Why Pay Delroy Chuck With Tax Dollars To Lobby For Criminals?


In the sys­tem of jus­tice, it is taught to all prac­ti­tion­ers, [jus­tice must not only be done but it must also appear to be done]. Cops, lawyers, judges and every­one else in the food chain of jus­tice must be aware of that prin­ci­ple.
When crim­i­nals are let off too light­ly, the sys­tem becomes a joke as offend­ers, and would-be offend­ers see no deter­rent in the laws against their worst instincts.
Victims and their sur­vivors are also apt to shy away from the sys­tem when they are con­vinced that it does not engage in the fair and equi­table dis­pen­sa­tion of jus­tice.
When this hap­pens, crim­i­nals are embold­ened to com­mit more crimes, and sur­viv­ing vic­tims of crime and their fam­i­lies are pre­dis­posed to tak­ing the laws into their own hands.
The result is chaos, and a break­down of the sys­tem as we are wit­ness­ing in Jamaica today.
Each and every aspect of the sys­tem of jus­tice must work for equi­table and just dis­pen­sa­tion of jus­tice. Yet in Jamaica, the exis­ten­tial crime epi­dem­ic is viewed as a fail­ure of the police, which to my mind is intel­lec­tu­al­ly dis­hon­est and men­tal­ly lazy.
One of the most glar­ing aspects of the break­down of the sys­tem is the incon­sis­ten­cy and the less than ade­quate sen­tences met­ed out to vio­lent felons.
This break­down is to be placed at the feet of one and only one seg­ment of the jus­tice dis­pen­sa­tion process, judges.
For years police offi­cers and for­mer police offi­cers have com­plained pro­fuse­ly about the con­duct of cer­tain judges and the cav­a­lier atti­tude with which they treat vio­lent offend­ers.
This writer, as a for­mer police offi­cer too, has had occa­sion to gasp at the increduli­ty of some of the deci­sions, as they make absolute­ly no sense at all.


The bedrock of the com­mon law sys­tem is the doc­trine of [stare deci­sis] (“let the deci­sion stand”). The doc­trine has two limbs. First, the courts are oblig­ed to fol­low the deci­sions and rul­ings in pre­vi­ous­ly decid­ed cas­es, or prece­dents, where the facts and issues are sub­stan­tial­ly the same. The sec­ond limb of the doc­trine – and this is real­ly an exten­sion of the first, – dic­tates that a low­er court can­not depart from the prece­dents set by a high­er court where the issue is essen­tial­ly the same. 
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(a)The instances of bla­tant abuse,(b) the depar­ture from the prin­ci­ple of [stare deci­sis], © their dis­re­gard for process and prece­dent, (d) their refusal to just (“let the deci­sion stand”), on the part of Jamaican judges, have been shock­ing, to say the least. Not only has that depar­ture embold­ened crim­i­nals and crim­i­nal­i­ty over the years, but it has also lit­er­al­ly caused police offi­cers to become dis­in­ter­est­ed in the process, as the courts have tak­en it unto itself to become a social wel­fare agency.
As a result of this abuse of the sys­tem by cer­tain judges, this writer has over the years called for manda­to­ry min­i­mum sen­tences to be cod­i­fied into law, there­by remov­ing from the purview of these judges, the temp­ta­tion to abridge the laws with their own opin­ions and biases.


