This Happened While The World Was Supposedly Watching..


Long before Black Lives Matter activists arrived on the scene. Long before Barack Obama was first elect­ed President send­ing the White under­class into a pan­icked fren­zy, or prob­a­bly a fren­zied panic.
Long before cell-phones had cam­eras, America rolled along as the police­man of the world dic­tat­ing it’s ver­sion of moral­i­ty to the rest of the hea­then world.[sic]
Bush invad­ed a Sovereign Iraq sup­pos­ed­ly to find weapons of mass destruc­tion. When none was found.….….…. because there was none, the nar­ra­tive changed to spread­ing democ­ra­cy. No one both­ered to chal­lenge America’s right to dic­tate to every­one else how they should live much less whether America had the legal, or more impor­tant­ly the moral author­i­ty to chas­tise any­one else.
America’s Black under­class long abused and mar­gin­al­ized, com­plained and marched and burned and com­plained some more about police killing and abus­ing them and no one lis­tened , no one cared.

Walter Scott being murdered in South Carolina...
Walter Scott being mur­dered in South Carolina…

America is a place in love with Law-Enforcement, some of it’s most beloved Actors played the role of valiant Sheriff’s, US Marshals and tough police officers.
Hollywood glo­ri­fied law-men on the sil­ver screen. Television stu­dios run cop shows like America’s most want­ed and Cops inces­sant­ly. The glo­ri­fi­ca­tion of the cop cul­ture is complete.
Turn on your tele­vi­sion and two clicks of the chan­nel and you are sure to find a cop show, the good guys always win.
The con­stant psy­cho­log­i­cal bom­bard­ment drills into those who watch the cops are the good guys. One is hard pressed to walk away feel­ing any­thing but some sort of love or affin­i­ty for the sup­posed good guys.

Eric Garner murdered in plain view of the world not even as ham indictment. It's go f**k yourselves black people
Eric Garner mur­dered in plain view of the world not even as ham indict­ment. It’s go f**k your­selves black people.All for alleged­ly sell­ing un-taxed cigarettes .

Juxtapose that with the lit­er­al in which there is a whole cat­e­go­ry of peo­ple you do not like. Why would you care or be both­ered when your hero take out the garbage?

Understanding white America’s posi­tion on police bru­tal­i­ty is not that dif­fi­cult , it may all have been summed up in the first paragraph.
At the height of the civ­il rights strug­gle Dr. King said the main prob­lem for the Negro in America was that of Police abuse.
Today more than half a cen­tu­ry after Dr.King died the num­ber one prob­lem fac­ing African-Americans in America is Police abuse.
Whether it’s,.…
♦ Ferguson Missouri.
♦ Cleveland Ohio.
♦ Akron Ohio.
♦ Beaver Creek Ohio.
♦ Columbia South Carolina.
♦ Houston Texas.
♦ Staten Island New York.
♦ Brooklyn New York. And all places between and beyond there is no dif­fer­ence in the way police treat Black cit­i­zens , in fact there is no dif­fer­ence in the way the states treat Black cit­i­zens. Why should the police be expect­ed to respect the rights of African Americans when the states clear­ly and unequiv­o­cal­ly do not?

Twelve year -old Tamir Rice murdered in a Cleveland park , the cops did not even bother to render first aid the little boy died the next day in hospital...
Twelve year ‑old Tamir Rice mur­dered in a Cleveland park , the cops did not even both­er to ren­der first aid the lit­tle boy died the next day in hospital…

After Ferguson ignit­ed into a full-scale move­ment a few pro­gres­sive Organizations start­ed tak­ing a more seri­ous look at police killings across America.
As a result of their work we learned that the prob­lem of American police killing unarmed civil­ians was far worse than we thought.
The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) said it has no record of the amounts of American cit­i­zens or non-cit­i­zens police kill each year.
Law enforce­ment Agencies across the coun­try are not required by law to report how many peo­ple they kill.
In fact they are not required by law (in this sup­posed coun­try of laws) to report for accu­rate account­ing when they kill someone.
How can a coun­try which prides itself on the rule of law, not care about the wel­fare of it’s own cit­i­zens even at the per­il of their ulti­mate demise?
Is there a rea­son that the thou­sands of police agen­cies across the coun­try were nev­er required and still aren’t required to report to Federal Authorities when they kill someone?

