the lies will be exposed.

So we know Gomes thinks our coun­try is stupid, .!

Was this the rea­son she opt­ed for a face to face meet­ing with her for­eign han­dlers with­in the inter-American com­mis­sion in Washington? or did the object of the face to face have a more sin­is­ter motive, say financial ?

Who funds Jamaicans for jus­tice? where does the mon­ey gets spent? does the Lobby group pay tax­es on the monies it takes in from over­seas, that influ­ences, and shape pol­i­cy with­in Jamaica ? who does over­sight of the Groups finances? the group hires high-priced lawyers , what rate are they paid,? what ser­vice do they pro­vide for the monies paid to them? Is there an inde­pen­dent audit of the groups books to deter­mine fideli­ty? , Is the lob­by group in com­pli­ance with all aspects of Jamaican laws par­tic­u­lar­ly as it relates to accept­ing funds from out­side the coun­try? .how much does Gomes and staff gets paid if any, sep­a­rate from the lawyers?

Now did she say we have the high­est rate of gun crime? yes she did say that , and again she is wrong , even when she tries to be objec­tive, we do not yet have the high­est per capi­ta rate of gun killings and I hope we do not attain that dubi­ous distinction.

Interestingly enough she made no men­tion of that in the report she took to her handlers.

She then moves on with the ram­bling unsub­stan­ti­at­ed attack , this time aimed at the office of the DPP.

Gomes:Then there’s that and all the way through to the chal­lenges of the office of the direc­tor of the pub­lic pros­e­cu­tion, it’s more than a year to get a rul­ing out of that office, she her­self acknowl­edges that she has a back­log of 700 cas­es of police fatal shoot­ings, and from there we get to court , we have cas­es that takes twelve years to pass through the coro­ner’s court, twelve years…

At this point one of the two men that made up the pan­el inter­view­ing Gomes ‚who kept chuck­ling , , mark you he had no notes nor any kind of doc­u­ments to coun­ter­act the bile she was spew­ing , chimed in to Gomes claims.

Interviewer; Which is absolute rubbish!

Gomes: At the end of it and the when the coro­ner’s jury says that the police man must be charged for mur­der you back in court , supreme court, wait­ing on a trial.

Here are some impor­tant infor­ma­tion that Gomes should have her lawyers check. Jamaican law allows the DPP to file crim­i­nal charges against a police offi­cer to quell pub­lic out cry.Gomes may be unaware of this but the crim­i­nal Dons are well aware of it,hence the ever-present demon­stra­tion and pha­lanx of paid mourn­ers after every fatal shoot­ing by mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces.This accom­plish­es three things for the crim­i­nal under­world, (1) It gets front­line cops out-of-the-way, (2)demoralize oth­ers, and (3) cre­ates more oppor­tu­ni­ties for their crim­i­nal empires.

For those who won­der why so many cas­es of police shoot­ings dies before they leave the DPP’s office ‚and some gets dis­posed of for want of pros­e­cu­tion , the rea­son plain and sim­ple is that there was no evi­dence of wrong doing in the first place, .Gomes her­self allud­ed to that fact, right here in this inter­view, check your laws.

Interviewer:In your report you said it means that one in five homi­cides , and I use that word delib­er­ate­ly, com­mit­ted in Jamaica in 2010 was com­mit­ted by the secu­ri­ty forces.

Gomes: Correct. correct,homicide does­n’t say whether it was a right­eous , I mean jus­ti­fi­able homi­cide or not, it say that it was a fatal shoot­ing one in five shoot­ings were com­mit­ted by the secu­ri­ty forces.

At this point both ques­tion­ers chimed in .

But that’s inflam­ma­to­ry language.!

Gomes : Only to the lay per­son! It has tech­ni­cal mean­ing that does not nec­es­sar­i­ly mean mur­der, it does­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly mean manslaugh­ter either , you have vehic­u­lar homi­cide, which can be you know.…..

Vehicular homi­cide? what or how does vehic­u­lar homi­cide fac­tor into this con­ver­sa­tion , in what con­text is it applic­a­ble, I thought the inter­view was about the lies she took to Washington , which by the way the Golding Administration called her out on , to which she had no response. Serve Golding and his friends right they are the ones who con­tin­ue to cheap­en National hon­ors on every char­la­tan that comes around , ignor­ing Jamaicans who sac­ri­fice for country.

Interviewer; but again it con­jure up ‚.. isn’t that a sug­ges­tion that they were doing this deliberately’?

Gomes : no it’s not !!!!! We are not say­ing that police are doing it though there is some ques­tion marks about what occurred in Tivoli and some of the shoot­ings that come to us.

Interviewer :Even the num­bers you don’t agree with , I think they said 73 you are say­ing   …

Gomes: We don’t have any evi­dence of more than 73, but in, we don’t ‚that 73 does­n’t take into account 3 peo­ple who have dis­ap­peared since being seen in the com­pa­ny of the secu­ri­ty forces , they can’t be seen since can’t be found so if you add that it’s 76. and the peo­ple dis­pute the 73, and so that is the rea­son we stand with Earl Witter for a com­mis­sion of enquiry, because there are a num­ber of things that needs to be clar­i­fied for Jamaica includ­ing how many peo­ple died.

