wha Di F**k Unu A Du A Dead Unuh Cum Up Ya Fi Dead , U Nu Si Say A No Play Police Dem Ya”



Police offi­cers in Savanna-La-Mar car­ry­ing out their duties were alleged­ly assault­ed by a Parish Councillor (whom have not been named by the media).
So what we do know is that a PNP Councillor attacked the police who were in the process of remov­ing ven­dors from the streets as they have been man­dat­ed to do by their command.
According to the offi­cer in charge of the Parish David White the no-name Councillor point­ed his fin­gers into the face of offi­cers and assault­ed them
He came on the scene and start­ed ver­bal­ly abus­ing the police, point up his fin­ger in the police face and tell them to low the peo­ple dem,”
White claimed that the Councillor’s actions result­ed in a street brawl neces­si­tat­ing the need for rein­force­ment. He alleges the scum-bag will be charged with assault­ing and obstruction.
Yada , yada , yada,
“We are tak­ing strong actions against him. The Police Federation has been sum­moned, too, because the police were abused and assault­ed by him,”
“The idea was to arrest the coun­cil­lor on the scene and offer him sta­tion bail but it was decid­ed instead to pro­ceed by way of summons”.

Okay after these com­ments I had no fur­ther need to hear what this Superintendent had to say until there is an arrest . First of all why is he sit­ting behind a desk talk­ing about this why is this piece of garbage not found beat­en to pulp and sit­ting his ass in a jail cell?
“Summons” Why should he be sum­moned , why spe­cial priv­i­lege ? The courts will do noth­ing to him so he should have been beat­en to a pulp that’s the way to send a strong mes­sage , not talk about it.
That’s the way to send a mes­sage to these ass-wipes, you do not do it through the courts because the courts are a cesspool of crim­i­nal acquiescence.
This scum com­mit­ted an assault on offi­cers which should be a Felony , only in Jamaica it is a mis­de­meanor, they know it that’s why they do it.
He hin­dered Governmental Administration which ought to be a felony , in Jamaica it’s not , he knows it.
He insti­gat­ed a riot which ought to be a Felony, in Jamaica it’s not, he knows it.
So what should the police do?
Exact your own brand of jus­tice, because as I have said con­sis­tent­ly, the law sand the Criminal courts are more crim­i­nal than courts.
Beat him to a pulp then throw him in jail.
That’s the way to send a mes­sage, not by mak­ing bull­shit pro­nounce­ments. What the hell is the Federation going to do . The Administration in Kingston is a crim­i­nal Enterprise . To pre­tend it’s not is to stick one’s head into the sand and pretend.

This is exact­ly what their leader and Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller did in 88 when her band of red T‑shirt motor­cy­cle brig­ands arrived to steal bal­lot box­es from the White Hall Avenue All-age School and real­ized real quick it was not going to hap­pen, dif­fer­ent kind of cops who did not give a shit who was on the oth­er end we would use what­ev­er force nec­es­sary includ­ing lethal force regard­less of the offend­er. , The dif­fer­ence is that the three Cops stand­ing at the gate myself includ­ed, made it known to her it was­n’t going to hap­pen. Rolling and bawl­ing in the streets did not faze us. One step toward the School gate and she and any­one with her would be in cuffs.
George Pang arrived imme­di­ate­ly and took her aside and asked her “wha di f**k unu a du a dead unuh cum up ya fi dead , u nu si say a nu play police dem ya”
The apolo­gies which fol­lowed were effu­sive. The dif­fer­ence was three police offi­cers who were not def­er­en­tial to any­one. We enforced the laws, Period !!!

The top of the stream is dirty the rest is auto­mat­i­cal­ly dirty, you can­not make it right with the crop of crim­i­nals who run the coun­try and so the police must do what they must to enforce the laws until our coun­try is wran­gled from the bunch of crim­i­nals who now run the show.
At the same time I can­not begin to say how dis­gust­ed I am at the Commanding Officer and his comments.
You know what peo­ple respect Superintendent White?
Actions , not words, talk is cheap.….
If the entrenched Garrisons pre­vents a change in our coun­try then it may be time to con­sid­er oth­er means to take back our coun­try from these criminals.