John Crawford killed in Beaver-creek, Walmart by Ohio police he had on his shoulder an air rifle he picked up in the store...
John Crawford killed in Beaver-creek, Walmart by Ohio police he had on his shoul­der an air rifle he picked up in the store…

The United States has pon­tif­i­cat­ed on this issue of sup­posed law enforce­ment abuse of cit­i­zens in oth­er nations for decades. They have lec­tured the Chinese , the Cubans, the Iranians , the Jamaicans and every­one else over whom they want to exert moral superiority.
So too has the United States pon­tif­i­cat­ed on the issue of human rights across the Globe when the most despi­ca­ble and vir­u­lent brand of racial dis­crim­i­na­tion has been per­pet­u­at­ed and still con­tin­ue across America like it“s 1920.
In fact Democratic Vermont US Senator Patrick Joseph Leahy cham­pi­oned a Bill which cuts fund­ing to law enforce­ment agen­cies which are accused of abuse in coun­tries where America extends finan­cial largess. Jamaica has felt the pinch of that bill.

Akai Gurley is the the slain father of a 2-year-old girl.
Akai Gurley is the the slain father of a 2‑year-old girl.


If the United States is con­cerned about police killings why has­n’t the American states moved to ensure that their myr­i­ad police depart­ments are held account­able for killing their citizens?
Why has­n’t state Legislatures moved to ensure that there are no ambi­gu­i­ties about when an offi­cer of the law may use his/​her weapon?
They haven’t and they won’t because the peo­ple being killed are not important.
Not only unarmed Blacks are being killed . Unarmed Latinos and whites as well are being killed. Yet black men are being mur­dered at a far more alarm­ing rate than peo­ple of oth­er races. Yet despite the mass out­cry and unrest they con­tin­ue to kill peo­ple under dubi­ous cir­cum­stances and lie that they feared for their lives or that they thought the per­son had a weapon.

23-year-old Keith Childress, Jr., while he was standing on a neighborhood driveway. Childress is the last known person to be killed by police in 2015. Police lied that Childress was wanted for attempted murder to justify killing him .Of course even if one is wanted for attempted murder that does not give police the right to execute him . But it gave them the cover they needed to make him dangerous after killing the unarmed man.
Twenty three 23-year-old Keith Childress, Jr., killed while he was stand­ing on a neigh­bor­hood dri­ve­way.
Childress is the last known per­son to be killed by police in 2015.
Police lied that Childress was want­ed for attempt­ed mur­der to jus­ti­fy killing him .Of course even if one is want­ed for attempt­ed mur­der that does not give police the right to exe­cute him .
But it gave them the cov­er they need­ed to make him dan­ger­ous after killing the unarmed man.

For the year 2015 , despite a micro­scope on Police they still man­aged to kill 1202 peo­ple while we are looking.
It’s not just about police killings. It is far worse. It’s about police killing unarmed cit­i­zens some­thing which would nev­er be tol­er­at­ed in most of the places where America seeks to over­lord on moral­i­ty and ethics.
If they man­age to kill twelve hun­dred and two peo­ple (1202) while the eyes of the world are watch­ing just how many were they killing while no one both­ered to look ?
Just stop for awhile and think about the bod­ies of one thou­sand two hun­dred and two dead Americans laid out side by side.Then imag­ine for a minute that they were killed by the very peo­ple whom are paid to pro­tect life.
Houston I believe we have a seri­ous epi­dem­ic of state spon­sored murder.

The names of some of those killed by police in 2015 and 2014 by police . If this does not shock you I don’t know what will.

