Two Cops Killed In As Many Days :The Silence From Jamaica House In The Meantime Is Deafening…


Why Police can’t trav­el pan pub­lic trans­port like ebery bady else? If she neva hav nu gun dem wouldn kill har.
There are no short­age of sopho­moric com­ments com­ing out of the killing of 24 year-old Police Constable Crystal Thomas who became the lat­est police offi­cer to die at the hands of Jamaican criminals.
Constable Thomas’ death comes just a day after anoth­er Police Officer 22-year-old Constable Curtis Lewis lost his life trag­i­cal­ly in the line of duty. From all accounts Constable Lewis was engaged in spot checks when a motor­cy­clists he sig­naled to stop dis­obeyed his order and end­ed up killing him, after rip­ping his leg off.
This motor­cy­clists did what he did because they are encour­aged not to obey the Police.
The Question is real­ly this , “will the Director of Public Prosecution have the guts and the balls to pros­e­cute this piece of human waste for murder?
The vil­lage Lawyers, trained and untrained can argue about intent all they want. When you dis­obey a law­ful order and the con­se­quence is the death of this offi­cer your intent must rea­son­ably be con­strued to be malicious.
Intent inferred.
This prob­a­bly won’t hap­pen, this is Jamaica a coun­try which has become a crim­i­nal par­adise. Touch a Criminal and you have a prob­lem. Kill a Cop no problem.

Constable Crystal Thomas had just left work at the Denham Town Police Station and board­ed a pub­lic pas­sen­ger bus that was pass­ing by the sta­tion when she stum­bled upon a rob­bery in progress and chal­lenged the men she would sac­ri­fice her life for her decision.
This Officer did not won­der whether she would be harassed by INDECOM. She did not won­der whether she would be killed in defense of others.
She did what she did because that’s what Police Officers do.
They do not have the ben­e­fit of hind­sight. They do not have the lux­u­ry of Monday-morn­ing quar­ter­back­ing. They take action and if they fail to get it right their sen­tence is death.

In Jamaica if they do get it right, the sen­tence is a lengthy witch-hunt which leaves them pen­ni­less. In the end the result is Prison for doing their jobs or in the event there is no wrong­do­ing proven their careers are over, tough luck you are on your own.
In the Jamaican Police Department the peo­ple who progress are those who do noth­ing , see noth­ing , hear nothing.
Today many of them are walk­ing around, dumb as a door-nail as a friend of mine char­ac­ter­ized them (baosy slaves), in their kha­ki out­fits with absolute­ly no knowl­edge of police work.
What they know is how to kiss-ass , cur­ry favor and be yard-boys to the coun­try’s filthy cor­rupt politicians.

As I pre­pare this Article there is new Information that two of Officer Thomas’ mur­der­ers are in cus­tody. I salute the quick work of those offi­cers who tracked them down. In a real Democracy these two would nev­er see the light of day again. In Jamaica if they ever see a court room the case will drag on and on until one of the lib­er­al crim­i­nal lov­ing tools on the court set them free.
This is what Jamaica has become .
A par­adise for Criminals. Under a Government of Criminals and morons.

There is no real rise in crime just murders”. 
Those were the words of the half baked idiot who holds the National Security port­fo­lio. Peter Bunting sought to assure and assuage pub­lic dis­qui­et that there was real­ly no need for alarm regard­ing the 22% increase in mur­ders over the cor­re­spond­ing peri­od last year. In his brain-dead attempt to deflect atten­tion from the seri­ous, unre­strained loss of life ‚the Minister cites sta­tis­tics show­ing that Robberies and oth­er crimes are down.
In oth­er words ‚“see crime is not a prob­lem, less rapes, less rob­beries, less break-ins, so don’t wor­ry about the spike in murders”.
You can’t make that stuff up. I guess if you are dead noth­ing else mat­ters. What lunacy …

