Unfortunately Good People Are Dying Too.….

In 2011 a young man trav­el­ling in a taxi cab had his life snuffed out because the taxi-dri­ver and anoth­er motorist had a case of road-rage which went ter­ri­bly wrong.
According to reports at the time 17 years old school­boy Khajeel Mais an inno­cent vic­tim, rid­ing in the back of a cab to a fête at a high School, became the vic­tim of a ter­ri­ble case of road rage when the cab in which he was a pas­sen­ger alleged­ly ran into the back of a BMW-x6 sport util­i­ty vehicle.
Its is alleged that the dri­ver of the sport util­i­ty vehi­cle emerged from the vehi­cle fir­ing at the cab, the cab dri­ver it is report­ed turned his cab aroound and head­ed in the oppo­site direc­tion ‚with the x6 dri­ver still firing.


I nev­er met young Khajeel Mais , nei­ther do I know his fam­i­ly . In the greater scheme of things his death was no dif­fer­ent than the hun­dreds , thou­sands even, of Jamaicans young and old who have their lives sum­mar­i­ly snuffed out.
I am not sure what it was about the killing of this young man which moved me so much that I need­ed to do some­thing about it. Out of that I decid­ed to cre­ate a blog to high­light the state of insan­i­ty in Jamaica as it relates to crime and violence.
I can just hear the naysay­ers now ” there is crime and vio­lence everywhere” .
True but I am talk­ing about Jamaica, you want to dis­cuss crime and vio­lence in the world and I am will­ing to talk about that too, just not now.

It is nev­er quite clear what trig­gers in us the desire to do some­thing when the issue we get aroused about have sim­i­lar occur­rences every­day with­out any­one even bat­ting an eye.
Many years ago while I was still serv­ing mem­ber of the force , I was asked by my sub-offi­cer in charge of crime Detective Sergeant Gerald Wallace to attend the Morgue at Maddens funer­al home and stand in on his behalf at a post Mortem Examination .
Wallace was the lead inves­ti­ga­tor in a knife mur­der of a young male on Red Hills Road . The deca­dent was stabbed in the neck right in the right angle where the kneck join the shoulder.
I did not know any of this at the time I told my sub-offi­cer I would have no prob­lem attend­ing the Post mortem , why should I it was some­thing I had done many times before?

Patrick Powell the alleged killer of Khajeel Mais...
Patrick Powell the alleged killer of Khajeel Mais…

I was one of those offi­cers who did not mind pitch­ing in when it involves murder.
I allud­ed to this fact in these blogs sev­er­al times before what I was taught while attend­ing basic crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tions course “no greater task can be giv­en any man than to bring the killer/​s of the inno­cent to jus­tice” . I did not mind tes­ti­fy­ing in court to put them away. Even though the laws and the courts refus­es to make an exam­ple out of killers.
As I matured as a police offi­cer on the Island I cer­tain­ly did not mind whether these mind­less killers were brought to jus­tice or whether based on their choic­es , jus­tice was brought to them.

This time was no dif­fer­ent except that on arriv­ing at the morgue I felt real­ly queazy. Anyone fami­lar with Maddens know you have to be the oppo­site of queazy to enter that place. But I had done it before , so why was I queazy?
I told the doc­tor I would be right back , ran to a lit­tle bar, by this time I was real­ly nau­seus. I swal­lowed down some white rum , no water, no ice and threw a cou­ple of icymint sweet­ies into my mouth and went back into the morgue.
The porter slit the corpse open and all hell broke loose.
Remember when I described where the deca­dent had been stabbed in the neck ? Well there was no out­ward bleed­ing all the blood stayed inside .
The porter opened him up, out spilled all the blood, out came my break­fast, and every bit of what­ev­er else was inside my stom­ach. That was my very last post-mortem.
To this day I have no idea what sep­a­rat­ed that one from all of the pre­vi­ous others.
That one was sim­ply the straw which broke the camel’s back. The killing of Khajeel Mias spurred me to do what I can to shine alight on whats going on in Jamaica.

I nev­er quite fig­ured out what made me vom­it, I nev­er fig­ured out what was dif­fer­ent about the killing of Khajeel Mais . What I do know is that I have writ­ten thou­sands of blogs, done tons of research and spo­ken to lots and lots of peo­ple sole­ly on the killings in my coun­try. I know it can be addressed , but sad­ly rather than tak­ing dras­tic steps to show crim­i­nals that their das­tard­ly deeds will not be tol­er­at­ed, the nation con­tin­ue to fool itself that all it has to do is be nicer to the killers.

Over the years I have heard an alpha­bet stew of sug­ges­tions from vil­lage lawyers , prog­nos­ti­ca­tors, and the mon­day-morn­ing quar­ter­backs about what to do about crime.
Nothing I have heard is worth squat as it relates to seri­ous­ly tack­ling the crime epi­dem­ic in our country.
I rue every day that I sit on my hands see­ing the spilt blood yet no one has the balls to say this stops now.

