Terrence Williams Not About Investigating Dirty Cops But About Self Promotion, Grandstanding, And Smear.…

INDECOM came into existence because of the bad behavior of some police officers that cannot be ignored or denied.Since it’s creation under the Bruce Golding Administration however this writer has consistently made the point that it was a necessary law , poorly thought out and implemented in a knee-jerk fashion with devastating consequences so far for law abiding Jamaicans.

I warned that INDECOM would increase crime under­stand­ing Jamaican cul­ture of course, crime increased as I pre­dict­ed. I said it would embold­en crim­i­nals, it has. I said it would do pre­cious lit­tle to root out crim­i­nal cops, it hasn’t..
Simply put, the resources placed into the cre­ation and oper­a­tion of INDECOM should have been placed into improv­ing the capa­bil­i­ties of the police depart­ment, pay­ing offi­cers bet­ter, hav­ing bet­ter super­vi­sion and account­abil­i­ty , bet­ter back­ground checks, bet­ter train­ing and a COMPSTAT type polic­ing model.
Instead the Golding Administration allowed Elitist Jamaicans like the Bar Association the group of crim­i­nal lawyers who make a liv­ing from crime, the pha­lanx of human rights lob­by groups which gained rel­e­vance as a func­tion of the Island’s inor­di­nate­ly high mur­der rate and oth­ers who ben­e­fit from crime to dic­tate the agenda..

Williams who came to the job after been reject­ed in his bid to get the job as Director of pub­lic pros­e­cu­tion, once served as a Judge in a neigh­bor­ing Island. Since then he has picked fights with the DPP Paula Llewelyn , the per­son who got the job he craved , Greg Christie the for­mer Contractor General , and the police high Command . It now appears that the rea­son Williams want­ed the job of DPP was to per­se­cute Police offi­cers, not to go after crim­i­nals of all stripes.
Since then Terrence Williams’ mis­sion may be best char­ac­ter­ized as a cru­sade against the police , while stat­ing he has no vendet­ta against the police.
If you have to say you have no vendet­ta , you have a vendet­ta . This medi­um is once again call­ing for the removal of Terrence Williams as head of INDECOM.
His tenure has been acri­mo­nious, undu­ly con­fronta­tion­al and in effect by his own words the vast major­i­ty of inves­ti­ga­tions his agency has under­tak­en has result­ed in no evi­dence of impro­pri­ety against police officers.

Terrence Williams (right) commissioner of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM), Hamish Campbell, (centre) IDECOM's assistant commissioner and Dave Lewis, INDECOM's director of complaints central region at a Gleaner Editors' Forum last Friday. (Source: jamaicagleaner.com)
Terrence Williams (right) com­mis­sion­er of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM), Hamish Campbell, (cen­tre) IDECOM’s assis­tant com­mis­sion­er and Dave Lewis, INDECOM’s .

Nevertheless despite those protes­ta­tions Williams con­tin­ue to use the agency as a posi­tion to grand­stand and make friv­o­lous argu­ments not borne out by facts . Terrence Williams does not allow the truth to get in the way of his grand­stand­ing and pos­tur­ing even as crime goes through the roof as a result of the chill­ing dem­a­goguery and witch-hunt he has waged on the abil­i­ty of police to do their jobs.
Jamaica is now a place many view as a par­adise for crim­i­nals , this guy must go.
