Who Exactly Are The Good Guys With Guns As People Are Being Shot Just Because?

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Sixteen-year-old Ralph Yarl shot by an 84-year-old white man after he mis­tak­en­ly went to the man’s house intend­ing to pick up his younger sib­ling brothers.

Ralph Yarl made nation­al head­lines after the teen was shot and wound­ed on April 13 when he rang the door­bell of the wrong house in Kansas City, Missouri.
A par­ent asked the teenag­er to pick up his younger twin siblings.

Ralph had made an error com­mon in Kansas City, dri­ving to a house on Northeast 115th Street instead of Northeast 115th Terrace, a block away. He pressed the door­bell and wait­ed out­side the front door for what felt like a long time; he told the police lat­er. Andrew Lester, who had just gone to bed, got up and opened the inside door while hold­ing a revolver, accord­ing to a prob­a­ble cause state­ment from investigators.
Lester told a police offi­cer after the shoot­ing that he saw a Black male “pulling on the exte­ri­or storm door han­dle.” This was one of the few areas of dis­agree­ment: When inter­viewed by a detec­tive, Ralph said he only rang the door­bell and did not pull on the door. 

Andrew Lester pre­pares to leave court after plead­ing not guilty in the shoot­ing of 16-year-old Ralph Yarl.

Within moments, Lester began shoot­ing through the glass of the exte­ri­or storm door; afraid that a break-in was in progress, he told the police. Ralph was shot in the head and then in the arm. “Don’t come around here,” he remem­bers Lester say­ing, accord­ing to a detec­tive. He got up and ran away, try­ing to elude more gun­shots; he told the police. (From the New York Times)

Cheerleaders leav­ing prac­tice were shot after get­ting in wrong car, teen says…

Two Texas cheer­lead­ers were shot, and one of them crit­i­cal­ly injured, ear­ly Tuesday after one girl mis­tak­en­ly got into the wrong car in a gro­cery store park­ing lot.
Police arrest­ed Pedro Tello Rodriguez Jr., 25, with dead­ly con­duct, a third-degree felony, in what they called “an alter­ca­tion … in the park­ing lot of HEB” in which “mul­ti­ple shots were fired into a vehi­cle.”One of the vic­tims was iden­ti­fied by her coach as Payton Washington, an 18-year-old high school senior and cheer­leader for the Round Rock Independent School District near Austin. Washington “sus­tained seri­ous injuries” when she was shot in the back and one leg, police said. She was trans­port­ed to a hos­pi­tal by heli­copter and is in crit­i­cal condition.
The young women thought they had got­ten into the wrong car, believ­ing they were enter­ing their friend’s car, accord­ing to the reporting. 

Police in Elgin, Texas say 25-year-old Pedro Tello Rodriguez Jr. faces a third-degree felony count of dead­ly con­duct after an ear­ly-morn­ing shoot­ing in an H‑E-B park­ing lot. Elgin Police Department.

After real­iz­ing their mis­take, they exit­ed the car and then went into the right car, upon which Rodriquez approached them, they attempt­ed to apol­o­gize for the mis­take, but he respond­ed with gun­fire. “He pulled out a gun, and then he just start­ed shoot­ing at all of us, one young lady said.

Woman Shot Dead in New York After Pulling Into Wrong Driveway: Police says…

Kevin Monahan fired into the car, killing Kaylin Gillis.

Kaylin Gillis was in a car with three friends look­ing for anoth­er friend’s house in the rur­al area of Hebron, New York, on Saturday night when they mis­tak­en­ly turned down the wrong driveway.
After the vehi­cle had been in the dri­ve­way for a “very short time,” Kevin Monahan came out of the res­i­dence and fired two shots as the group of friends was exit­ing the prop­er­ty, police said. One of the shots struck Gillis.
Monahan has been charged with sec­ond-degree mur­der.

These are only a few of the events that occurred over the last few days in this cul­ture of racial ani­mus and guns. But it rep­re­sents only an infin­i­tes­i­mal and minute per­cent­age of the killings. It does not include the almost dai­ly mass shoot­ings inside church­es and oth­er places of wor­ship, schools, Gyms, night­clubs, movie the­aters, hair salons, Bars, and every­where peo­ple congregate.
This does not include the oth­er shoot­ings that occur each day that are not con­sid­ered mass events.
The polit­i­cal right has said that the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. That did not help the stu­dents in Uvalde, Texas, as the so-called good guys with the guns and bul­let­proof vests hid while the shoot­er mas­sa­cred tiny children.
Who are the good guys with guns?
Is Kevin Monahan a good guy?
Is Pedro Tello Rodriguez a good guy with a. gun?
What about Andrew Lester? Is he a good guy with a. gun?




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
Subscribe to Mike’s Podcast @ Mikebeckles- on Youtube.
