Twenty Five Trips In Twenty Four Months !!!


One hun­dred and six­ty-two mil­lion dol­lars ‚J$162M spent on for­eign trips over a two-year peri­od. Twenty five (25 for­eign trips tak­en over a twen­ty-four (24 month peri­od. An aver­age of over one for­eign trip per month. Yet Like I said some time ago, I believe these are not cor­rect num­bers. I imag­ine if the Jamaican peo­ple real­ly know the amount of mon­ey this Administration blows on for­eign trips there would be riot­ing in the streets. The Leader of the Opposition has revealed that the num­bers final­ly tabled in Parliament is not a com­plete nor cor­rect rep­re­sen­ta­tive fig­ure of the real costs of the PM’s trav­els. In fact it seems the amount tabled is a mere drop in the buck­et of the real costs of her and her del­e­ga­tions over­seas trips.,


Andrew Holness

What’s astound­ing in this whole affair was the Administration’s reluc­tance to release the infor­ma­tion sought by the oppo­si­tion on behalf of the Jamaican peo­ple. Even more shock­ing is the dis­dain­ful atti­tude the Prime Minister took in respond­ing to the inquires. But noth­ing com­pares to the gut­ter behav­ior she dis­played and allowed her imma­ture Neanderthal acolytes to engage in ‚in response to the leader of the Opposition. The his­tor­i­cal san­i­tiz­ers in Jamaica have already embarked on a mis­sion to make Portia Simpson Miller’s 40 year jour­ney through Jamaica’s polit­i­cal morass a roman­tic and hero­ic adven­ture wor­thy of nation­al hero sta­tus. To the many who know her and saw the road she took to Jamaica House they are much less inclined to buy that hogwash.

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Simpson Miller

I nev­er asked to be invit­ed, I attend in the inter­est of my coun­try and my peo­ple. I have a respon­si­bil­i­ty as Prime Minister,” she told Parliament, adding that she is proud to have been invit­ed to Africa, the land of her ancestors.

Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller has been crit­i­cized over the years for not being .….. well too bright. Personally I have no use for elit­ists, I don’t care whether some­one has one two or no degrees as long as they can do the job they ask for. But state­ments like this real­ly caus­es one to scratch one’s head in won­der­ment at her lack of intel­lect. Every jack one of those mem­bers in that cham­ber has african blood flow­ing through their veins. Portia does not have a monop­oly on African blood or African Ancestry, as such her state­ment was moot. Her response was juve­nile, and une­d­u­cat­ed, yet boor­ish and Spanish-Town-Road-ish. The Prime Minister has a duty and an oblig­a­tion to open­ly, truth­ful­ly and in a time­ly man­ner report how she and her Administration uti­lizes pub­lic funds. Every pen­ny the Royal House-hold spends is account­ed for in Britain, Even Monarchs are answer­able in this day and age.

I am tempt­ed to say the Prime Minister is dis­dain­ful of the process and the peo­ple who are autho­rized to make sure that tax­pay­ers funds are spent judi­cious­ly. On sec­ond though, I am more inclined to set­tle on the notion that her boor­ish unin­tel­li­gent tirade was a by-prod­uct of igno­rance. In essence you may take the girl out of the ghet­to but you can’t take the ghet­to out of the girl. The Prime Minister must trav­el as part of her duties, yet it is uncon­scionable that a leader would take in excess of one over­seas trip per month for the last 24 months. The coun­try sim­ply can­not afford the cost in dol­lars and cents nor her absence. The coun­try is inun­dat­ed with crime, yet the Prime Minister jets out every month.

Simpson Miller high­light­ed that on one offi­cial vis­it to the People’s Republic of China in 2013 the gov­ern­ment spent $7.2 mil­lion but brought back J$1.7 bil­lion. The sheer non­sense of this expla­na­tion from the Prime Minister defies com­mon sense!!! Was this a gift from the Chinese? If it was what do they want in return? The fact is it was a loan.… That mon­ey has to be repaid with inter​est​.How can any­one with an ounce of brain sug­gest that kind of expense is worth the price of mere­ly secur­ing a loan? Our coun­try is in deep trou­ble , one way or anoth­er this Administration has to go.

One thought on “Twenty Five Trips In Twenty Four Months !!!

  1. Mike , I am laugh­ing off my pants lit­er­al­ly. This lady has some seri­ous issues man . The response she gave in respect to the trip to Africa had me dumb­found­ed , puz­zled even, but cer­tain­ly not sur­prised at her actions In fact this fur­ther rein­forces the point that this lady does not have the intel­lec­tu­al capac­i­ty to lead her par­ty much more our country.We are hem­or­rhag­ing finan­cial­ly man and it seems Mrs. miller is total­ly igno­rant of the impli­ca­tions of the fre­quent trav­els and the inter­pre­ta­tions of her ridicu­lous pro­nounce­ments . I get the feel­ing Peter Phillips , the heir appar­ent is buy­ing time to allow for her self destruc­tion. She on the oth­er hand , view­ing the inevitabil­i­ty of her demise wants to enjoy ‚uti­lize and exhaust the full perks of her office , fly­ing all across the globe before she goes . Certainly I would be relieved at the prospect of her leav­ing the post. Really pathet­ic . Keep writ­ing Beckles , I might not respond to all your blogs but I do have a peek at times.

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