What? the same lay per­sons that are from the stu­pid country?…but arent these the peo­ple you care about , and on whose behalf you are wag­ing this cru­sade, are you say­ing they are too stu­pid to under­stand the dif­fer­ence between a jus­ti­fi­able killing and a case of exces­sive police force?I will bet my life every­one knows the dif­fer­ence but Carolyn Gomes does not have too much con­fi­dence in the intel­lec­tu­al capa­bil­i­ties of the Jamaican peo­ple, the not-lay per­sons in Washington I am sure under­stands the dif­fer­ence, how insulting!

At this stage I was through with this non­sense I watched the rest of the inter­view which offered no more sub­stance or sense than the fore­gone , it was a love fest of sorts between her and the two males con­duct­ing what passed for an interview,basically a pletho­ra of issues, with Gomes gen­er­at­ing a lot of heat and absolute­ly no light.

Pictured top left is Jamaicans for jus­tice Carolyn Gomes receiv­ing a National hon­or for her work defend­ing criminals.

Top right is Sergeant Wayne Henriques who was slaugh­tered along with anoth­er offi­cer on moun­tain view avenue ‚.Six oth­er offi­cers were shot in that Ambush that night. Wayne who was on leave, was cel­e­brat­ing his 17th wed­ding Anniversary and was called away to ser­vice . He left his beau­ti­ful wife and fam­i­ly, they would nev­er see him alive again. Gunned down by Jamaica’s urban terrorists. 

Those who lob­by on their behalf receive National Honors.

Wayne’s fam­i­ly mem­bers (center)gather to mourn their loss.These are the good guys, those who play by the rules,obey the laws and sac­ri­ficed their loved one in defense of our Nation. (pho­tos cour­tesy of nation­al forum)

Where is their National honor. 

mike beck­les:

have your say: 


By now most peo­ple in Jamaica and a sig­nif­i­cant por­tion of Jamaicans liv­ing out­side the Country are famil­iar with the mur­der of 17-year-old Kingston College stu­dent Khajeel Mais .
Young mis­ter Mais lost his life under the most egre­gious of cir­cum­stances ‚infor­ma­tion from the Jamaican Media and the Police sug­gest young mis­ter Mais was a lone pas­sen­ger rid­ing in the back seat of a cab to a fete being held at the Meadowbrook High school in Saint Andrew, the cab report­ed­ly rear end­ed a lux­u­ry BMW ‑x6 Sport Utility Vehicle , upon which all hell broke loose.
The reports alleged the dri­ver of the Sport util­i­ty, alight­ed from his vehi­cle gun in hand and opened fire at the cab , the dri­ver real­iz­ing he was being shot at ‚turned his cab around and sped off in the oppo­site direc­tion, he lat­er real­ized his young pas­sen­ger was dead.
Shot through the head.!!
This shoot­ing has evoked a firestorm of con­dem­na­tion and anger from all quar­ters of Jamaica , and the Jamaican com­mu­ni­ty liv­ing in oth­er Countries,the blog sites and social media has lit up with almost every­one call­ing for a swift res­o­lu­tion to this case .The demands are clear, find the shoot­er and bring him to Justice.!!
Most peo­ple read­ing the reports on a dai­ly basis were infu­ri­at­ed upon learn­ing that the shoot­er cow­ard­ly high­tailed it out of the Country after the shoot­ing, as more infor­ma­tion trick­led in it was report­ed he was an American Citizen , since then the shoot­er has report­ed­ly returned to the Island under the advise of his high-priced Attorney Patrick Atkinson, was detained by the Police, who up to the time of this post still has not released his name.
This has inflamed anoth­er fire storm of con­dem­na­tion, with most of those demand­ing more Information, claim­ing spe­cial treat­ment is being afford­ed the alleged mur­der­er. Despite how we feel about the actions of the Police ‚one thing we all share, is a com­mon out­rage that this young man’s life was snuffed out in this man­ner, now every­one has a right to due process, to the ben­e­fit of the doubt, and despite our out­rage I am sure the accused man has a sto­ry to tell, and so we await his day in Court, when hope­ful­ly we will get a chance to hear his ratio­nale, to what most peo­ple char­ac­ter­ize as a bar­bar­ic act. Now despite the National and International out­rage ema­nat­ing from this inci­dent, we have heard not one word from the car­ing peo­ple at Jamaicans for jus­tice, not one iota,not one peep of com­ment , no con­dem­na­tion, noth­ing that would assuage some of the hurt and pain the fam­i­ly of young Khajeel Mais must be feel­ing at this time. Yet true to form,as is their modus operan­di , despite expla­na­tion from oth­ers ‚and the Commissioner of Police, regard­ing the rea­son his Agency has made the deci­sion not to release the sus­pec­t’s name, the peo­ple at JFJ fear­ing irrel­e­vance, jumped onto this issue . Despite all the out­pour­ing of love and sup­port for the fam­i­ly of Khajeel Mais the peo­ple at Jamaicans for Justice has decid­ed that rather than con­demn the shoot­er , they would rather crit­i­cize the Police.

michael beck­les:

Have your say:
