PNP Can’t Face J’cans

The National Democratic Movement (NDM) laments the call­ing of a gen­er­al elec­tion 11 months before it is con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly due, with­out there being a nation­al dis­as­ter or cri­sis. This is the clear­est indi­ca­tion yet, that Portia Simpson Miller’s People’s National Party Administration, after four years in office, can­not face the peo­ple after the next bud­get is pre­sent­ed. Hence, the gov­ern­ing par­ty is attempt­ing to trick the peo­ple into giv­ing them anoth­er term in office, with­out telling us the truth of the hard­ships which will be unleashed upon the backs of the poor and mid­dle classes.

The NDM is of the view that the last four years of fol­low­ing International Monetary Fund (IMF) orders slav­ish­ly, like a head­man on a slave estate, admin­is­ter­ing lash­es on a poor defence­less peo­ple, devalu­ing our dol­lar to a pre­cip­i­tous­ly low lev­el; demand­ing more pro­duc­tion while mak­ing food, health care and social ser­vices become less acces­si­ble to the peo­ple of Jamaica, has not solved Jamaica’s prob­lems. The NDM again calls on the peo­ple of Jamaica to demand that the fol­low­ing issues be placed on the table in the upcom­ing gen­er­al election:
[1] When will tax & pen­sion reforms be imple­ment­ed, and how many pub­lic sec­tor work­ers will be laid off after the gen­er­al election?

[2] Fixed date for elec­tions and sep­a­rate bal­lots for prime min­is­ter and mem­bers of parliament.

[3] Members of par­lia­ment must serve the peo­ple who elect them and make good laws rather than appoint­ments to Cabinet.

[4] Abolish per­son­al income tax (PAYE) and have one equi­table General Consumption Tax system.

[5] Focus on the young by facil­i­tat­ing per­ma­nent jobs for the main cat­e­gories of high school and uni­ver­si­ty graduates.

[6] Fix nation­al secu­ri­ty and jus­tice with ade­quate resources and train­ing for the police, the judi­cia­ry and imple­ment­ing a nation­al ID system.

[7] Fix the health sec­tor by sim­ply upgrad­ing the hos­pi­tals and mak­ing avail­able prop­er health ser­vices by intro­duc­ing an Ability-to-Pay Basis System.

[8] Fix the edu­ca­tion sys­tem by refo­cus­ing on ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion by bring­ing it with­in the for­mal edu­ca­tion system.

[9] Dismantle the gar­ri­son struc­ture in con­stituen­cies (which rep­re­sent approx­i­mate­ly twen­ty-five per cent of voters).

[10] Create the struc­ture and envi­ron­ment for a ful­ly trans­par­ent gov­ern­ment and cre­at­ing the foun­da­tion for a real sov­er­eign people.

The NDM believes that the peo­ple of Jamaica must demand real sys­temic change.

The NDM also believes that both the Jamaica Labour Party and the People’s National Party have dug Jamaica into the eco­nom­ic hole in which we have found our­selves and are con­tin­u­ing the same old and unpro­duc­tive poli­cies direct­ed by the IMF and others.

We have, for the past 72 years, been swap­ping one set of failed par­ty poli­cies for anoth­er, and is of the view that it is main­ly some in Jamaica’s pri­vate sec­tor and oth­er spe­cial inter­ests who fund the old sta­tus quo pol­i­tics that get most of the ben­e­fits from the present sys­tem of poor governance.
PNP can’t face J’cans
