The Rise Of Neo-nazism In America.…

Jews, will not, replace us, Jews will not replace us.“
They chant­ed as they marched, what seemed like hun­dreds of them. To many, this seemed sur­re­al; where did they come from.
They chant­ed anti-Black invec­tive as well. They came to make a state­ment because of the removal of Confederate stat­ues, which remind­ed African-Americans and decent peo­ple of con­science of a peri­od the nation should soon want to for­get.
Before it was all over, a white suprema­cist rammed his car into a group of anti-hate demon­stra­tors, and Heather Heyer, a young white woman, was dead, and sev­er­al oth­ers were injured.

Where, you ask, do these hate­mon­gers come from? Their faces seemed fresh but con­tort­ed in hatred. They were young, and they seemed like the boy next door.
They are the boy next door. Most black peo­ple are not inner-city dwellers; in fact, most African Americans live above the pover­ty line and out­side of the inner cities.
So yes, they are the boys next door, and they are filled with the hate their par­ents taught them.
According to the Atlantic, Elizabeth Kneebone, a fel­low at the Metropolitan Policy Program at the Brookings Institution, looked at num­bers from the 2010 to 2014 American Community Survey and found that 39 per­cent of African Americans live in the sub­urbs, 36 per­cent live in cities, 15 per­cent live in small met­ro­pol­i­tan areas.

So for African-Americans, these hate­ful crea­tures are not from some­place far away; they live right next door. And so you won­der to your­self, “I thought we were past this?
The rise of Barack Obama to the pres­i­den­cy cre­at­ed a back­lash of epic pro­por­tion. We wit­nessed a dra­mat­ic increase in white right-wing mili­tias, and a steady rise in anti­semitism. We also wit­nessed an unprece­dent­ed increase in threats made against President Obama, the likes of which had nev­er been seen before for any oth­er pres­i­dent.
Police depart­ments have been infil­trat­ed by white suprema­cists groups as report­ed by the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and a gen­er­al across the board sense of hos­til­i­ty com­ing from the polit­i­cal right.
There has been a mad rush to pur­chase weapons in unprece­dent­ed amounts in addi­tion to all of that. Today there are more guns in the hands of Americans who love them than there are people.

According to CNN, there is no coun­try­wide data­base where peo­ple reg­is­ter whether they own guns (the law does­n’t allow it). High-qual­i­ty tele­phone polls from Gallup and the Pew Research Center in 2017 found that 42% of peo­ple in the US live in house­holds with guns. According to the General Social Survey, which has a much high­er response rate than tele­phone polls and inter­views peo­ple in per­son, a rel­a­tive­ly low­er 32% of Americans said in 2016 that they lived in a house­hold with guns.
The Washington Post said, dif­fer­ent nation­al polls tend to show slight­ly dif­fer­ent rates of gun own­er­ship. The lat­est house­hold gun own­er­ship rate in the General Social Survey, in 2014, was 32 per­cent. The October 2015 Gallup sur­vey showed a high­er rate of 43 per­cent, includ­ing guns kept on prop­er­ty out­side the home.
We can extrap­o­late from the report­ing of those two orga­ni­za­tions that gun own­er­ship seems to be cen­tered between a third to forty-three per­cent of the pop­u­la­tion.
This means, there are over (320, 000,000.00 ) guns in the hands of rough­ly one hun­dred and sev­en mil­lion peo­ple.
Those peo­ple are gen­er­al­ly white, and con­ser­v­a­tive, make no mis­take about it.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is church-fires-louisiana-03-rd-jc-190411_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg
A burned-out Church Building in Louisiana.

With all of the fore­gone, we haven’t even begun to scratch the sur­face of the threat while nation­al­ism pos­es to Americans of all col­or.
It is impor­tant to remem­ber that when they kill those opposed to them, they do not dis­tin­guish between black, brown, or white. Heather Heyer was a young white woman. The Jewish peo­ple who were attacked in their California place of wor­ship two days ago are white. The Jewish wor­shipers in Pennsylvania were white.
Most schools shoot­ing vic­tims are white, even as the per­pe­tra­tors are over­whelm­ing­ly white and influ­enced by white nation­al­ism.
Americans are not safe even in wor­ship places, be they Blacks as in Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina or Jews In California, and the threat can­not be ignored.
In recent weeks there Black Churches were burned with­in quick suc­ces­sion of each oth­er in Louisiana.
I wrote at the time, that as author­i­ties quib­ble over whether the cas­es were linked, those of us who are pay­ing atten­tion rec­og­nized that the rea­son hard­ly any­one is ever held account­able for these heinous crimes, is that some law enforce­ment offi­cers are either respon­si­ble, or they know who the cul­prits are.
In the fifties and six­ties, the kid­nap­pings and mur­der of blacks in the south were large­ly done with the full knowl­edge and coöper­a­tion of cops.
Two days lat­er, we learned that the son of a local Sheriff was arrest­ed for the crimes.

Authorities appre­hend­ed Holden Matthews, 21, in St. Landry Parrish, Louisiana, after they iden­ti­fied him as the sus­pect in alleged­ly set­ting the fires over a span of 10 days. 
Now, to deflect from the seri­ous­ness of the crimes and the hate­ful nature of his actions that pre­cip­i­tat­ed the fires, Matthews was quick­ly charged with sim­ple Arson, and they began cir­cu­lat­ing a nar­ra­tive that he was asso­ci­at­ed with Black met­al, a dis­tant genre of dev­il-wor­ship­ping death met­al music. Black met­al has roots in the Norwegian heavy met­al scene that report­ed­ly was the inspi­ra­tion for sev­er­al church burn­ings in the ear­ly 1990s.
A clever though trans­par­ent attempt to ensure that this mon­ster is not giv­en the full extent of the law as he should for a hate crime of this nature. 

Rockingham County Fire Marshal Robert Cardwell (left), Rockingham Sheriff’s Detective Lori Pegram, and Assistant Fire Marshal John Cruise (right) lead Harley Kendall Fulp fol­low­ing Fulp’s arrest for arson con­cern­ing the fire at Gideon Grove United Methodist Church in December, 2012.

In many cas­es, law enforce­ment and crim­i­nal arson­ists are indis­tin­guish­able.
None of the fore­gone begun on Donald Trump’s watch, but it has darn sure thrived and grown under his nur­tur­ing, except of course, if it is a case in which a Muslim per­son is a per­pe­tra­tor of a vio­lent, vio­lent act. Then every­one gets to talk­ing about ter­ror­ism.
Donald Trump’s wrath is reserved sole­ly for those who com­mit acts of vio­lence against white peo­ple, worse if they are immi­grants.
Otherwise, they are won­der­ful people.
