Unequal Justice…

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An indict­ed Donald Trump is set to be arraigned in Manhattan On Tuesday after­noon on charges hand­ed down by a Manhattan Grand Jury. This will be the first time a for­mer President of the United States will be arraigned. Donald Trump is no stranger to firsts, however.
He is the only pres­i­dent in his­to­ry to insti­gate a 
Coup d’é­tat to hold onto pow­er after he lost the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion, fair and square. He is still to face jus­tice for those acts of sedi­tion and treason.
He was the first to get indict­ed in his­to­ry, and while we are on the sub­ject of firsts, the main­stream media can now drop the term unprece­dent­ed. There is prece­dent for it now, so please stop already with the ‘this is unprece­dent­ed.’ Donald Trump made sure of that.
Trump loves to be first; in fact, he rel­ish­es the idea that he is con­stant­ly talked about in the media, even if the cov­er­age is neg­a­tive. To him, there is no such thing as bad publicity.
How else are we to define this guy who man­aged to get him­self impeached twice in a sin­gle four-year — term, anoth­er first?
Look, one does­n’t have to be a clin­i­cal psy­chol­o­gist to under­stand that there is some­thing fun­da­men­tal­ly wrong with Trump.
If you set aside his hatred for Black peo­ple, Muslims, Mexicans, the poor, immi­grants, and every­one, not a rich Caucasian will­ing to kiss his bul­bous ass, I guess some­one may find some­thing redemp­tive about the guy.

Donald Trump

The Racist zealots who bow down to him arguably believe that this guy is some Messiah sent to them by some god. I kid you not. At the same time, it is impor­tant to remem­ber that this con artist could care less about them. They are only use­ful to him because they count numer­i­cal­ly; their num­bers are impor­tant for him to threat­en the rest of the coun­try with vio­lence. He fundrais­es from them and pock­ets the mon­ey. I guess every idiot has oth­er idiots under them.
So I heard that he would be fin­ger­print­ed at his arrange­ment but not pho­tographed. (spe­cial priv­i­leges oth­er Americans who alleged­ly break the laws are not allowed to have. Whether this is true or not, I can­not ver­i­fy; I guess we will see; of course, the very rich and pow­er­ful are always known to have spe­cial priv­i­leges, usu­al­ly old white men.
It will come as no sur­prise if he is arraigned with­out a mugshot.
Oh, don’t for­get that the lying syco­phants who drink at the bit­ter well of deceit and racist big­otry will tell you that America has one sys­tem of jus­tice- you know, because they are smarter than you are, and you should not believe your own eyes.

The idea that a sit­ting pres­i­dent can­not be indict­ed for alleged crimes, a for­mer pres­i­dent should not be pros­e­cut­ed for alleged crimes, and a per­son run­ning for the pres­i­den­cy should not be pros­e­cut­ed for alleged crimes lays bare the idea of equal treat­ment under the laws. It is time that they under­stand we are not all fools.
The peo­ple who vote for this grab­ber of female gen­i­talia who brags about it may be a god to them, but he isn’t one to the rest of us.



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
