Do You Kill Simply Because The Law Gives You Cover…


After the shoot­ing of the police offi­cers in Dallas Texas , The Police chief David Brown told pro­test­ers out­raged by indis­crim­i­nate police killings quote , “get off that protest line we are hir­ing”. I thought Brown was not only woe­ful­ly con­de­scend­ing but illu­mi­nat­ing­ly igno­rant . His com­ments made assump­tions about pro­test­ers skills sets, employ­ment sta­tus as well as assumed they would want to be cops.
Many peo­ple who stepped into the streets to protest the grotesque police killings were Doctors, pro­gram­mers , teach­ers nurs­es and all types of career fields. They were Blacks, Whites, Latinos and peo­ple of all dif­fer­ent backgrounds.
Inherent in Brown’s assump­tions was a naïveté which assumed that the seri­ous issue of police killings can be fixed with more police. Or more Black police officers.

Since then almost two hun­dred peo­ple have report­ed­ly turned up hop­ing to become a part of the Dallas PD. As you might have imag­ined most of them are white . Even if more cops could fix the prob­lem most of the peo­ple who turned up were white. To those who see police as a prob­lem and white police in par­tic­u­lar as a seri­ous prob­lem, this places David Brown’s sim­plis­tic argu­ments on their head.
At the time Brown made the state­ment , many includ­ing the President of the United States of America was fawn­ing over him. The effu­sive praise direct­ed Brown’s way from both left and right had noth­ing to do with Brown the indi­vid­ual and every­thing to do with America’s sin­gu­lar glo­ri­fi­ca­tion of law-enforcement.
As some­one who ask my fel­low Jamaicans to sup­port law ‑enforce­ment I get it , just not the idol wor­ship which comes out of the polit­i­cal right, with­out hold­ing dirty cops accountable,.


I chid­ed David Brown’s com­ments not because I though he did not mean well , or that he may not even be a nice guy . I found his com­ments both con­de­scend­ing and patron­iz­ing. I also thought they were dis­re­spect­ful and I said so. Not every per­son who steps up to con­demn egre­gious police behav­ior wants to be a police offi­cer. On that basis I was not per­turbed that a cou­ple of my offi­cer friends were upset that I thought Brown’s com­ments condescending.
I was quick to point out that I sup­port law-enforce­ment and more impor­tant­ly I am a for­mer law-enforce­ment offi­cer. What I cer­tain­ly did not con­done while I served and cer­tain­ly do not sup­port now are bad police officers.
My point in all of this, is that mere­ly sign­ing up more peo­ple Brown clear­ly saw as unem­ployed from depressed com­mu­ni­ties is no solu­tion to police killings.
He believes if peo­ple have jobs ‚police will be more respect­ful of their lives . If so be the case then sign up every­one and lets all be cops. As if black cops do not fear for their lives like every oth­er black person.
Black Americans cer­tain­ly have no inter­est in being abused or killed by black cops. In many com­mu­ni­ties of col­or they view black cops with even more sus­pi­cion as they believe they are worse than white officers.
Yes there is much out­rage when white police offi­cers kill black cit­i­zens. That I sub­mit how­ev­er derives from the con­tin­ued poor rela­tion­ship between blacks and whites in the United States and the biased role police has con­sis­tent­ly played in the whole saga.
On the oth­er hand , In case after case we see sit­u­a­tions where black police offi­cers them­selves abuse cit­i­zens or stand by and do noth­ing while their white coun­ter­parts abuse citizens

In my home coun­try of Jamaica, peo­ple say police are inher­ent­ly dis­re­spect­ful and abu­sive , yet there is no black and white pop­u­la­tion. The polar oppo­sites are poor une­d­u­cat­ed un-con­nect­ed peo­ple and monied peo­ple with connection.
This points to deep­er cul­tur­al atti­tudes of how police view peo­ple who are tra­di­tion­al­ly seen as less wor­thy of respect. Police are tra­di­tion­al­ly more pre­dis­posed to abus­ing peo­ple they do not believe will be able to hire high pro­file lawyers to fight on their behalf in court.
In Jamaica the poor­er class are seen the same way that black Americans are viewed by American police.
I believe it is fun­da­men­tal­ly the rea­son that we con­tin­ue to have the gap­ing dif­fer­ences of opin­ion in the way we view police killing of black Americans in America . Whites gen­er­al­ly do not have acri­mo­nious rela­tion­ships with police, pri­mar­i­ly because police gen­er­al­ly do not abuse and wan­ton­ly kill whites.
It is true that over­all more whites are killed by police each year but when the amount of whites killed are viewed against their num­bers in the soci­ety those num­bers become less glar­ing. Conversely the num­ber of dead blacks is alarm­ing when viewed against their per­cent­age with­in the population.

According to the March 10 traffic incident report, a cardboard sign on the back of Gaines' car said, "Any Government official who compromises this pursuit to happiness and right to travel will be held criminally responsible and fined, as this is a natural right or freedom."
According to the March 10 traf­fic inci­dent report, a card­board sign on the back of Gaines’ car said, “Any Government offi­cial who com­pro­mis­es this pur­suit to hap­pi­ness and right to trav­el will be held crim­i­nal­ly respon­si­ble and fined, as this is a nat­ur­al right or freedom.”.

Which brings us to the killing of 23-year-old Korryn Gaines a Baltimore Maryland woman. According to live​.bal​ti​more​sun​.com police went to serve arrest war­rants on ms Gaines when she alleged­ly point­ed a gun at them.
They say they pulled back and called for swat.
The 23-year-old woman had been pulled over in March for dri­ving with a card­board “Free Traveler” sign in place of a license plate on her car, and told an offi­cer at the scene that police would have to “mur­der” her to get her out of the vehicle.
Cops report­ed­ly went in search of Ms Gaines for fail­ing to appear in court. It is pret­ty nor­mal for police to show up to arrest some­one for fail­ing to show up in court. What is stun­ning is that they would esca­late a sit­u­a­tion with a woman in a sit­u­a­tion in which there is also a minor child . Why bring swat into the pic­ture? The woman clear­ly was not going any­where . Why cre­ate a sit­u­a­tion in which killing her and hurt­ing her child becomes a possibility?
From all indi­ca­tions Korryn Gaines had men­tal issues. Police alleged­ly nego­ti­at­ed with her for hours , they knew she had her young son in the apart­ment with her.
They said she point­ed the weapon at them at dif­fer­ent times but did not fire at them. Does that not say to them wait just a minute here , lets see what we can do to de-esca­late this? If not for her for the minor child?
But even then why not for her ? Why in the name of God are these cops so will­ing to kill peo­ple, blak or white ? What the hell is wronk with wait­ing and wait­ing and talk­ing some­one down?
How about bring­ing a fam­i­ly mem­ber in to rea­sure the young lady?
Why would they take the deci­sion to shoot her and place her son at risk? What kind of police offi­cers open fire on a woman armed or not par­tic­u­lar­ly in a sit­u­a­tion where a child is present in the room?

I sub­mit there must have been a bet­ter way to deal with this sit­u­a­tion than to open fire on this clear­ly dis­turbed woman. What would the police have done if they had no guns ?
I guar­an­tee there would have been a peace­ful res­o­lu­tion to this mat­ter. Korryn Gaines was shot because she was a poor woman of color.
Police lack of respect for black lives con­tin­ue to get peo­ple killed.
What is behind this innate desire by police to kill ? When did police become judge , jury and exe­cu­tion­ers? Why are police killing peo­ple sim­ply because they can get away with it?
