If You Are A Uniformed Jamaican Cop Who Shoots A Suspect Who Attack You With A Machete You Will Be Convicted Of A Crime.….



A taxi oper­a­tor who alleged­ly attacked a traf­fic police­man, knock­ing him to the ground and rain­ing blows on him, was shot and injured by the law­man in Hopewell, Hanover, yes­ter­day morn­ing. In the inci­dent, which was video­taped on a cel­lu­lar phone by a bystander, five shots were fired by the uni­formed police­man, result­ing in the injur­ing of taxi oper­a­tor St Obrian Downey, who is of a Montpelier address, also in Hanover. According to an eye­wit­ness account, Downey was dri­ving his taxi through the town when he was sig­nalled to stop by the law­man. The two report­ed­ly got into a heat­ed argu­ment and Downey stepped out of his car and accost­ed the police­man, who was in uni­form. “I just see dem grab up and start wres­tle and then the two of them fell to the ground,” the eye­wit­ness said. In the video of the inci­dent, which was post­ed on Facebook, both men were seen on the ground flail­ing away at each oth­er. Downey, who appeared to be the aggres­sor, was seem­ing­ly get­ting the bet­ter of the law­man, lash­ing out with punch­es and kicks. “… But the police­man can’t man­age him,” one of the onlook­ers was over­heard say­ing on the video.

Five shots fired

After the view of the cel­lu­lar phone was blocked momen­tar­i­ly by a pass­ing vehi­cle, the record­ing resumed with the police­man, who now had his gun in hand, still tus­sling with Downey. Suddenly one shot was heard, fol­lowed by four oth­ers, as the law­man broke free and Downey buck­led over in appar­ent pain. The law­man sub­se­quent­ly picked up what looked like a baton on the ground, beside the injured Downey. It was not clear who moved Downey from the scene, but he sub­se­quent­ly end­ed up at the Cornwall Regional Hospital, suf­fer­ing from gun­shot wounds to his leg and thigh. Yesterday, the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) said it had launched a probe into the shoot­ing, while the police said they would inves­ti­gate the attack on their colleague.(jamaicagleaner)

Jamaica’s Crime Not Rooted In The Ghettos.…

That Police offi­cer Constable Wayne Hamil was found guilty and fined $1 mil­lion or three years in prison. On July 1, con­sta­ble Hamil was con­vict­ed in the Trelawny Circuit Court for wound­ing with intent.
According to oth­er report­ing the taxi oper­a­tor was armed with a machete. Here is that reporting .…..
St Obrian Downey was dri­ving his taxi approach­ing a no-stand­ing area, and warned to dri­ve off, before park­ing his taxi ille­gal­ly. Instead of issu­ing a tick­et, the offi­cer motioned the taxi dri­ver to dri­ve off. The two report­ed­ly got into a heat­ed argu­ment before Downey stepped out of his taxi with a machete and assault­ed the uni­formed police­man. It is at this point the two have fall­en to ground, wrestling for con­trol of the machete, when the offi­cer drew his gun and fired at close range, strik­ing the attack­er in the legs, thighs and but­tocks. http://​www​.live​leak​.com/​v​i​e​w​?​i​=​9​e​d​_​1​3​9​5​7​7​1​9​5​4​&​c​o​m​m​e​n​t​s=1

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I write about crime in Jamaica not because I want to make friends , frankly I could­n’t care less about my crit­ics. I write to sup­port police offi­cers on the Island who uphold their oath to serve and pro­tect. I lend my unmit­i­gat­ed sup­port to those offi­cers who avoid the lure of filthy mon­ey derived from mur­der­ing crim­i­nals or those who would prey on oth­ers for finan­cial gain.
For the offi­cers who risk life and limb to pro­vide san­i­ty and a mod­icum of nor­mal­cy in an oth­er­wise Serengeti of car­nage and may­hem I stand with you.
In the time it took me to write this blog sev­er­al per­sons would have been sex­u­al­ly or oth­er­wise assault­ed and one per­son would have lost his/​her life to vio­lent thugs .
As a for­mer police offi­cer trained in Jamaica I was told that a police offi­cer in uni­form or duly iden­ti­fied as a police offi­cer and act­ing law­ful­ly has a right to use as much force as is nec­es­sary in defense of his/​her life or that of anoth­er.

