The Incredible Ability Of American Cops To Arrest Violent White Murderers Without Hurting Them

Gregory Alan Bush report­ed­ly has a vio­lent past

It took them a while to do it and one has to won­der why? Even, when the evi­dence is glar­ing, there are hes­i­ta­tions to treat attacks on Black Americans as hate crimes?
That “it”, is rec­og­niz­ing that the brazen mur­der of two elder­ly black peo­ple in a Kentucky super­mar­ket was a hate crime.
As the Nation grieves the dead­liest attack on Jews in America’s his­to­ry, a case in which a right-wing hate mon­ger mas­sa­cred peo­ple sole­ly on the basis of their faith, the mur­der of two inno­cent African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger gets shoved to the side.

‘Whites Don’t Shoot Whites,’ Said Alleged Kroger Shooter  Gregory Alan Bush when con­front­ed by an armed white man. The man did not shoot at him and so he hus­tled away before being tak­en alive by police.
You ever noticed how lit­er­al­ly all of these mur­der­ous losers always have three names, think about it? 

Now the evi­dence was always there that this was a racial­ly moti­vat­ed shoot­ing, he killed two black peo­ple and no one else. He tried enter­ing an African-American church before opt­ing for the Kroger super­mar­ket. And then he told a white man who might have nailed his sor­ry ass, that “whites do not kill whites.” Obviously, his the­o­ry had some res­o­nance with his white con­tem­po­rary as well as with the police, he was not killed by that man and he was cer­tain­ly tak­en alive by the police.

Bush report­ed­ly has a black ex-wife who said in court records that he called her a “nig­ger bitch.” [Lie with Dogs you rise with flees](sorry Bud).
The larg­er take­away which gen­er­al­ly gets lost in the shuf­fle is the skillset of police depart­ments across the coun­try.
They have the incred­i­ble abil­i­ty to take the most despi­ca­ble white mur­der­ers into cus­tody with­out harm­ing them.
I’m actu­al­ly sur­prised they did not take him to Burger King and got him a super­sized whop­per with extra fries and a large Frosty.

Yet two cow­ards wear­ing police uni­forms in the state of Florida could­n’t restrain a 14-year-old black girl with­out pum­melling her kid­neys in order to arrest her for the very seri­ous crime of talk­ing back at police.
These are the Gestapo tac­tics play­ing out across the coun­try, yet vio­lent white right-wing extrem­ist kill who they hate and are almost always tak­en into cus­tody alive.

As for African-American men whose only crimes is that they are occu­py­ing their black skins, it is quite com­mon to receive mul­ti­ple gun­shots to the back for sim­ply exist­ing.
In a very brief moment of time since Donald Trump has esca­lat­ed his war of words on the media and has declared pub­licly that he is a white Nationalist much has hap­pened.
Here are a few of the events which have occurred.