Community out­reach♦ Officers in schools ♦ Better com­mu­ni­ty rela­tions♦ More police oper­a­tions♦ Police offi­cers being more sweet and loving♦
This has been tried and proven to fail through­out the last forty years . How dumb can a nation be ? The def­i­n­i­tion of a fool is doing the same thing over and over again and expect­ing a dif­fer­ent result.
There has to be a rad­i­cal shift , it’s doable, but the Government must stop lis­ten­ing to the crim­i­nal lawyers and the host of leech­es and vul­tures who parade as human rights activists.

A heavy hand is exactly whats needed with really heavy handed laws....We are dealing with a new reality...
A heavy hand is exact­ly whats need­ed with real­ly heavy hand­ed laws.…We are deal­ing with a new reality…

To the peo­ple who say “Mike you are advo­cat­ing a heavy-hand­ed approach” !
To them I say Yaaaaaaaa !!!!
You real­ly get me !
You got­ta go after mur­der­ers with vengeance and fire, where the hell do you ever hear of beg­ging mass mur­der­ers to stop com­mit­ting crimes.
Jamaican crim­i­nals are some of the most vicious blood-thirsty killers any­where. They are not exact­ly dumb either.
They know they have the upper hand now and they are cap­i­tal­iz­ing on it.
Why ?
Because they know the peo­ple and their lead­ers are dumb ass­es who con­tin­ue to vac­il­late on what to do about their mur­der­ous escapades.

Sure people need jobs but not having a job is not a licence to murder and maim...
Sure peo­ple need jobs, but not hav­ing a job is not a licence to mur­der and maim…

During the late 1980’s we had noth­ing to fight crime , we had no com­put­ers, we had no bal­lis­tic vests, we had no social media , we had noth­ing yet mur­der hov­ered around 300 annu­al­ly. At that time we thought it was way too high.
To the shit-head bleed­ing hearts who talk about police tak­ing out crim­i­nals I seri­ous­ly want the killers to vis­it your damn doors.
There is a rea­son we had three hun­dred mur­ders dur­ing the late 80’s as against the over 1600 in 2005 .
Do the damn math, to you who say “we can­not just exter­mi­nate them” , “I say sit your ass down and wait for them to exter­mi­nate you. Unfortunately the killers who roam the streets seem to avoid the damn fools and get inno­cent people.

I read a post by one of my dear friends in a social medi­um just this morn­ing in which he mis­tak­en­ly said he does­n’t believe there are ser­i­al killers in Jamaica. I know my friend was not being thor­ough in his think­ing, as that state­ment was not the cen­tral theme of what he want­ed to con­vey, far from it.
Nevertheless he was wrong.
There are many young men walk­ing around who have killed over a dozen peo­ple. “Making dup­py is a badge of hon­or”. These creeps are ser­i­al killers and for these mur­der­ing ani­mals there is no reha­bil­i­ta­tion and there should be none.

There are oth­ers who are well dressed, they don’t stand on the street cor­ners crush­ing gan­ga in the mid­dle of their palms, pants hang­ing off their ass­es, Guinness stout in back-pock­et. But these are they who order hits(con­tract-killings) .They are no dif­fer­ent that they who pull the triggers.
Most poor inner-city youths have no means of bring­ing guns into the coun­ty by the boat-loads.
Lets stop with the bull-shit and the pussy-foot­ing .In 2010 they seri­ous­ly took on the state, but for the secu­ri­ty forces the coun­try would be Somalia today. Nevertheless the ungrate­ful crim­i­nal class ordered an inves­ti­ga­tion of the actions of the secu­ri­ty forces.
They brought in a colo­nial­ist for­eign­er to sit in judge­ment of our war­riors who risked their lives, even as some some paid the ulti­mate price to save our coun­try they sit in unright­eous judge­ment with dis­dain­ful elitism.

I will stop here by say­ing over five years after Khajeel Mais was killed, the accused is yet to be tried in the cor­rupt incom­pe­tent courts system.
When you talk about nuanced approach to crime, not that it ever worked any­where, be mind­ful that the courts do not work.
There is your answer.
Crime can only be reme­died if we make seri­ous laws and enforce them regard­less of the accused stand­ing in the society.
The Opposition par­ty has zero inter­est in assist­ing with solv­ing crime on the Island, the par­ty has way too many func­tionar­ies involved in seri­ous crim­i­nal con­duct. The oth­er par­ty also have peo­ple who are invest­ed in crime as well.
The crim­i­nal lawyers and the rights lob­by are hav­ing a field day while the bod­ies pile up local and for­eign now.
In the mean­time the politi­cians twid­dle their thumbs , smile and make announce­ments, all the time try­ing to con­vince every­one but them­selves that things are just fine.
Unfortunately some real­ly good peo­ple are dying as well .
Yes the rain does fall on the just and on the unjust.….….….….…..