The prob­lem with our Country is that there are no short­age of wise-ass-know-it-all. Everyone has an opin­ion on every­thing, Social media is now abuzz with vary­ing com­ments about crime and what ought to be done.
They talk about what Police can and can­not do in a democ­ra­cy. Maybe they ought to wake up to the fact that Jamaica is real­ly no Democracy. The Country is a Kleptocracy , run by a bunch of thieves and crooks. They are account­able to no one. Even with abun­dant evi­dence the Courts which are stacked with their lack­eys sub­vert the process and allow them to walk free. Whether it’s mil­lions in the theft of light-bulbs or the Trafigura scan­dal, scan­dal after scan­dal they are above the laws, no one gets pros­e­cut­ed or held accountable
Is there any won­der crim­i­nals are run­ning the streets?
The answer is no , crim­i­nals are run­ning Gordon House, why not the streets

The Police are not total­ly blame­less, hav­ing served I have seen some of them in action, licky-licky, lit­tle yard boys run­ning behind their mas­ters like lit­tle Chihuahua dogs. Is there any won­der that the police was nev­er respect­ed or appreciated?
From the Chief Constable to the District Constable they have a his­to­ry of def­er­ence to politi­cians no mat­ter how cor­rupt they are.
Today the Agency mourn two of it’s own, the silence from Jamaica House is deafening.
The rea­son it’s deaf­en­ing is sim­ple, the occu­pant of Jamaica House has no clue that this is a big deal. The occu­pant of Jamaica House is total­ly clue­less about any­thing but the next oppor­tu­ni­ty to board a flight to the next for­eign event.
This is a clas­sic horse and pony show.

11 thoughts on “Two Cops Killed In As Many Days :The Silence From Jamaica House In The Meantime Is Deafening…

  1. Let us not fool or kid our­selves! The politi­cians in Jamaica are NOT law abiders or sup­port­ers of “law enforce­ment offi­cers,” they have dis­played their dis­dain, hatred, and dis­gust for the police force for years since Jamaica becomes a so-called Independent Island. For you to be a politi­cian and a major­i­ty of the peo­ple elect you or become a celebri­ty in Jamaica you must be a known “anti-police and crim­i­nal sup­port­er” if not you are a not a role mod­el in Jamaica and that is the real­i­ty on the ground.
    In a nor­mal soci­ety the per­son or per­sons who sup­port the police they are revered, laud­ed, and cel­e­brat­ed; in Jamaica they are marked for death (informer must dead cul­ture) and this is one of the country’s main mot­to and it have been ped­dled and root­ed in the peo­ple psyched.
    It is so disin­gen­u­ous and dis­hon­est for the politi­cians, all of them on both sides of the polit­i­cal aisles express­ing “shocked, out­rage, amaze­ment, and dis­may” when they learnt that the crim­i­nals bru­tal­ly mur­dered one of Jamaica’s law enforce­ment offi­cers! These peo­ple are the spon­sors of crim­i­nal activ­i­ties and they are the “boasie slaves” of Jamaica who have been doing a won­der­ful job in destroy­ing the lit­tle that is left of Jamaica.

    St. Andrew Holiness and St. Peter “The Divine” Bunting are the two biggest “anti-police” activists in Jamaica who are mem­bers of par­lia­ment elect­ed by the Jamaican peo­ple. Do you think that their con­stituents would elect these men by tout­ing their sup­port for “law and order, much less the police?” This Jamaica, the crim­i­nal’s par­adise in the Caribbean; Criminals have their own agency to police the police and make sure that they are pen­ni­less when they are through with them! Remember, it was St. Andrew Holiness par­ty cre­at­ed and brought to the fore “INDECOM” as a means of retal­i­a­tion against the police force to extra­dite their strong man “Christopher Dudus Coke” a known crim­i­nal in Jamaica. This man was so pow­er­ful he was able to lock down the Island for three days. 

