The Hungry Ingrates Will On Tuesday Turn Out To Bite The Hands That Fed Them.

The idea that some vot­ers would talk out of the side of their mouths about crime and infla­tion as the sem­i­nal issues for them going into the midterms is the high­est hypocrisy and ignorance.
For starters, their hero, the lying trai­tor Donald Trump caused the death of over half a mil­lion Americans because he decid­ed that deny­ing COVID-19 was a bet­ter strat­e­gy than address­ing the pan­dem­ic head-on.
Donald Trump’s crimes and incom­pe­tence caused vot­ers to kick him and his crim­i­nal cabal out of office, upon which they attempt­ed the nation’s first coup de tat.
The Democrats and Joe Biden brought the econ­o­my back from the brink, and though it was­n’t as dra­mat­ic as what Barack Obama was forced to con­tend with after the débâ­cle of George Bush’s 8 years. Still, the nation was in seri­ous per­il as tens of mil­lions of peo­ple were forced to stay home as the pan­dem­ic raged.
Joe Biden and the Democrats mailed out bil­lions in stim­u­lus checks to feed the hun­gry ingrates who will bite the hands that fed them on Tuesday.
Biden and the Democrats passed the infla­tion reduc­tion act that the fas­cist repub­li­cans opposed en masse. It was the right-wing reac­tionar­ies on the supreme court that over­turned 49 years of prece­dent on prece­dent in the Dobbs decision.
Rising infla­tion, includ­ing the price of gas which has trend­ed down­ward over the last sev­er­al weeks, is tied to Putin’s war in Ukraine and the war the fas­cist repub­li­cans would like to see Vladimir Putin win. The price of food increas­es may also be attrib­uted to grain dis­rup­tions due to Putin’s bar­bar­ic and ille­gal war on anoth­er sov­er­eign nation.
Even if one was to dis­re­gard every­thing pos­i­tive that the Democrats did, the events of January 6th, 2021, should have been enough for an informed, intel­li­gent elec­torate to say, ‘you will not be allowed near pow­er any­time soon until all you trai­tors to America are weed­ed out and pun­ished for your crimes.
The real­i­ty is that, despite the intran­si­gence and crimes, the xeno­pho­bic, Islamaphobic, trans­pho­bic, homo­pho­bic, anti-semit­ic, and hate­ful lies and vit­ri­ol that Donald Trump and his cronies have poured out into the body politic poi­son­ing the entire coun­try, enough Americans will turn out and empow­er them because Trump and the Republican par­ty embod­ies their beliefs in white supremacy.
There is this quote attrib­uted to the late British wartime prime min­is­ter Winston Churchill, though some sources con­tend that it was first coined by an Israeli, Abba Eban, who was an Israeli politi­cian and diplo­mat who was on a diplo­mat­ic trip to Japan when he made the com­ments in 1967.
Americans can always be count­ed on to do the right thing…after they have exhaust­ed all oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ties”.
Regardless of who was first on record to make the state­ment, I think there is no time that this state­ment has been truer than at this par­tic­u­lar peri­od in American history.
Unfortunately, for America, when the full real­i­ty of Donald Trump and the Republican Party’s fas­cism dawns on them, it will be because they vot­ed for it as the Germans vot­ed for it, cul­mi­nat­ing in the slaugh­ter of 3 mil­lion peo­ple of Jewish faith and the lives of 73 mil­lion as a result of Hitler’s war.
These are peo­ple who see the dan­ger in front of their faces yet turn away and claim that what is more impor­tant than a wom­an’s right to self-deter­mi­na­tion, vot­ing rights, the strength­en­ing of democ­ra­cy, say­ing no to auto­crat­ic rule, etc. is cheap food prices and tanks filled with cheap gas.
If that is what they are say­ing, as argued ad nau. se​.am by the cor­po­rate media, then America is on a slip­pery slope of no return.
The tragedy inher­ent in America’s slide into auto­crat­ic rule is that so many oth­er nations are teth­ered to her that it may drag them all under the deep dark waves of despo­tism from which there is no return.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
