The Unhinged Hatred By The Right Will Get Much Worse.……

It is par for the course now since Obama took office, far right big­ots, xeno­phobes and misog­y­nist creeps crawl out of their holes and launch vile attacks against every­one who isn’t white Anglo-Saxon.
Some peo­ple are now look­ing at the mild­ly lit­er­ate Donald Trump and say­ing this guy is a Misogynistic , Racist, Xenophobe as if trump rep­re­sent some­thing nev­er before seen in America.

I asked in a pre­vi­ous Article , why are every­one act­ing sur­prised about this rhetoric? Why are peo­ple act­ing like they are sur­prised at Trumps’ rise?
Trumps rise was pre­ced­ed by the rise of anoth­er Racist Xenophobe, the idiot from Alaska.
Their modus operan­di is the same, two vile igno­ra­mus­es who should nev­er be giv­en a plat­form and micro­phone but for igno­rant racist who are look­ing for a mouth­piece they were Godsends .
Donald Trump was born with a plat­inum spoon in his mouth the son of a wealthy New York Developer.
Trump lied that he owes his wealth to hard work and a mil­lion dol­lar loan from his father how­ev­er Trump has been the recip­i­ent of his


father’s enor­mous wealth.
The web­site bad​gop​.com point­ed out succinctly ..

Donald Trump Would Be Richer If He Never Touched Inheritance.
Donald Trump is fond of brag­ging about what a great busi­ness­man he is. As such, he claims he would be able to revive the American econ­o­my, nego­ti­ate bet­ter trade deals with our com­peti­tors, and ham­mer out air­tight for­eign pol­i­cy agree­ments that would prove America means business.
“Had the celebri­ty busi­ness­man and Re­pub­lic­an pres­i­den­tial can­di­date in­ves­ted his even­tu­al share of his fath­er’s real-es­­tate com­pany in­to a mu­tu­al fund of S&P 500 stocks in 1974, it would be worth near­ly $3 bil­lion today, thanks to the mar­ket’s per­form­ance over the past four dec­ades. If he’d invest­ed the $200 mil­lion that For­bes mag­a­zine deter­mined he was worth in 1982 into that index fund, it would have grown to more than $8 bil­lion today.”

So much for mak­ing deals and being a pow­er-bro­ker, the loud­mouth baboon nev­er miss­es an oppor­tu­ni­ty to make excus­es that his sev­er­al Bankruptcy fil­ings were busi­ness fil­ings and that he nev­er filed for per­son­al bank­rupt­cy protection.


The fact is that the orange haired baboon is not run­ning for per­son of the year , he is run­ning for the pres­i­den­cy, his three busi­ness bank­rupt­cy fil­ings can­not be the mod­el for America.
Countries do not get to file Bankruptcy time and again .

Lets cut to the chase does any sane per­son believe Sara Palin was qual­i­fied to be next in line for the Presidency?
Does any sane per­son believe Donald Trump is qual­i­fied to be the com­man­der in chief of the most pow­er­ful mil­i­tary in the world?
On both accounts the answer is no , so we must look at the rea­son these cretins surged into the front pages in their respec­tive cycles and have been foist­ed on the con­scious­ness of voters.

Having a wealthy father gets one draft defer­ments, huuuuuge[sic] inher­i­tance and a sense of enti­tle­ment but it cer­tain­ly does not make one smart.
I have heard from some quar­ters that Donald Trump is a smart man . I’ve also heard that Ben Carson is a smart man , I haven’t quite rec­on­ciled in my mind the con­cept of smart­ness being reduced to a sin­gle sub­ject matter.
Neither men have a clue about the way the world works, nei­ther do they know the issues…
So this time its Sarah Palin in drag pos­tur­ing as pres­i­den­tial tim­ber for the xeno­pho­bic right.
It almost seem that one has to be absolute­ly stu­pid to be con­sid­ered as a viable can­di­date on the moron­ic right.

What makes Donald Trump rel­e­vant to the idiot right is what made Palin consequential .
Extreme racist big­otry and mind-numb­ing stupidity.
Right wing can­di­dates must poss­es the gall to say the most despi­ca­ble offen­sive racist things about every­one not a white right wing nut job.
And most of all they must have a will­ing­ness and an eager­ness to dis­par­age, demo­nize and dis­re­spect President Barack Obama.
Palin made it an art-form, Trump has sim­ply picked up the baton and is run­ning with it.
It was liken­ing the afford­able care Act to slav­ery and being dis­parag­ing of the President which made Ben Carson a can­di­date, like oth­er also-ran, like Herman Cain it won’t be long before peo­ple strug­gle to recall Carson’s name or that he actu­al­ly ran.
Of course Carson will go down in his­to­ry as a trai­tor who joined the ene­mies of our race to dem­a­gogue the first black pres­i­dent, instead of being remem­bered for being a bril­liant surgeon.

Lets not pre­tend that we don’t know what this dem­a­goguery is about. It was always about hat­ing and blam­ing oth­er peo­ple for their fail­ures. You know the Blacks the Immigrant Hispanics and now the Muslims …It’s about hate.
Almost every day there is a mass shoot­ing in America and they are large­ly com­mit­ted by white men who claim Christianity as their religion.
When these mis­cre­ants kill no one judges Christianity and shouldn’t.
No one demo­nizes their race and shouldn’t .
They are sim­ply talked about as men­tal­ly ill individuals.
But you can’t use facts to counter the rhetoric of the will­ful ignorant.