    St. Peter “The Divine” Bunting is the min­is­ter of Insecurity” and he laughed, “Indecom is com­pet­ing with the police force and I love com­pe­ti­tion because it brought out the best in us,” he said! Indecom is not com­pet­ing with the local police force, nor do they have to face the bru­tal­i­ty of the mur­der­ing thugs in Jamaica. “INDECOM” is an “anti-police” human/​criminal rights group set up by the for­mer gov­ern­ment, which is the JLP par­ty, and the PNP is reap­ing fruits from its oper­a­tions of pur­su­ing the police like “John Crow!”
    To date the only elect­ed offi­cials in Jamaica who has spo­ken out pub­licly against this orga­ni­za­tion formed by the JLP par­ty was “Minister Damien Crawford” but since he’d made his state­ment call­ing for the dis­man­tling of this agency, there was no fol­low up because par­ty offi­cials more or less reigns him in!

    These politi­cians think that all of us are Illiterate, inept, and a set of mal­adroit” peo­ple because a major­i­ty of the Jamaican peo­ple is fools, lazy, crim­i­nal mind­ed and love hand­outs, they think all of us are the same!
    Let me break it down to you like this. The play­ers of crimes in Jamaica are from a wide sec­tion of the soci­ety and the crim­i­nals have their back­ers with­in the gov­ern­ment. The present gov­ern­ment (PNP) is one of the play­ers of “sup­port­ing, pro­mot­ing, idol­iz­ing, wor­shipped and love” crim­i­nals espe­cial­ly if the criminal(s) sup­port their “ide­ol­o­gy.” The late Donovan ‘Bulbie’ Bennett the leader of the Clansman gang, which is a PNP gang, was want­ed for “over twen­ty two mur­ders, rapes, rob­beries, shoot­ing, extor­tions, and oth­er seri­ous crimes” yet this man was able to get legal gov­ern­ment con­tract from the PNP gov­ern­ment under the stew­ard­ship of the P.J. Patterson admin­is­tra­tion in the late 1990’s to 2000’s. A want­ed man get­ting legal con­tracts with the gov­ern­ment worth over $200 mil­lion; this is unheard of in oth­er coun­tries only in Jamaica this could hap­pen and nowhere else in the world. This is one of the rea­sons why I refer to Jamaica, as a “criminal’s par­adise.” Tell me if I am wrong by pro­duc­ing your facts to sup­port your claims. Emotion, innu­en­dos, bias­ness can­not prove a point to prove ones case, it must be evi­dence to sup­port the claim with­out that being present is like smoke in the mir­rors, there­fore it is irrelevant.

    Another instance and exam­ple, is the Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke saga under the JLP gov­ern­ment, where the “Bruce Golding” admin­is­tra­tion shows the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty that they were sup­port­ing their strong man who was want­ed by the US gov­ern­ment for crimes com­mit­ted by him. The for­mer Prime Minister Bruce Golding in his pro­nounce­ment was adamant that the US gov­ern­ment and the Jamaican police breached the criminal’s rights. The facts of the mat­ter is that the Jamaican gov­ern­ment should be hap­py that an untouch­able crim­i­nal and self-right­eous crim­i­nal, whose laws are above the Island’s jus­tice sys­tem was made to give account for his crimes!

    I am not a fan of both polit­i­cal par­ties because of their known sup­port of crim­i­nals and crim­i­nal gangs with­in their ranks. I am being “hon­est, gen­uine, legit­i­mate, truth­ful, vera­cious” about Jamaica being a crim­i­nals par­adise. Most of the today police in Jamaica are most­ly polit­i­cal­ly con­nect­ed, they have no balls, or it is always that time of month and they will do any­thing to gain pow­er and favoritism from the polit­i­cal estab­lish­ment and the lit­tle Constable who is try­ing to get the job done. God help him because he is on his own! Remember it is poor people’s chil­dren in Jamaica are police offi­cers and the police offi­cers who are the “Boasie Slaves” ser­vants and they are behold­en to them will do any­thing to pro­tect crim­i­nals from the long arms of the laws! Some of the gazette offi­cers, who wear Khaki clothes, are in high offices but their behav­ior and sup­port for our crim­i­nals in Jamaica are not sur­pris­ing because they them­selves are crim­i­nal and aligned to known crim­i­nal gangs! However, because they are con­nect­ed to the polit­i­cal par­ty that is pow­er, they enjoy the sup­port of their “slave mas­ters, who them­selves are a lit­tle high­er than them because they are the “boasie slaves!”