Walter Scott 50
Bernard Moore 62
Lavall Hall 25
Jonathan Ryan Paul 42
Jamie Croom 31
Terry Garnett Jr. 37
Monique Jenee Deckard 43
Tony Terrell Robinson Jr. 19
Tyrone Ryerson Lawrence 45
Naeschylus Vinzant 37
Andrew Anthony Williams 48
Dewayne Deshawn Ward Jr. 29
Ledarius Williams 23
Yvette Henderson 38
Edward Donnell Bright, Sr. 56
Thomas Allen Jr. 34
Charley Leundeu Keunang, “Africa” 43
Fednel Rhinvil 25
Shaquille C. Barrow 20
Kendre Omari Alston 16
Brandon Jones 18
Darrell “Hubbard” Gatewood 47
Cornelius J. Parker 28
Ian Sherrod 40
Jermonte Fletcher 33
Darin Hutchins 26
Glenn C. Lewis 37
Calvon A. Reid 39
Tiano Meton 25
Demaris Turner 29
Isaac Holmes 19
A’Donte Washington 16
Terry Price 41
Stanley Lamar Grant 38
Askari Roberts 35
Dewayne Carr 42
Terrance Moxley 29
Theodore Johnson 64
Cedrick Lamont Bishop 30
Anthony Hill 27
Terence D. Walke 21
Janisha Fonville 20
Phillip Watkins 23
Anthony Bess 49
Desmond Luster, Sr. 45
James Howard Allen 74
Natasha McKenna 37
Herbert Hill 26
Markell Atkins 36
Kavonda Earl Payton 39
Rodney Walker 23
Donte Sowell 27
Mario A. Jordan 34
Artago Damon Howard 36
Andre Larone Murphy Sr. 42
Marcus Ryan Golden 24
Brian Pickett 26
Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed 41
Ronald Sneed 31
Leslie Sapp III 47
Matthew Ajibade 22

Here are the names of some of the Black peo­ple killed by police in 2014 (R.I.P)

