Virginia Pastor Who Defied Social Distancing Has Died After Contracting COVID-19

Nationwide: Bishop Gerald O. Glenn, the 66-year old pas­tor and founder of New Deliverance Evangelistic Church in Chesterfield, Virginia, has report­ed­ly died from COVID-19. He alleged­ly defied warn­ings to avoid reli­gious gath­er­ings and still con­tin­ued to preach that “God is larg­er than this dread­ed virus” before con­tract­ing the coronavirus.

When author­i­ties start­ed to advise social dis­tanc­ing, Glenn still appar­ent­ly held in-per­son church ser­vices and said he would keep preach­ing “unless in jail or the hos­pi­tal.” A day after his ser­mon on March 22, the state offi­cial­ly banned all gath­er­ings of 10 peo­ple or more.
A few days after, Glenn test­ed pos­i­tive of COVID-19. He was tak­en to the hos­pi­tal where his con­di­tion con­tin­ued to wors­en even with a ven­ti­la­tor. He sad­ly died of COVID-19 on April 11, church offi­cials announced on Facebook.

Moreover, his 65-year old wife, Mother Marcietia Glenn, their daugh­ter, Mar-Gerie Crawley, and 2 oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers have test­ed pos­i­tive for the coro­n­avirus. Meanwhile, Church mem­bers held a vig­il to mourn the death of Bishop Glenn. Senator Tim Kane of Virginia also expressed his grief on his death.
“My heart sinks as I learn this morn­ing that Bishop Gerald Glenn, pas­tor of New Deliverance Evangelistic Church, died yes­ter­day from COVID-19,” Kaine wrote on Twitter the day after his death. “He was a friend and pil­lar of Richmond faith com­mu­ni­ty. May all do as much for so many.”
