This Election Is Not About The Issues/​Racists Will Crawl Out From Under Every Rock To Solidify White Power…

If I am a vile racist who comes from a long line of racist igno­ra­mus­es, I want to hear that immi­grants are try­ing to steal my job, nev­er mind that I am not qual­i­fied for the job… I want to hear that Black peo­ple are behind the increase in vio­lent crime, nev­er mind that the most seri­ous crimes are mass killings being com­mit­ted by white men. I want to hear that a wom­an’s right to have auton­o­my over her own body belongs in the hands of white men because not only am I a vile racist, I am, at my core, an insuf­fer­able ignoramus.
Never mind that I will be return­ing to the days when I could­n’t vote and what­ev­er resources I inher­it­ed from my father would have to be admin­is­tered to by whomev­er I chose to be a hus­band. I could not buy prop­er­ty, get cer­tain jobs, or con­trol my own des­tiny; my hus­band would make those decisions.
Because the most impor­tant thing to me is the pale, washed-out col­or of my skin which I was brain­washed into believ­ing was a badge of superiority.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signs S.B. 202 on Thursday, March 25. Kimberly Wallace says the paint­ing behind him depicts the plan­ta­tion on which her fam­i­ly mem­bers worked, going back to slav­ery.
This was no acci­dent, it is who they are.

The Republican par­ty has seen the same data that oth­ers pay­ing atten­tion have seen; they have made the tac­ti­cal deci­sion not to adhere to the prin­ci­ples of a demo­c­ra­t­ic soci­ety any longer because if they do they will no longer win nation­al elections.
The alter­nate strat­e­gy is to tear down the elec­toral process with lies of vot­er fraud which the peo­ple in para­graph one will read­i­ly gob­ble up as gospel.
The idea is to tear down the process and then cheat. Ultimately the results will only be gen­uine when they win. In 2020 Republicans were elect­ed all across the coun­try in red states and blue states, gov­er­nors, sen­a­tors, house mem­bers, state rep­re­sen­ta­tives, down to dog catch­ers, the elec­tion deniers had no prob­lem with the out­come of those elec­tions that favored them, but the results which dis­fa­vored Donald Trump meant that the elec­tions were rigged.
It fol­lows, there­fore, that if the elec­tions were rigged and cost Trump the white house, then all of those Republicans are ille­git­i­mate. Unfortunately, these sim­ple deduc­tions are not things the peo­ple in para­graph one can rea­son out for them­selves because it isn’t some­thing they want to believe.
Create as many obsta­cles as pos­si­ble to vot­ing in high-den­si­ty minor­i­ty areas and then make vot­ing easy in white areas.
Every one of the nean­derthals men­tioned in para­graph one under­stands the assign­ment, so they go out in droves and vote as if their lives depend on it. It is not their lives that depend on it .… it is their white priv­i­lege and power.

There is a mes­sag­ing prob­lem with the Democratic par­ty. It has no idea how to attack and keep attack­ing this right-wing Fascist Republican move­ment that has awak­ened the vilest crea­tures in para­graph oners.
The Democrats are not talk­ing about the great job they did with COVID-19 after Donald Trump played pol­i­tics with it, cost­ing the lives of over 500,000 peo­ple. They do not talk about the job they did pulling the nation back from eco­nom­ic col­lapse after they took over. They do not talk about the stim­u­lus checks they mailed out to Americans, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, all of which Republicans in con­gress vot­ed against but took cred­it for once their con­stituents received those benefits.
Democrats are silent on the infla­tion reduc­tion Act they passed with­out Republican help, low­er gas prices, and fail to talk about the fact that on every issue, Republicans in the US House and Senate vot­ed against every mea­sure that would ben­e­fit the people.
Democrats fail to speak to the elec­torate in terms of under­stand­ing that issues affect prices. Issues like sup­ply chain still linger due to COVID-19 dis­rup­tions. Vladimir Putin, the repub­li­can leader in the Kremlin, launched Russia’s war on Ukraine, affect­ing the price of oil, grain, etc…”
There is no Democratic mes­sag­ing on the calami­ty that is occur­ring to women based on what the right-wing fas­cists on the supreme court have done to Roe V Wade.
In fact, the Democratic Party seem to think that the American elec­torate is a sophis­ti­cat­ed one that can see its good works and give them more time and seats to work on their behalf.

If that is the Democrat’s intent, it will lose and lose bad­ly because, con­trary to the hype, the elec­torate is not a sophis­ti­cat­ed one that can deci­pher the issues based on priority.
Even those that claim to be edu­cat­ed will place ris­ing prices over the need to pro­tect democ­ra­cy. I guess they are con­tent to have bel­lies filled with cheap food and cars filled with cheap gas in an auto­crat­ic nation in which they have no rights.
The American pop­u­la­tion fell for the lie fed to it by the cor­rupt cor­po­rate media that Trump changed the Republican par­ty into his cult, which is not true. The Republican par­ty has been a fas­cist par­ty in wait­ing for decades.
The par­ty nom­i­nat­ed Barry Goldwater of Arizona, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan from California, and George W Bush from Texas; they have been hunt­ing for a Donald Trump.
They want­ed a loud car­ni­val bark­er that could ral­ly the faith­ful by ampli­fy­ing their hatred of every­one who does not look like them. Kevin McCarthy seemed not to have seen the memo when he laid the blame for January 6th square­ly at Donald Trump’s feet before he recant­ed and ran to Florida to clean Trump’s shoes with his tongue.

And what is this I see about Hispanics trend­ing Republican? I hate to say I told you, but I did. I have always cau­tioned Black civ­il rights lead­ers [not to] keep talk­ing about black and brown peo­ple dur­ing their dis­course. I have nev­er heard Hispanic lead­ers talk about black and brown peo­ple except when they need to attach them­selves to Black peo­ple for support.
Hispanics, in gen­er­al, tend to believe they are whites in waiting.
As such, they [do not align with our values].
Two of the most caus­tic mem­bers of the Fascist Republican cabal are Marco Rubio and Raphael Cruz, and they would pro­vide good com­ic relief if the two weren’t so rep­re­hen­si­ble. By def­i­n­i­tion, Many Hispanics seem not to have a sense of who they are; they are eas­i­ly swayed, bought, and sold.
Despite the per­pet­u­al fights the Democratic par­ty has waged on their behalf against the most orga­nized and intran­si­gent Republican oppo­si­tion, more and more of these peo­ple are sup­port­ing the Republican par­ty than ever before.
It may be that, like the Irish and Italians, they too are await­ing their turn to be assim­i­lat­ed into the con­struct of American whiteness.
I mean, Senators Rubio and Cruz and Turrio from the proud boys cer­tain­ly seem to believe they have attained whiteness.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