    Jamaica is the only coun­try in the Caribbean, any­one can come to “promi­nence, ele­va­tion, emi­nence, fame and noto­ri­ety” by show­ing your “dis­dain, vil­i­fy, mar­gin­al­ize, ostra­cize, malign” the police pub­licly. To be love, emu­late, respect­ed by the pop­u­lace in Jamaica is to keep beat­ing the drums against the police as being “wicked, poor people’s haters, crim­i­nals, abusers of crim­i­nals and Jamaican rights”, shout out from the moun­tain­top, and pro­mote “all inform­ers must dead!” What they are pro­mot­ing it is res­onat­ing with the “illit­er­ate, indis­ci­pline, crim­i­nal mind­ed, crim­i­nal sup­port­ing” peo­ple in Jamaica because this is how you bring peo­ple to vote for you and your par­ty! The pop­u­laces who are sup­port­ers of crim­i­nals do not even know that they them­selves at times will be vic­tims of crimes; it is only a mat­ter of time before this hap­pens. The crim­i­nals, and politi­cians alike are say­ing to all vic­tims of crimes “suck it up, don’t com­plain or report any crimes com­mit­ted against them or if they wit­nessed any crimes. although their rights were infringe on by crim­i­nals” to the police as they the crim­i­nals must be able to com­mit their crimes with no reper­cus­sions; that mean­ing that you “Dianne” can be “raped, robbed” and all man­ner of evil should be done to you and you must not report it to the police? 

    That is the Jamaica you are advo­cat­ing where crim­i­nals live in con­stant fear for their lives and there are sanc­tu­ary for them amongst the peo­ple… I am for a bet­ter Jamaica!
    The Jamaica I would like to see, is the one where the pop­u­lace is able to do and go about their busi­ness with­out being harassed by crim­i­nals and the likes; and crim­i­nals must “live, sleep, eat, think, show­er” in con­stant fear for their lives. They must not enjoy life as the decent law abid­ing cit­i­zens, their lives must be uncom­fort­able and in con­stant fear of being killed! The for­mer Jamaican Prime Minister P.J. Patterson is right in his “analo­gies” of the police, because he should have been “arrest­ed and charged” for cor­rup­tion for his role in the “Iran sug­ar deal and the Shell gas scan­dal.” Therefore, he has all the right to echo such sen­ti­ments, because he knew he was able to get away with his cor­rupt deeds and in the end, the Jamaican peo­ple black racist, illit­er­ate, immoral peo­ple vot­ed for this man because he is black! You are putting a “Hyena to guard the goats” and when the goats dis­ap­pears, you are won­der­ing how it hap­pen? Jamaican peo­ple on a whole are illit­er­ate, racist, crim­i­nal mind­ed, lazy and social­is­tic. In the end, the Jamaican peo­ple vot­ed for him for him as Prime Minister on three occa­sions. This goes to show that “racism, illit­er­a­cy, emo­tion, lack of morals and ethics” plays an impor­tant role in him being pro­pels to the office as Prime Minister of Jamaica. To date what Jamaica has to show for the years he was Prime Minister or for the many years the PNP is in pow­er? More and more poor peo­ple, more and more cor­rup­tion, more and more killings, and more and more sup­port for crim­i­nals! How many Detectives of the police force received train­ing to inves­ti­gate crimes so that they can arrest and charge crim­i­nals for their crimes? I am a born Jamaica, but not an “emo­tion­al” Jamaican.

