Why Republicans Have Given Up On Governing And Have Reverted To Culture Wars…

Despite its many faults, The United States of America has served as a tem­plate in many instances to a kind of world order that has arguably served the peace and tran­quil­i­ty of the plan­et to some degree.
Sure, America’s poli­cies under dif­fer­ent admin­is­tra­tions have arguably also been anti­thet­i­cal to the said peace and tran­quil­i­ty as well.
For exam­ple, in recent times, America’s ill-advised for­ay into the nation of Iraq, its pol­i­cy of prop­ping up the Shah of Iran, its com­i­cal inva­sion of Grenada, the con­tin­ued embar­go against the Cuban nation, and its sup­port for the apartheid sys­tems in South Africa and Israel are only a few of the poli­cies that run counter to America’s stat­ed goals of peace through the demo­c­ra­t­ic process.

On the oth­er hand, I don’t believe that free­dom-lov­ing peo­ple any­where would have a prob­lem with America’s entry into the sec­ond world war or its stance against the bur­geon­ing Soviet threat before the even­tu­al fall of the Soviet empire.
The long and short of this debate is that the US is the longest stand­ing demo­c­ra­t­ic nation, one that many small­er, more vul­ner­a­ble nations looked to for sup­port to remain out of the clutch­es of despo­tism and dictatorship.
It is for those rea­sons that what the Republican par­ty is doing to the American demo­c­ra­t­ic process is so horrifying.
Changing racial dynam­ics has forced the Republican par­ty to become a fas­cist par­ty with no inter­est in gov­ern­ing. Instead, the par­ty is sole­ly focused on find­ing ways to rig the elec­toral process to gain an unfair advantage.
They have decid­ed to attack vot­ing rights on all fronts; of course, the United States Supreme Court Republican major­i­ty made that pos­si­bil­i­ty a lot eas­i­er in its 2013 deci­sion in Shelby County Alabama Vs. Holder in which the court stripped away sec­tion 4 (B), a major por­tion of the land­mark 1965 vot­ing rights act.

The court’s actions opened up a new wave of vot­er sup­pres­sion leg­is­la­tion by the Republican leg­is­la­tures, pri­mar­i­ly in Republican-run states.
The new vot­er restric­tions are so egre­gious that it is a crim­i­nal offense to give some­one stand­ing in a vot­ing line a drink of water in Georgia. But, of course, the oth­er side of that coin is that the same laws remove drop box­es, close most polling places in heav­i­ly African-American com­mu­ni­ties, lessen vot­ing by mail, demands strict ID’s at polling places, lim­its vot­ing on Sunday, a day African-Americans have tra­di­tion­al­ly used to vote after Church, and a slew of oth­er vot­er intim­i­da­tion meth­ods aimed laser-like at Black and brown peo­ple, includ­ing hav­ing aggres­sive poll-watch­ers close to peo­ple of col­or cast­ing the votes.
Many in the civ­il rights com­mu­ni­ty, includ­ing Stacy Abrams, have dubbed the new laws Jim crow 2.0, in ref­er­ence to the jim crow laws passed after recon­struc­tion. Those laws lit­er­al­ly sub­ject­ed the new­ly lib­er­at­ed African-American pop­u­la­tion to anoth­er iter­a­tion of enslavement.

But the vot­er sup­pres­sion laws are only a small part of it; the Republican attacks are aimed at immi­gra­tion as well as abor­tion, long-held cul­tur­al issues that the Republican par­ty attached itself to but can­not artic­u­late a sane rea­son for.
Republicans cham­pi­on an anti-abor­tion plat­form, but the truth is that as far as the par­ty and its Lilly white vot­er base are con­cerned, they do no care a rats ass about black and brown babies.
In fact, the par­ty hopes that few­er black and brown babies are born. Their posi­tion on offer­ing SNAP and oth­er ben­e­fits to needy moth­ers’ of those babies of col­or as soon as they are born gives cre­dence to the fact that they do not care about babies of color.
The posi­tion of the Republican’s anti-abor­tion cru­sade is best summed up in the words of for­mer Iowa Republican con­gress­man Steve King, “we can­not build our civ­i­liza­tion with oth­er peo­ple’s babies.”
The idea is to over­turn Roe V Wade and force more white women to have babies… in their minds, the white race faces extinc­tion because not enough white babies are being born; addi­tion­al­ly, the co-min­gling of the races is seen as an exten­sion­al threat to the puri­ty of the Caucasian race… These are the dark crevass­es in which the Republican par­ty resides today.

Limiting and, if pos­si­ble, end­ing immi­gra­tion is self-explana­to­ry; as Donald Trump said, “why do we need these peo­ple from these shit-hole coun­tries,” speak­ing of black coun­tries, “why can’t we get peo­ple from Norway”?
Norway’s pop­u­la­tion is over­whelm­ing­ly white.
After Democratic President Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights and the 1965 Voting Rights acts into law, the unmis­tak­able mad dash by whites to the Republican par­ty is a well-doc­u­ment­ed part of American history.
Fifty-six (56) years after the vot­ing rights act became law, the American South is still rock-sol­id Republican, with parts of the mid­west and moun­tain states fol­low­ing suit.
Republicans run­ning for President can bank on win­ning all of the south­ern states before a sin­gle vote is cast. Republican trick­le-down eco­nom­ic poli­cies have kept cit­i­zens in those states impov­er­ished; as have been proven, all but one of the fif­teen poor­est states in the union are run by Republicans, yet the vot­ers in those states vote on wedge issues like immi­gra­tion and abor­tion decade after decade then claim that they are vic­tims because immi­grants are tak­ing their jobs.

