Stay @ Home For How Long?

There is a back­lash brew­ing seem­ing­ly across the globe, this is evi­dent across social media plat­forms, as peo­ple who are forced to stay in their homes are becom­ing more and more agi­tat­ed and upset at their gov­ern­ments telling them what to do.
This is so, even though in many cas­es the direc­tives from their gov­ern­ment is pre­vent­ing expo­sure to the poten­tial­ly dead­ly virus COVID-19.
The prob­lem as many peo­ple see it, is that they are being asked to stay at home by gov­ern­ments that have made no prepa­ra­tions for their sur­vival, as it relates to food, pay­ing their mort­gages, rentals, or oth­er liv­ing require­ments.
The orders are result­ing in the clo­sure of their busi­ness­es and the loss of their livelihoods. 

This enforce­ment is left up to the police to ensure that peo­ple abide by the direc­tives hand­ed down to them to enforce.
In the United States with its bi-polar jus­tice system,(one for white peo­ple and anoth­er for blacks), enforce­ment range from hand­ing out masks to white sun­bathers in Manhattan’s west vil­lage to bru­tal­ly bat­ter­ing black cit­i­zens mere blocks away in anoth­er neighborhood.

Across sev­er­al states from New York, right-wing groups of angry whites have tak­en up arms in the state of Michigan and have demon­strat­ed their dis­dain at the Governor’s stay-at-home orders, which they deem to be tyran­ni­cal and exces­sive.
Heavily armed white resis­tance to Governmental orders result­ed in resis­tance mem­bers storm­ing the Michigan state leg­is­la­ture, elic­it­ing no police response.
A woman of col­or in the New York City Subway sys­tem walk­ing with her baby daugh­ter was vio­lent­ly assault­ed and arrest­ed by a horde of NYPD thugs in uni­form for not wear­ing a mask.

The clue­less police com­mis­sion­er Dermott Shea said his thugs did noth­ing wrong, the police union sup­ports and encour­ages crim­i­nal­i­ty with­in the NYPD said the police should not be enforc­ing social dis­tanc­ing rules, though not address­ing the vicious assaults on inno­cent cit­i­zens includ­ing a vicious assault on a young moth­er of col­or in the sub­way sys­tem in front of her infant child.
The infan­tile Mayor of the city called that inci­dent “trou­bling,” clear­ly not want­i­ng to offend the 38,422 strong uni­formed-gang of thugs.
The state’s Democrat Governor, Andrew Cuomo, is too busy rais­ing his nation­al pro­file to care about police abuse. He had noth­ing to say about the abuse of the state’s cit­i­zens hap­pen­ing on his watch.

People are skep­ti­cal, as stay at home orders are extend­ed small mom & pop busi­ness­es are forced to remain closed while major cor­po­ra­tions like Facebook, Walmart, Amazon and oth­ers are dec­i­mat­ing Main Street.
It is for that rea­son that the stock mar­kets in America has been on a tear even as more and more small busi­ness­es close their doors for ever.
As small busi­ness­es close their doors large cor­po­ra­tions gob­ble up the remain­ing mar­ket share they did not already have.
This will inex­orably cre­ate a wider income gap and broad­en the chasm between the haves and the have nots.
Brace your­selves for tougher times ahead .….……

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, researcher, and blog­ger. 
He is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al web­sites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.