    I am not a sup­port­er of either par­ty, so I am not a “PNP or JLP” sup­port­er; I am a born Jamaican and would like to see the same laws that the American police have to do their jobs in Jamaica with­out polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence or crim­i­nals able to use the women and chil­dren to spread their pro­pa­gan­da. Yes, the same laws so that our “politi­cians, judges, and oth­ers” who are involved in crimes or bene­fac­tors of crim­i­nal activ­i­ties are held account­able for their actions. To date the only group of gov­ern­ment employ­ees that has been and always under attacked is the “police force” and its mem­bers. Yet, the politi­cians seem to behave as if they have “immu­ni­ty” from pros­e­cu­tion. If the well is full with dirty water, you can­not get one tea­spoon of clean water out of it unless the water is fil­ter out with a spe­cial fil­ter to get rid of the dirty water with­in the well. This is what needs to hap­pen to Jamaica, a thor­ough clean­ing from the top of the gov­ern­ment to the low­er level.
    My heart is full of “anger, rage, vex­a­tion, and dis­plea­sure” read­ing what these “boasie slaves” are writ­ing and express­ing their con­do­lences to the dead policewoman’s fam­i­ly! These “Boasie Slaves” have no shame! To be a police in Jamaica is so stress­ing because the entire sys­tem is against you in every way, why not out­source out the job of law enforce­ment to the crim­i­nals then, since they are the ones who have the pow­ers in Jamaica and the law-abid­ing cit­i­zens are the ones liv­ing in fear?

    What can I say to the policewoman’s fam­i­ly who are mourn­ing the loss of their daugh­ter, sis­ter, aun­tie, cousin, friends, and col­leagues that she left behind? That she gave her life for a sys­tem that is not a sup­port­er of what she stands for but is for the peo­ple who have gunned down this young woman! The sys­tem is cor­rupt from top to bottom!

    • In any oth­er juris­dic­tion in the nor­mal world cop killers are per­sued relent­less­ly until they are caught and brought to jus­tice and in most cas­es are killed. The real­i­ty of the sit­u­a­tion is that as you right­ly said broth­er the police are the only gov­ern­ment work­ers that hat­ed by the peo­ple for enforc­ing the laws that are made by these same cor­rupt politi­cians. Police offi­cers in Jamaica have to in many cas­es buy their own regalia to try to do police work effec­tive­ly whilst these politi­cians dri­ve expen­sive SUVs at the expense of the peo­ple so by process of deduc­tion one would realise that and the end of all the gib­ber­ish that they talk the pow­ers that be are not inter­est­ed in stamp­ing out crime because crime keeps them in pow­er and keeps mon­ey in their pock­ets. Sorry that Crystal lost her life so young at that and look at the cir­cum­stances on a pub­lic pas­sen­ger vehi­cle yet every mem­ber of the hier­ar­chy of the police force has at least one car assigned to them which many cas­es are parked when they are off duty or is dri­ven home or to do pri­vate errands. Boasie slaves indeed

