The JCF A Spectator To The Double Whammy Of Violent Crimes And Carnage On The Roads

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The Jamaica Constabulary Force once had as its Core func­tion three things: (1) The Prevention And Detection Of Crime, The Preservation Of Peace And Good Order, and (3) The Protection Of Life And Property.
Long ago, when I served, those were the oper­at­ing tenets… I must admit it has been many years since I depart­ed, and the Force has gone through many changes even though the fun­da­men­tal need for police remains under the umbrel­la of those three foun­da­tion­al principles.
If the police depart­ment becomes good at those three prin­ci­ples, the nation’s vio­lent crime rate will decrease despite the many atten­dant con­trib­u­tors to crime.

The Jamaica Constabulary Force has nev­er been good at any­thing, least of all har­ness­ing the skills of the peo­ple with­in the depart­ment to ben­e­fit the ser­vice. It has nev­er been good at con­ti­nu­ity; it has been par­tic­u­lar­ly derelict in deal­ing with crime and could rea­son­ably be accused of rest­ing on its lau­rels, await­ing good outcomes.
The best thing that has hap­pened to the JCF has been the tal­ent­ed, brave offi­cers who have been a part of the agency from its incep­tion. The worst thing to hap­pen to the JCF has been the inep­ti­tude of the lead­er­ship since its inception.
I am not naïve to the ever-present and oblig­a­tory dark shad­ow that has hov­ered over the force that has expo­nen­tial­ly hin­dered the force from car­ry­ing out its man­date. This dark shad­ow of polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence has been both by co-mis­sion and omis­sion. Direct inter­fer­ence, on the one hand, and refusal to pass ade­quate laws to aid in the reduc­tion of crime have been the crimes of both polit­i­cal par­ties in our country.
The police depart­ment must oper­ate under the rule of the con­sti­tu­tion with respect for all rights, but the police [must]have a free hand to enforce the laws impar­tial­ly with­out favor, mal­ice, or ill will.

The Jamaica Constabulary Force has nev­er had the option of oper­at­ing with­out the ever-present dark shad­ow of polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence. Within Jamaican soci­ety, there is a pletho­ra of ticky-ticky fish who har­bor the notion that the laws do not apply to them. The list includes politi­cians, judges, lawyers, pub­lic sec­tor work­ers, their friends and fam­i­ly, and ever damn Tom, Dick, and Harry who knows some­body who knows somebody.
Ultimately, there is hard­ly any­one left for the police to arrest. This has not gone unno­ticed by the pow­er­less who don’t know any­one who knows any­one. And so, our lit­tle island has become a crim­i­nal-free-for-all, a par­adise for crim­i­nals, police includ­ed in the mix.
Having said that, the police depart­ment can do a much bet­ter job than it has done, all things con­sid­ered. After all, much of what the police are tasked with doing has been done before, and there is a wealth of infor­ma­tion on how to do the job more effectively.
It has got­ten so bad for the coun­try because of the inep­ti­tude of the JCF that mur­der­ers now video­tape them­selves bury­ing the corpses of the peo­ple they kill and then do voice record­ings explain­ing the why, what, and how of their actions.
The JCF was nev­er an agency that was ever ahead of the crim­i­nal net­works in our coun­try, main­ly because the crim­i­nal net­works have always had polit­i­cal cov­er and poor police leadership.
Successes of the police over the decades have nev­er been a con­se­quence of top-down lead­er­ship and poli­cies but a result of indi­vid­ual offi­cers who laid it all on the line for the coun­try’s good.
It made sense, there­fore, that the heads of the crim­i­nal net­works that the nation was rid of were made pos­si­ble by The American Government and the hard work of the Rank and file of the JCF. I chal­lenge any­one to point me to a major crime syn­di­cate head being chopped off by the Jamaican Government or the High Command of the Police Department.
In fact, the Jamaican Government has stead­fast­ly stood in the way of both the hard-work­ing police offi­cers and the American’s effort to root out known crime syn­di­cate heads.

We are in 2023, about to step into a new year, and the most basic steps nec­es­sary in law enforce­ment are still not being pur­sued by the JCF hier­ar­chy. The nation’s roads are race tracks for taxi dri­vers, minibusses, and pri­vate motorists who over­take long traf­fic lines around cor­ners, down­hill, uphill, and on the side­walks at break­neck speeds with­out police crackdown.
The Government and the Police com­mis­sion­er have all but ced­ed the streets to the law­less dri­vers. Driving on Jamaican roads is the equiv­a­lent of play­ing Russian Roulette. Every year, hun­dreds are killed in traf­fic crash­es that the pathet­ic media calls traf­fic acci­dents. Accidents are caused by cir­cum­stances out­side the vic­tim’s con­trol. Crashes are caused by direct action or inac­tion of offend­ers, result­ing in the end result. Speeding, and oth­er breach­es of the Road Traffic Act. Last year, 2022, 488 Jamaicans per­ished on the Island’s roads and high­ways large­ly because of the actions of moron­ic Jackasses who breach the road traf­fic laws with­out con­se­quence. Where are the traf­fic cops?
As of November 27th, 2023, a total of 373 lives were extin­guished on the nation’s roads. This unnec­es­sary loss of life and the trau­ma is a con­se­quence of exces­sive speeds, over­tak­ing around cor­ners, dri­ving too fast on wet roads, and dri­ving motor­cy­cles at high speeds with­out hel­mets are the main rea­sons why we are hav­ing these fatal col­li­sions,’ on ACP of police told the press. Still no reme­di­al action of note oth­er than beg­ging dri­vers to stop.
The same strat­e­gy is employed as it relates to vio­lent crimes. The police have been rel­e­gat­ed to beg­ging crim­i­nals to stop.
Reminds me of Nancy Reagan’s strat­e­gy for drug users, ‘just say no’.

I am mind­ful of the con­cerns of some of my for­mer col­leagues, who will chas­tize me for being so hard on the police when of course, there are oth­er play­ers that are seri­ous­ly dri­ving the nation’s crime rate, notably the com­mu­nist judges who seem to have sworn an oath to destroy the coun­try. From the high­est perch to the low­est court these com­mu­nists that emerged from the Norman Manley Law School are dead set on ensur­ing that dan­ger­ous mur­der­ers are returned to the streets.
More to say about that.…..





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike out on Youtube @ Mikebeckles
