Why I Don’t Accept The Minority Designation.


I nev­er quite ful­ly under­stood the des­ig­na­tion “Minority” giv­en most­ly to peo­ple of African ances­try in the United States.
Yea , yea, I under­stand that because Blacks do not make up the major­i­ty we are referred to as minori­ties. There is just some­thing in that word which seemed dis­parag­ing and pejorative .
Okay I also under­stand your claim that I am too sen­si­tive about race but I did not cre­ate the game I am just play­ing the hand I was dealt.
According to http://​www​.worl​dome​ters​.info/​w​o​r​l​d​-​p​o​p​u​l​a​t​i​on/ The world’s pop­u­la­tion is rough­ly 7.4 billion.
According to the ultra con­ser­v­a­tive web­site Vdare​.com Whites Down To 10% Of World Population By 2060— Does It Matter? In 1950, whites were 28 per­cent of world pop­u­la­tion and Africans 9 per­cent, a ratio of three-to-one. In 2060, the ratio will remain the same. But the col­ors will be reversed. People of African ances­try will be 25 per­cent of the world‘s pop­u­la­tion. People of European descent will have fall­en to 9.8 per­cent. More arrest­ing is that the white pop­u­la­tion is shrink­ing not only in rel­a­tive but in absolute terms. Two hun­dred mil­lion white peo­ple, one in every six on earth — a num­ber equal to the entire pop­u­la­tion of France, Britain, Holland and Germany — will van­ish by 2060. The Caucasian race is going the way of the Mohicans.

We are head­ing toward the day when whites will no longer make up the major­i­ty of the pop­u­la­tion in the United States . And U.S. chil­dren will get there soon,

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

accord­ing to a new U.S. Census Bureau report. The agency also say the over­all U.S. pop­u­la­tion will grow old­er — and grow more slow­ly — in com­ing years.
The loss of Caucasian num­bers in the United States are par­al­lel­ing Caucasian num­bers in gen­er­al globally.
When you hear the loud­mouth Fascists Donald Trump and the oth­er nean­derthals in the Republican Party dem­a­gogue immi­grants , don’t for one moment believe this is sim­ply a mat­ter of immi­gra­tion policy.
You know the com­mon refrain “secure the bor­ders , we are not opposed to legal Immigration , we are only opposed to ille­gal immi­gra­tion” ? No one can argue with any nation when they say they want to secure their bor­ders. Set the real and present dan­ger of ter­ror­ism aside, it is a legit­i­mate argu­ment as it relates to une­d­u­cat­ed, sick, unskilled and God knows who else comes in if the doors are thrown open. No coun­try no mat­ter how rich can afford to do busi­ness that way.

However we found out that the argu­ment about secur­ing the bor­ders before Republicans would work with President Obama was a fraud­u­lent ruse. Obama took the bait, he placed more Border patrol agents at the south­ern bor­ders than Bush or Clinton did com­bined. Additionally Obama deport­ed more immi­grants who made mis­takes, more who com­mit­ted crimes and more whose only sin was want­i­ng a bet­ter life, than the two pres­i­dents which pre­ced­ed him.
It still was not enough to bring Republicans to the table to dis­cuss a com­pre­hen­sive Immigration reform bill. In fact President Bush 43rd was sup­port­ive of Immigration reform, his par­ty did not sup­port him . His broth­er Jeb who is now a can­di­date for President once sup­port­ed a path to cit­i­zen­ship through immi­gra­tion reform he does­n’t men­tion it anymore.
So too was Marco Rubio the son of immi­grants, now he does­n’t men­tion it any­more he sim­ply par­rot the right wing talk­ing points of hatred and xenophobia.
The more President Obama did in meet­ing the demands of the right the more they moved the goal post until he was forced to rec­og­nize that no mat­ter what he did they were not gen­uine­ly inter­est­ed in com­ing to the table in sup­port of com­pre­hen­sive Immigration reform, so he pro­ceed­ed with an Executive order.


The Islamaphobia we hear from the Fascist-right is attrib­ut­able to the fear of ter­ror car­ried out in the name of Islam. That is a whole sep­a­rate debate. The Xenophobia how­ev­er is attrib­ut­able to the declin­ing num­ber of whites in the world and more-so in America.
“Making America great again” means, ” mak­ing America white again”.
The rise of a polit­i­cal neo­phyte a total buf­foon, has noth­ing to do with the car­ni­val bark­ing buf­foon. If a dog was say­ing the things the car­ni­val bark­ing buf­foon was say­ing they would be lin­ing up behind that dog. It has noth­ing to do with the mes­sen­ger and every­thing to do with the message.
The Republican par­ty under­went a com­plete purge after Barack Obama took office in 2009. Gone are all of the ratio­nal thinkers, those who remained have had to sell their souls, (what they had left) al la John McCain to appear far right. Others like Jeb Bush , well you be the judge.


Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter

Republicans are unafraid to turn on each oth­er if the lit­mus test is not met, if any­one in the par­ty dare be hon­est and forth­right . There is no place in the repub­li­can par­ty for any­one will­ing to debate with Democrats or more specif­i­cal­ly the pres­i­dent, or dis­agree with­out ran­cor and agree when there is no rea­son to be disagreeable.
Nicky Haley South Carolina’s Republican Governor found out just two days ago when her response to the President’s state of the Union address was not divi­sive, hate­ful, and angry enough.
In fact when she spoke about her par­ty’s anger prob­lem right wing hate machine Anne Coulter sug­gest­ed that Donald Trump deport Nicky Haley the first Indian American Governor who is amer­i­can by nat­ur­al birth and can­not be legal­ly deport­ed anywhere..
That kind of rhetoric offers a win­dow into the soul of the par­ty which is now large­ly an out­right white Supremacist party.
The few oth­ers in the par­ty not of Caucasian blood-line seem to be doing every­thing not to be noticed or men­tioned al la Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz .
Of course Trump is not going to give Cruz a pass he is gonna let him know what he believes con­sti­tute a real American.
And it cer­tain­ly is not a Canadian born Hispanic who took on the per­sona of a south­ern Caucasian.
The Republican Party has no place for any­one not a white Anglo-Saxon . Just ask Secretary of State Colin Powell, Former RNC chair­man Michael Steele and a whole slew of others.
The Republican par­ty is the par­ty of big Corporations and white Supremacy , it’s no won­der they believe in the two, most of the wealth in America is con­trolled by white men.
That Party is going to be a lot more rabid as the num­ber of non-whites in America increas­es. Look for the rhetoric to become a lot more bel­liger­ent and caus­tic , it’s just get­ting started.