In the 92 Presidential elec­tions, Democrat Bill Clinton won his home state of Arkansas. In 2000 Al Gore Clinton’s vice pres­i­dent won his home state of Tennessee; he would go on to lose the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion to George Bush, the Republican, in a con­tro­ver­sial elec­tion in which the United States Supreme Courts stopped the recount in the state of Florida and declared Bush the winner.
George Bush’s broth­er Jeb Bush was the Republican gov­er­nor of Florida at the time.…..Democracy is work­ing for you!
In the 2020 pres­i­den­tial elec­tions between the Russian agent Donald Trump and Joe Biden, for­mer vice pres­i­dent to President Barack Obama, vot­er turnout was historic.
Trump’s MAGA crowd con­vinced that he was some (mes­si­ah) sent by their god, turned out in droves, no Republican pres­i­den­tial can­di­date before Trump man­aged to turn out 75 mil­lion to the polls.

But Trump’s MAGA army in all its fas­cist dis­plays, with flags, and oth­er sym­bols of [idol­a­try] was no match for the silent major­i­ty that turned out to repu­di­ate the Russian plant and make Joe Biden the 46th pres­i­dent of the United States.
Russian plant?
You damn right, Donald Trump has done every­thing that Putin want­ed him to do. He has used the pow­er of the pres­i­den­cy to advance every wish on Putin’s list to desta­bi­lize the United States, and the world, start­ing with tok­ing racial divi­sions in the United States, which his han­der Putin knows weak­ens America. not make America great.
Here is a list com­piled by CNN on what Donald Trump meant to Vladimir Putin.

(1) Trump has repeat­ed­ly praised Putin.
(2)Trump hired Manafort to run his campaign.
(3)Trump sug­gest­ed Russia can keep Crimea.
(4) Trump aides soft­ened the GOP plat­form on Ukraine.
(5) Trump made light of Russian hacking.
(6)Trump cap­i­tal­ized on Russian med­dling to win.
(7)Trump denied that Russia inter­fered in 2016.
(8) Trump’s tran­si­tion under­mined Russian sanctions.
(9)Trump was open to lift­ing Russian sanctions.
(10)Trump refused to say Putin is a killer.
(11)Trump mulled return­ing spy bases to Russia.
(12)Trump gave Russia clas­si­fied intelligence.
(13)Trump crit­i­cized and alien­at­ed NATO allies.
(14)Trump was reluc­tant to sign Russian sanctions.
(15)Trump pro­posed a cyber unit with Russia.
(16) Trump pro­posed a cyber unit with Russia.
(17)Trump thanked Putin for expelling US diplomats.
(18)Trump eased sanc­tions on Deripaska.
(19)Trump con­grat­u­lat­ed Putin on his sham election.
(20)Trump balked at sanc­tions for Skripal poisoning.
(21)Trump nixed US state­ment about Russian war.
(22Trump praised pro-Russian lead­ers in Europe.
(23)Trump did­n’t pub­licly con­demn the Russian attack.
(24 Trump defend­ed Soviet inva­sion of Afghanistan.
(25Trump asked allies to let Russia back in the G7.
(26)Trump’s Syria with­draw­al gave Putin a boost.
(27)Trump repeat­ed Kremlin talk­ing points on ISIS.
(28Trump spread Russian myths about Ukraine.
(29)Trump tem­porar­i­ly froze US aid for Ukraine.
(30)Trump smeared US ambas­sador to Ukraine
(31)Trump con­sid­ered vis­it­ing Putin on Russian soil.
(32)Trump gave Putin a PR vic­to­ry on Covid-19.
(33Trump invit­ed Russia to the 2020 G7 summit.
(34) Trump direct­ed the CIA to share intel with Russia.
(35)Trump ignored warn­ings of Russian bounties.
(36)Trump called the Russian boun­ty sto­ry a ‘hoax’.
(37)Trump nev­er raised Russian boun­ties with Putin.
(38)Trump ordered US troops out of Germany.

Yes, he is a Russian Agent, if it walks like and duck and quacks like a duck it is a .….. Russian agent, that is what he is and has been, the Muller inves­ti­ga­tions nev­er fer­ret­ed out that truth so that the trai­tor could be unearthed and exposed in full view for the American peo­ple to see. So he gets to con­tin­ue his illic­it and trea­so­nous cam­paign against the United States in order to enrich himself.
Unfortunately, the entire Republican par­ty is will­ing to destroy the repub­lic because Donald Trump is able to gal­va­nize a sol­id forty per­cent 40% of the white pop­u­lace in a way that no oth­er Republican since Ronald Reagan has been able to do.
In his usu­al bum­bling, inart­ful, style Lindsay Graham said it; ” the Republican Party can­not con­tin­ue with­out for­mer President Donald Trump’. Simply put, they believe they need that block of white griev­ance to win elections.
They would rather tear down over two hun­dred years of demo­c­ra­t­ic rule and replace it with despo­tism facil­i­tat­ed by a half-baked idiot who could­n’t even make it big despite his dad­dy’s millions.
It is all about retain­ing white hege­mon­ic control.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
