Two Gunned Down In Old Harbor Market/​warning Graphic Images)

As the sense­less blood­shed con­tin­ue across Jamaica, a male ven­dor and a woman were mur­dered in the Old Harbor Market yes­ter­day at about 2:10 pm.

According to sup­posed eye­wit­ness­es, the two were gunned down by two men who then ran away.
They were both pro­nounced dead at the Spanish Town Hospital.
These kinds of brazen day­light mur­ders have become the norm as gun­men kill whomev­er they chose and sim­ply walk away with­out any seem­ing fear of the authorities.

We take no plea­sure in show­ing these images but we are des­per­ate for action on crime in Jamaica. We hope that our peo­ple’s sen­si­bil­i­ties will be shocked and they will be forced into action.
We can no longer sweep these killings under the rug and pre­tend that they are not occur­ring.
We ful­ly under­stand the con­cerns of those who say we should not show these images, but we also appre­ci­ate that we have been omit­ting to show these images and peo­ple are still dying. In fact, more and more peo­ple are dying, so not show­ing them have not worked to stop the blood­shed.
We need our lead­ers to be held account­able for their lack of con­se­quen­tial action on the nation’s crime front. 
