What Will It Take For The JCF To Correct This


From time to time I write about the lack of prop­er real police train­ing for mem­bers of the Jamaica Constabulary Force.
I also talk about a seem­ing lack of super­vi­sion and prob­a­bly just as impor­tant a sense of Esprit-de-corp which has vis­i­bly and demon­stra­bly been miss­ing Whenever mem­bers of the force attempt to effect arrests.

At a time when prop­er train­ing, lead­er­ship, super­vi­sion, and coör­di­na­tion are crit­i­cal to law enforce­ment the JCF seems to be hell-bent on wait­ing on the next big event at which it will fail.

The images in the video below are a tes­ta­ment that offi­cers are not being prop­er­ly trained. They are not being prop­er­ly super­vised and they are not exe­cut­ing their duties properly.

This video ought to be a must in lec­tures on what not to do.
Not only should the offi­cers have arrest­ed the assailant imme­di­ate­ly, the offi­cer who fired his weapon at the last moment fur­ther exac­er­bat­ed the sit­u­a­tion with a net zero effect.
Someone could have been killed as he fired his weapon.
These occur­rences are not new, we write about them, social media is replete with them yet the hier­ar­chy of the JCF has not done a damn thing to change this kind of thing and change it fast.

Just a day ago a sin­gle gun­man killed 59 peo­ple and seri­ous­ly wound­ed over 500, even though Jamaica is thou­sands of miles from Las Vegas Nevada the JCF can learn valu­able lessons from these incidents.
The JCF has got to be bet­ter, it has got to learn lessons from oth­ers and imple­ment plans to deal effec­tive­ly with the chal­lenges which are sure to come its way in this present reality.
If three and four offi­cers can­not effect a sim­ple arrest of an indi­vid­ual who assaults one of them with­out fir­ing a weapon in a futile attempt to stop that assailant how will it react to a seri­ous assault?