Today there is no trust in the sys­tem. Police offi­cers do not trust the sys­tem to dis­pense jus­tice so they are not moti­vat­ed to go after crim­i­nals fear­ing they will be out as soon as they are arrest­ed pos­ing exis­ten­tial threats to them and their fam­i­lies.
We have heard and seen video evi­dence of crim­i­nals threat­en­ing to kid­nap from schools, the chil­dren of police offi­cers and kill them.
None of this has changed the atti­tudes of judges. None of this has changed the atti­tudes of the Government.
In fact, the Government’s point per­son on Justice, Delroy Chuck, under­stands his port­fo­lio to be the defend­er in chief of vio­lent mur­der­ers and oth­er felons.
We have cat­a­loged empir­i­cal data show­ing that Delroy Chuck is a lob­by­ist for crim­i­nals, while being paid with tax dol­lars.
The coun­try must have con­sis­ten­cy, and that was evi­dent in two recent inci­dents recent­ly.
More to the point, all well-mean­ing Jamaicans want equi­table dis­pen­sa­tion of jus­tice, that includes the oft-maligned police who recent­ly crit­i­cized deci­sions in which rogue cops received slaps on the wrist for cor­rup­tion.
Additionally, a man who mur­dered a senior cit­i­zen and her son received a sev­en (7) year sen­tence for the dou­ble mur­ders. The judge argued that the felon spent five years in jail await­ing tri­al and even­tu­al­ly plead guilty.
What the liars did not tell the nation, is that the mur­der­ing scum­bag only plead guilty because, under Delroy Chuck’s lead­er­ship, felons, includ­ing dou­ble mur­der­ers, like this one, can have their sen­tence halved sim­ply by plead­ing guilty.
But the out­rage over the light sen­tences by civ­il soci­ety, imme­di­ate­ly drew push-back from Delroy Chuck who chid­ed those who argued for stiffer penal­ties for vio­lent crim­i­nals.
In sum­ming up the retard­ed defense of his posi­tion Chuck argued “impos­ing a sen­tence that is most severe and at the harsh­est lev­el, at times, is wrong, because per­sons who plead guilty have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to reform and go straight.”
In oth­er words, “fuck the vic­tims and their pain, as long as you admit what you did in order to catch a break and receive a slap on the wrist we are good”.
This is jus­tice for sale Delroy Chuck style.

As we talk about a bro­ken sys­tem which leans heav­i­ly in sup­port of mur­der­ers, we should nev­er for­get that a car­load of hood­lums which start­ed a crime spree in Portmore Saint Catherine end­ed up shoot­ing at offi­cers who inter­cept­ed them and returned fire.
The offi­cers were con­vict­ed of manslaugh­ter in the crim­i­nal par­adise called Jamaica.
One com­men­ta­tor had this to say. Quote” A car loaded with hood­lums and their cheer­lead­ers com­mit­ted aggra­vat­ed rob­bery in Portmore then sped to Kingston. Got stopped by the police who had got­ten wind of their adven­tures, decid­ed not to stop, end­ed u[p being corned came out blaz­ing, cops respond­ed, one cheer­leader dead, one crim­i­nal injured. Years after all three cops are impris­oned”.” What a sweet place to live…If you are a no-good that is.

Constables Durvin Hayles, Anna Kay Bailey and AndreWain Smith, who were on tri­al for mur­der in the Home Circuit Court were con­vict­ed of (manslaugh­ter) are in cus­tody pend­ing their appeal.
These offi­cers placed their lives on the line for the coun­try, sev­en retard­ed dunces found them guilty after an overzeal­ous INDECOM charged the offi­cers with mur­der.
Even though there was no way that INDECOM could prove [mal­ice], a key com­po­nent of mur­der, the offi­cers were charged with the cap­i­tal offense.
They were doing exact­ly what they were sworn to do, and the evi­dence bore it out, yet the crim­i­nal sup­port­ing court and the tri­al judge did not move to throw out the case.
This is Jamaica.
See sto­ry here: http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​t​h​r​e​e​-​c​o​p​s​-​f​o​u​n​d​-​g​u​i​l​t​y​-​o​f​-​m​a​n​s​l​a​u​g​h​t​e​r​_​1​5​6​7​8​1​?​p​r​o​f​i​l​e​=​1​373

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police Detective cor­po­ral, a busi­ness own­er, avid researcher, and blog­ger. 
He is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He also writes occa­sion­al­ly for the web­site Medium​.com.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.