  2. I remem­ber in late 1987, I was a police cadet at JPA. At the time, the Right Honorable Edward Seaga was Prime Minister, the man that most Jamaicans hat­ed because of his com­plex­ion and on the oth­er side, we would rather to have a man of his com­plex­ion than a man like P.J. Patterson as our broth­er-in-law because he is black and Errol Anderson was the Minister of National Security.
    Sometime about 8:00PM, A police­woman by the name of Woman Constable Johnston, took a bus from Spanish Town and was going to work at Police Control, it was a quar­ter mil­lion dol­lar bus! The bus was trav­el­ling along “Ferry Highway” when three men start­ed to robbed the bus. When the men reach to Woman Constable Johnston, they found para­pher­na­lia inside her purse, which iden­ti­fied her as being a police offi­cer. The gun­men divert­ed the bus and took it to Gregory Park, to one of the open lot, where they took turns, raped and mur­dered her.
    Back then, you killed a police offi­cer, no DONS is going to pro­tect you because he does not want to be on the police dink list. In less than 24 hours all three men chal­lenges the police in a shootout and they met their demise at the hand of the police from Flying Squad and Radication (Special Operations), the gun­men guns were recov­ered and that was the end of the case.
    That is how cop killers were treat­ed then, when the man who Jamaicans hat­ed the most (Edward Seaga) was Prime Minister. You killed one of his police offi­cers; you are going to be meet­ing jus­tice “swift, fast, and just!”
    After the gun­men killed Woman Constable Johnston on the bus, police hier­ar­chy learns that she had a lit­tle sis­ter, who grad­u­at­ed from “Queens High School” and was in the process of join­ing the police force.
    In March 1988, I was able to meet the sis­ter of the late Woman Constable Johnston, who became my batch mate. We grad­u­at­ed togeth­er on December 16th, 1988 from the Jamaica Police Academy.
    The late Woman Constable Johnston is the sis­ter of Woman Inspector Veronica Johnston who works at Kingston Western Division. In addi­tion, it is the same divi­sion where the police­woman was from. I hope that the hier­ar­chy of the police force would have treat­ed Woman Inspector Johnston bet­ter, but I know more or less, she is not one of the “Big Trousers men” bitch or police mattresses!
    As for me, my heartaches with pain, to know that these gun­men can mur­der a police woman and they are in the cus­tody of the police. A remem­ber back this would be crime that you pay in quick suc­ces­sion, no wait­ing peri­od or wast­ing tax payer’s money.
    My heart­felt con­do­lences to all the good men and women of the Jamaican Constabulary Force, espe­cial­ly those at the Kingston Western Division dur­ing the loss of this young man, who gave her life for a sys­tem that is total­ly against for what she stands for, ethics, decen­cy, human­i­ty and most of all honesty!
    Although, they mur­dered this beau­ti­ful young woman, the mem­o­ries of her are for­ev­er etch in the minds of the folks she encoun­ters dur­ing her life here on earth and being such a won­der­ful human being. As I have said before and will con­tin­ue to echo to each and every police offi­cers in Jamaica who is will­ing to lis­ten “leave the police force if you can, you’re being over worked and under­paid, and hat­ed by the polit­i­cal estab­lish­ment and the elit­ists in Jamaica. Go to work, watch the clock, and go home safe­ly to your family!”
    Police take it from me, I have left my foot step and mark on the police force, the bicy­cle that a lot of you are rid­ing it is because of men like “cre­ation,” being cre­ative. In 1993 when the Hunts Bay Police Station did not have any ser­vice vehi­cle, because of the love for the police force and Jamaica “myself, Bobby Reds, and the late bat­ty­man Kirk Palmer” formed the bicy­cle squad due to the fact the gun­men were killing peo­ple in St. Andrew South divi­sion on a dai­ly basis with no abate­ment. It was our suc­cess on the road as a team why they have copied “Bobby Reds and my cre­ation” into the police force. The police force is not for good peo­ple chil­dren; unless you are ready to sell, your soul to the polit­i­cal estab­lish­ment by ignor­ing your con­science, soul and heart, if not you will not get any promotion.
    Only the poor man’s chil­dren joined the police force, so the poor are the ones who pay the price for pro­tect­ing the elit­ists and politi­cians! Sleep well “Crystal” you are a dia­mond in the sky and you will con­tin­ue to shine!

    • One cor­rec­tion Chris Porter, it was­n’t spe­cial Opps,or fly­ing squad or any­one else who brought jus­tice to them, by the time they arrived it was all over.
      Dadrick Henry , myself, Morgan, Bigga Ford , O C Hare, tell it to the world we were not about to let them get away with vio­lat­ing and killing her.

  3. Chris porter… You are spot on!!!.… I want­ed so bad­ly to add my two cents but you have said all that I want­ed to say so now I can­not even vent. Lol.. You know what you are say­ing Sir , now if the rest of Jamaica could just see this and take action

  4. You’ve hit the nail on the head broth­er. The first & biggest prob­lem in Jamaica today is the ” emo­tion­al politi­cian.” Supposedly nor­mal, reg­u­lar peo­ple like you & I, police & civil­ians alike, who start a con­ver­sa­tion but when politi­cians are men­tioned, have noth­ing to say. They all need to get it right because the gun­men are right on their doorsteps. Blessings & Peace to all those who are in favor of Law & Order.

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