Stomping Out Crime Requires Less Overthinking , Less Fakes And Frauds…

As it should , there are divergent views about how best to tackle crime in Jamaica . Like everyone tuned in to this subject , I too have a point of view on how we can return stability and common sense to our country.
Nevertheless I also understand that my point of view is only one view-point, as such I am always open to different ideas on how best this monster may be tamed.

In the inter­est of trans­paren­cy I must declare right away that I do not have a par­tic­u­lar­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed or high­fa­lutin plan of action .
I pre­fer to leave that to the pre­ten­tious, arti­fi­cial peo­ple who got us into the shit in the first place.

Yes I said pre­ten­tious , we got to this point because there are too many fake ass pre­ten­tious peo­ple on that lit­tle Island, nev­er mind those liv­ing abroad.
Remember when our courts met­ed out lash­es to con­vict­ed Prisoners across their backsides?
Remember when “Wanda” the hang­man at the Spanish Town District Prison had reg­u­lar dates with those who decide to take the lives of others?
Remember when police offi­cers were not afraid or sis­si­fied, remem­ber when cops went after crim­i­nals and brought them to jus­tice or brought jus­tice to them(their choice)?

What were the mur­der fig­ures then?
I“ll tell you we were hav­ing less than 300 homi­cides then and most were polit­i­cal killings , fos­tered and made pos­si­ble by the dirt-bag politicians.
We had some­thing which worked but it was­n’t good enough because we had some fake ass black peo­ple who were allowed into Universities and all of a sud­den killing mass killers was some­how taboo…

So the courts will not order them lashed for rape and oth­er seri­ous crimes and put them in prison where they belong . The courts are restrained from send­ing them to a date with the hang­man at the Spanish Town District Prison .
The Police are expect­ed to run from them when they shoot at them, or risk the wrath of INDECOM a fake Institution set up by the same fake and pre­ten­tious social climbers.

Jamaican gang gun­man “Scatta” pos­es for a por­trait in the Rema gar­ri­son of Kingston, December 17, 2008. Another gang­ster explains Scatta is named that because “when him bust shots, every­body scat­ta (sic, scatter.)“Adapted.

What did they think was going to hap­pen when they enable crim­i­nals with their agenda?
So now the shit is all over the fan .….
Or we can pre­tend that it isn’t , you know many of the fake ass pre­tenders will even argue with you , insist­ing that crime is everywhere.

They will tell you also that crime is about pover­ty, . Yah please explain how pover­ty caus­es four homi­cides per day when the evi­dence points to peo­ple with mas­sive man­sions and mas­sive bank accounts.
The pre­ten­tious fakes like to hear them­selves talk , I guess it makes them feel good , over-ana­lyz­ing an issue which does not need much analyzing.
Take a quick look around at the coun­tries Jamaicans like to chat about .


Singapore . Death penal­ty flog­ging for some crimes and a no-non­sense approach to crime over​all​.By the way the most pros­per­ous nation in Southeast Asia.
Cuba. extreme pover­ty , low crime rate, so there goes the pover­ty-crime nexus .
China , much Chines in our coun­try from main­land China, low crime rates when com­pared to their large pop­u­la­tion of 1.3 bil­lion people.
Low tol­er­ance for crimes , Death penal­ty for crimes includ­ing ‚but not con­fined to just murders.
The United States, large coun­try com­prised of 50 sep­a­rate states world’s old­est democ­ra­cy. World’s sec­ond largest democ­ra­cy. Many of the States retain the death penal­ty which they car­ry out in a vari­ety of ways.
Those that does­n’t retain the death penal­ty mete out long prison terms to mur­ders and oth­er offend­ers , usu­al­ly life in prison with­out the pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole.
No pre­tense there !!!

We could go on but you get my point.
Crime reduc­tion is not nuclear sci­ence ‚it does not require knowl­edge about heavy water Reactors and fos­sil mate­r­i­al or how to put a long series of com­pli­cat­ed for­mu­las to work in cre­at­ing the end product.
Solving homi­cides does require sci­ence and smart peo­ple . Solving com­pli­cat­ed Internet , fraud, and oth­er trans-nation­al crimes does require smart approach­es and it does require smart people.

That is a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent thing from doing the sim­ple things the Chinese, the Americans, the Cubans and oth­ers do .
They do not pre­tend . They go after crim­i­nals wher­ev­er they are , they find them they bring them to jus­tice and when they are con­vict­ed they lock them up throw away the key or worse.

Fake accents, fake moral­i­ty, fak­ing every­thing includ­ing pre­tend­ing to be what we aren’t , fake being a devel­oped first world country.
Criminals are not fools, the so-called lead­ers and the social climbers are.
The peo­ple behind crime are sim­ply exploit­ing the com­plic­it sit­u­a­tion which exist.
They are well with­in their rights to do what they do if the sys­tem lets them.


Before this shit can stop the pre­ten­tious lit­tle clowns have to be made to sit down and shut up.
No I am not advo­cat­ing for Renetto Adams’ type of madness.
I am say­ing remove the shack­les from the police.
Add good no non­sense judges to the courts who will send these scum­bag mur­der­ers away for good.
Clean out dirty cops from the Police department.
Stop cre­at­ing mul­ti­ple police agen­cies, they are not need­ed it’s a tiny damn Island.
Pay and moti­vate the police.
Stop mak­ing the JCF a park­ing garage for left wing loons from the UWI who can­not find employ­ment else­where, they are not cops.

These punks are killing , rap­ing and doing the things they do because they are allowed to get away with it.
It does­n’t require too much crit­i­cal think­ing, no over ana­lyz­ing, no pretense.
Just do it.…..
