Tim Scott, Disloyal, Grinning, C*****g Embarrassment…

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Politics sure makes strange bed­fel­lows, they used to say. I’m unsure if the term strange can describe those bed­fel­lows anymore. 
Take Tim Scott the junior US Senator from South Carolina; Scott served as a Charleston city coun­cilor, a state rep­re­sen­ta­tive, and a U.S. Representative. Before enter­ing pol­i­tics, it was report­ed that Scott worked in the finan­cial ser­vices sector.
In 2013, then Governor of South Carolina Nimarata Nikki Randhawa (o/​c Nikki Haley) appoint­ed Tim to fill a vacant US Senate seat. Scott was elect­ed to a full six-year term in 2014 and was reelect­ed to anoth­er in 2022.

Running for pres­i­dent is a thing a can­di­date feels, I would imag­ine; I was­n’t born in America, so I can’t say for sure as I do not sat­is­fy the Constitutional require­ments to run for president.……Oh, wait, Raphael Cruz was born in Canada, and he ran for President. So too did John McCain, born in the Panama Canal Zone. Anyway, I digress.
My ini­tial point was that though Nimarata Nikki Randhawa is from South Carolina, and so is Scott, no one can argue that one should have wait­ed for the oth­er or not run because the oth­er was run­ning. Even though, if I were in Scott’s shoes, which I’m not, thank God, I would have con­sid­ered what Nimarata Nikki Randhawa did for me, but that’s just me. I’m queasy like that when some­one does some­thing for me.

So Tim Scott and Nimarata Nikki Randhawa decid­ed to run for pres­i­dent on the Republican tick­et this pres­i­den­tial cycle. Tim Scott is as Black as they come, and Nimarata Nikki Randhawa is dark-skinned. Both grew up in the American South, which has been and remains the breed­ing ground of the most caus­tic and degen­er­a­tive form of racism. Yet both Clowns decid­ed that say­ing there is no racism in America was the way to be accept­ed by the vir­u­lent racists that dwell with­in the Republican par­ty and rep­re­sent the bulk of Republican voters.
Vivek Ramaswamy, anoth­er Indian-American run­ning for pres­i­dent this cycle, adopt­ed the same approach. Teeth grin­ning, glib, fast-talk­ing, and argu­men­ta­tive, he believed that if he kissed enough white ass­es and spoke about how great America is, they would ignore his Black skin.….hahaha. It did not work. There is no racism in America(sic). Still, those Republican pri­ma­ry vot­ers were not about to put a guy named Vivek Ramaswamy in the White House in the same way they would not put a woman named Nimarata Nikki Randhawa.

It is prob­a­bly a good thing to be who you are. Barack Hussien Obama stayed true to his Muslim-sound­ing name and won twice. Oh, dif­fer­ent polit­i­cal par­ty? Yes, a coali­tion of pro­gres­sives elect­ed him, not a mono­lith of back­ward racists.
And even though there is no racism in America [sic], the brown-skinned peo­ple run­ning for high office always ask the repub­li­can vot­ers they are court­ing to look through them like glass and not focus on their dark skin.
Vivek could not change his name, but he raised hell and high water to con­vince every­one that America has no racism. Nimarata, well, she not only changed her name to Nikki and adopt­ed her mar­ried name, Haley, but she went full-throt­tle into the no-racism American screed she con­vinced her­self of. Tim Scott, his white-sound­ing name was not enough to get white Republican pri­ma­ry vot­ers to ignore his black skin, and no amount of grin­ning and pre­tend­ing would either.
Oh, Uncle Raphael isn’t run­ning this cycle, but he nev­er men­tions that his name is Raphael; he is sim­ply Ted.

Here is the ques­tion: why would Tim Scott not endorse Nimarata Nikki Randhawa, who in 2013 sent him to the US Senate? Nikki Haley is as fake as they come; the entire slate of can­di­dates on the Republica tick­et was like deceased rats. The ques­tion was which one had the most dis­ease. When those opposed to Donald Trump held their breath that Chris Christie would gath­er some trac­tion, you know the field was trash. If Chris Bridgegae, arro­gant, pompous, nar­cis­sis­tic Christie, was the sav­ior they sought, it indi­cat­ed that we are all roy­al­ly flushed.
Nevertheless, Tim grin­ning-teeth Scott owed Nimarata. Whoever she appoint­ed to the US Senate would most like­ly have won a full term and been elect­ed like Tim Scott was. South Carolina is a white Southern State that votes Republican monolithically.
Nimarata could have cho­sen any white man or woman, but she chose Scott. At the very least, Scott owed it to her to sup­port her cam­paign after he fold­ed his, even if he thought she would even­tu­al­ly lose.
But there is no hon­or among thieves, so Tim Scott endorsed the 91-felony count indict­ed, twice impeached, sin­gle-term insur­rec­tion­ist who is again run­ning for pres­i­dent to save him­self from fed­er­al prison.
Not only did the c*****g Tim Scott endorse Donald Trump, but he also went out of his way to be extra in deliv­er­ing his address. Many FOX News Republican view­ers said they were embar­rassed for him. The look on his dear lead­er’s face sums it up succinctly.
Who is this n****r?





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
