Trump sup­port­ers storm Capitol In bold coup attempt.

How is it pos­si­ble that mer­ce­nar­ies were able to essen­tial­ly take over the United States seat of Government with­out ade­quate police, and National Guard antic­i­pa­tion and response?
Imagine what would have hap­pened if Black Lives Matter Protestors were try­ing to breach the gov­ern­men­t’s American seat?
Can you imag­ine the police/​National Guard response?
Donald Trump intend­ed for all intents and pur­pos­es to incite his sup­port­ers to over­turn the American Government and keep him in power.

This is the result of Republican nur­tur­ing and enabling a despot­ic Russian Agent who was allowed to get to the land’s high­est office.
This is the result of Senators and House mem­bers sign­ing their names to a lie that Donald Trump insti­gat­ed. What did they believe would happen?
This is his­toric in America. An igno­rant wannabe dic­ta­tor cre­at­ed an insur­rec­tion to keep him­self in power.
This will haunt America for hun­dreds of years .….
In this medi­um, we warned that police frat­er­niz­ing with these ter­ror­ists would be a huge prob­lem. That day is here.
This is just the beginning.

This is a devel­op­ing story.