These are not altar boys, they are dangerous killers , these are the kinds of criminals police officers are not allowed to go after...
These are not altar boys, they are dan­ger­ous killers , these are the kinds of crim­i­nals police offi­cers are not allowed to go after…

That force I was taught, can­not be before or after force was used against the offi­cer, it must be at the time the force was direct­ed at said offi­cer. What that means is that a police offi­cer is not allowed to use force against a sus­pect before that sus­pect indi­cates he intends to harm the offi­cer or anoth­er. Neither can the offi­cer use lethal force after an assault by a sub­ject , as along as that sub­ject sur­ren­ders. On the oth­er hand no police offi­cer has any oblig­a­tion to wait to be assault­ed , wound­ed , or killed before using the nec­es­sary force required to put down an assault on his/​her per­son or on the per­son of anoth­er. It is all up to an assailant to decide to sur­ren­der to police com­mands and not attack a police offi­cer. That is a uni­ver­sal pro­to­col , except on the Island of Jamaica.

I will con­tin­ue to write for peo­ple with­in the dias­po­ra and those look­ing to Jamaica as a place to set­tle or do busi­ness . I refuse to pre­tend that this is a place where the rule of law is prac­ticed or encour­aged. What Jamaica has is a façade of democ­ra­cy. It is a cul­ture which cul­ti­vates an adver­sar­i­al rela­tion­ship with the rule of law.
Ultimately Jamaica is a tin-pan crim­i­nal sys­tem run by a few peo­ple who are crim­i­nals or have con­nec­tions with criminals.
This tran­scend polit­i­cal fin­ger point­ing, it is about a sys­tem rather than about the two polit­i­cal par­ty. It is an entrenched sys­tem which is root­ed in crime and the cel­e­bra­tion of criminality.
It is a sys­tem in which those who occu­py the crim­i­nal court bench has no fideli­ty or respect for the laws except when sit­u­a­tions fit into their nar­row world-view.
Jamaica is a coun­try in which the rule of law is a fig­ment of good peo­ple’s imag­i­na­tion and an aber­ra­tion to the masses.
There is no per­fect sys­tem any­where as it relates to polic­ing. The art of polic­ing is a con­tin­ued process of tri­al and error. We must pros­e­cute rogue police offi­cers when they bla­tant­ly abro­gate the laws they are sworn to uphold. As we do that how­ev­er ‚we must endeav­or to send a strong mes­sage to those who would attack police offi­cers that we stand behind our police officer.
This is true in the United States of America and it is true on the Island of Jamaica.

This is the real Jamaica , just days ago the Tivoli Gardens police post attacked by gunmen with high powered weapons.
This is the real Jamaica , just days ago the Tivoli Gardens police post attacked by gun­men with high pow­ered weapons.

What is absolute­ly sur­re­al is, under what cir­cum­stance could a sus­pect who attack a uni­formed police office in the law­ful exe­cu­tion of his duties be giv­en the ben­e­fit of the doubt?
This is a dement­ed and deranged sys­tem of lit­tle men and women who sit atop a shit-pile total­ly obliv­i­ous of the stench as long as they get to sit atop the pile.
This has been the men­tal­i­ty of Jamaicans since the colo­nial pow­ers returned to England or died out. The bunch of self appoint­ed elites have since grabbed the reins of pow­er and cre­at­ed for them­selves a fief­dom of corruption.
This is the real Jamaica, not the total bull-shit you hear about in the tired old com­mer­cials about our country.
This is a coun­try in which many at every lev­el wants crime to con­tin­ue. Policing in Jamaica is an effort in futility.
There are sim­ply too many entrenched inter­est which ben­e­fits from crime.