Kevin Davis, 44
Eric Tyrone Forbes, 28
Jerame C. Reid, 36
David Andre Scott, 28
Quentin Smith, 23
Terrence Gilbert, 25
Carlton Wayne Smith, 20
Gregory Marcus Gray, 33
Antonio Martin, 18
Tyrone Davis, 43
Xavier McDonald, 16
Brandon Tate-Brown, 26
Dennis Grisgby, 35
Michael D. Sulton, 23
Thurrell Jowers, 22
Travis Faison, 24
Calvin Peters, 49
Christopher Bernard Doss, 41
Jerry Nowlin, 39
William Mark Jones, 50
Rumain Brisbon, 34
Lincoln Price, 24
Eric Ricks, 30
Leonardo Marquette Little, 33
Tamir E. Rice, 12
Akai Gurley, 28
Myron De’Shawn May, 39
Keara Crowder, 29
Tanisha N. Anderson, 37
Darnell Dayron Stafford, 31
David Yearby, 27
Aura Rosser, 40
Carlos Davenport, 51
Cinque DJahspora, 20
Rauphael Thomas, 29
Christopher M. Anderson, 27
Charles Emmett Logan, 68
John T. Wilson, III, 22
Christopher Mason McCray, 17
Kaldrick Donald, 24
Zale Thompson, 32
Terrell Lucas, 22
Ronnie D. McNary, 44
Adam Ardett Madison, 28
Balantine Mbegbu, 65
Elisha Glass, 20
Qusean Whitten, 18
Vonderrit Myers Jr., 18
O’Shaine Evans, 26
Latandra Ellington, 36
Aljarreau Cross, 29
Iretha Lilly, 37
Lashano J. Gilbert, 31
Miguel Benton, 19
Eugene Williams, 38
Tracy A. Wade, 39
Javonta Darden, 20
Marlon S. Woodstock, 38
Oliver Jarrod Gregoire, 26
Nolan Anderson, 50
Cameron Tillman, 14
John Jolly Jr., 28
Charles Smith, 29
Michael Willis Jr., 42
Briant Paula, 26
Kashad Ashford, 23
Carrey Brown, 26
Ceasar Adams, 36
Ricky Deangelo Hinkle, 47
Elijah Jackson, 33
Darrien Nathaniel Hunt, 22
Shawn Brown, 20
Alphonse Edward Perkins, 50
Naim Owens, 22
Kendrick Brown, 35
Eugene N. Turner III, 28
Ronald Singleton, 45
Jeremy Lewis, 33
Vernicia Woodward, 26
Cortez Washington, 32
Steven Lashone Douglas, 29
Desean Pittman, 20
Roshad McIntosh, 18
Anthony Lamar Brown, 39
Arvel Douglas Williams, 30
Darius Cole-Garrit, 21
Kajieme Powell, 25
David Ellis, 29
Luther Lathron Walker, 38
Andre Maurice Jones, 37
Frederick R. Miller, 38
Michelle Cusseaux, 50
Dante Parker, 36
Corey Levert Tanner, 24
Ezell Ford, 25
Robert Baltimore, 34
Dustin Keith Glover, 27
Eddie Davis, 67
Michael Brown, Jr., 18
Michael Laray Dozer, 26
John Crawford III, 22
Daniel Row, 37
Jacorey Calhoun, 23
Anthony Callaway, 27
Patrick Small, 27
Harrison Carter, 29
Vamond Arqui Elmore, 37
Donovan Bayton, 54
Charles Leon Johnson, II, 29
Briatay McDuffie, 19
Jonathan L. Williams, 25
Eric Garner, 43
Dominique Charon Lewis, 23
Michael Reams, 47
Lawrence Campbell, 27
Kenny Clinton Walker, 23
Tyshawn Hancock, 37
Charles Goodridge, 53
Cedric Stanley, 35
Ennis Labaux, 37
Warren Robinson, 16
Christopher Jones, 30
Icarus Randolph, 26
Jacqueline Nichols, 64
Jerry Dwight Brown, 41
Nyocomus Garnett, 35
Rodney Hodge, 33
Paul Ray Kemp Jr., 40
Dennis Hicks, 29
Samuel Johnson, 45
Lavon King, 20
Antoine Dominique Hunter, 24
Samuel Shields, 49
Juan May, 45
Denzell Curnell, 19
Ismael Sadiq, 30
Devaron Ricardo Wilburn, 21
John Schneider, 24
Jason Harrison, 38
Frank Rhodes, 61
Roylee Vell Dixon, 48
Broderick Johnson, 21
David Latham, 35
Lonnie Flemming, 31
Steven Thompson, 26
Thomas Dewitt Johnson, 28
Frank McQueen, 34
Sandy Jamel McCall, 33
Quintico Goolsby, 36
Dominique Franklin, Jr., 23
George V. King, 19
James Renee White Jr., 21
Devante Kyshon Hinds, 21
Pearlie Golden, 93
Jerome Dexter Christmas, 44
Armand Martin, 50
Dontre H. Hamilton, 31
Joe Huff, 86
Emmanuel Wooten
Matthew Walker, 55
Daniel Christoph Yealu, 29
Adrian Williams, 29
Gregory Towns, 24
Jameel Kareem Ofurum Harrison, 34
Zikarious Jaquan Flint, 20
Raason Shaw, 20
DeAndre Lloyd Starks, 27
Douglas Cooper, 18
Winfield Carlton Fisher III, 32
Deosaran Maharaj, 51
Daniel Martin, 47
Emerson Clayton Jr., 21
Rebecca Lynn Oliver, 24
Treon “Tree” Johnson, 27
Gabriella Monique Nevarez, 22
Marquise Jones, 23
Kenneth Christopher Lucas, 38
Keith Atkinson, 31
Yvette Smith, 45
D’Andre Berghardt Jr., 20
Stephon Averyhart, 27
Anthony Bartley, 21
Earnest Satterwhite, Sr., 68
Anneson Joseph, 28
Alton Reaves, 31
McKenzie Cochran, 25
Cornelius Turner, 19
Eldrin Loren Smart, 31
Henry Jackson, 19
Jordan Baker, 26
Gregory Vaughn Hill Jr., 30
Paul Smith, 58
Jeffrey Ragland, 50
Kendall Alexander, 34.

RIP !!!
