What Happens When The Criminals Are The Ones Making The Laws.…


I’ve thought long and hard about what process would effec­tive­ly dis­rupt the safe­ty net which allows Jamaican politi­cians to be arrogant,non-productive and crim­i­nal even.
In some demo­c­ra­t­ic coun­tries well orches­trat­ed grass-roots cam­paigns are able to dis­lodge politi­cians who are lying snivel­ing, self-serv­ing snakes like 99.99% of those in Jamaica.

In the United States this is becom­ing less and less pos­si­ble because of the process of ger­ry­man­der­ing. This process essen­tial­ly redraws con­gres­sion­al dis­tricts to include vot­ers loy­al to the par­ty with con­trol of the Congress.
The result is con­gres­sion­al rep­re­sen­ta­tives who are intran­si­gent in their refusal to do the nation’s busi­ness, giv­ing them cov­er to pur­sue their own agendas.
Ultimately vot­ers lose their voic­es in this process and are sub­ject­ed to the dic­tates of their polit­i­cal party.
It is sim­i­lar to the cre­ation of gar­risons in Jamaica in which peo­ple loy­al to the two polit­i­cal par­ties are giv­en free homes and much more free­bies in return for their life­long alle­giance, depend­ing on which is in power.
It’s a form of slav­ish servi­tude which strips peo­ple of their voic­es and ulti­mate­ly their dignity.


How does one expose politi­cians for the lying decep­tive frauds they are when the peo­ple who elect­ed them to office have reduced them­selves to mere sheep to be herd­ed by the very same politicians?

Such is the state of our beloved Jamaica, there is no appeal­ing to the peo­ple’s intel­lect, there is no alert­ing the mass­es to the dan­gers inher­ent in the trust they place in the hands of politicians.
Some nations have checks and bal­ances which offers a degree of pro­tec­tion against some abuse by politi­cians, Jamaica is not one such country.

It’s extreme­ly dif­fi­cult to con­vince a peo­ple whom are deemed to be 84% cor­rupt that their Government of either polit­i­cal par­ty, is not act­ing in their best interest.
It’s lit­er­al­ly impos­si­ble to con­vince them that crime is ulti­mate­ly a destruc­tive force in their lives when they eat and live from the pro­ceeds of crime.
How do you tell them that the very laws which are sup­pos­ed­ly designed for their pro­tec­tion are designed by peo­ple who are sup­port­ers of mur­der­ers and pur­vey­ors of seri­ous crimes, and in some case are active­ly com­mit­ting crimes themselves?

Politicians of both polit­i­cal par­ties have found a will­ing com­pli­ant scape­goat for their trans­gres­sions, that scape­goat is known as the police high command.
Whether it was thir­ty years ago or today, Whether they were pro­mot­ed to senior ranks through long ser­vice, news-car­ry­ing, sleep­ing up the ranks, being yard boys, etc . Or through mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice and edu­ca­tion, their cow­ardice is the very same pal­pa­ble cowardice.

They allow them­selves to be used as tem­plates, barom­e­ter for whats wrong in the coun­try by both polit­i­cal par­ties. They accept drinks and pats on the back and look the oth­er way while politi­cians com­mit all kinds of crimes with­out accountability.
Ask your­selves this question.
Why have the American Government revoked the visas of some politi­cians, essen­tial­ly pre­vent­ing them from enter­ing the United States?
A coun­try which believes in the rule of law gets the rule of law . Countries with eth­i­cal lead­ers can­not have bad police depart­ments because they ensure there are safe­guards in place to trip up bad offi­cers and pro­tect good ones.
They ensures that the law applies to each and every cit­i­zen and not just the poor­er class.

Corruption is rife in the coun­try, at the high­est lev­els of the Government cor­rup­tion is the rule, not the exception.
That explain the rea­son why they tie the hands of the police while pre­tend­ing to care about human rights.
Please do not talk to me about human rights abuse by police. A gov­ern­ment which cares about peo­ple puts in place the req­ui­site frame­work for an effi­cient police depart­ment which is pro­fes­sion­al , car­ing and competent.
That’s how the cen­tral issue of basic pro­tec­tion of human rights is guaranteed.
Not by tying the hands of police and empow­er­ing criminals.

Human rights are guar­an­teed when we mod­ern­ize our law enforce­ment agen­cies and ensure that the rule of law is sacrosanct.
Placing the rights of crim­i­nals over that of their vic­tims is stu­pid or inher­ent­ly calculative.
I am inclined to believe the lat­ter is true in my country.
To hell with the dead vic­tims , let us ensure that no one place a scratch on the mur­der­ing scums when they are caught.
Minister Montague you say a lot of sil­ly things , God bless you , I believe your heart is in the right place even if you have no idea where that place is.
In your zeal to ensure that “crim­i­nals run weh“please con­sult your col­league Delroy Chuck, and oth­ers , then ask the mem­bers on the Opposition bench­es whether they share your dream that crim­i­nals should run weh?

You see Minister Montague, there­in lies the prob­lem. Because in the high­est places of our coun­try, Jamaica’s crim­i­nals have entrenched allies.
And that’s a real problem.
We under­stand some indict­ments are com­ing in that Caricell débâcle,we also under­stand some visas have already been tak­en away.
Maybe more is to come stay tuned.

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