State Violence Results From Immoral & Unjust Laws Passed By Immoral Unjust People

The Hollywood roman­ti­ciz­ing of police and the dis­tinct fact that American polic­ing was designed to oppress Blacks to ben­e­fit whites makes polic­ing what it is today. It was bound to become the effi­cient killing machine that it is today, as peo­ple see more atroc­i­ties com­mit­ted and are out­raged to the point of con­fronting this monster.
The bru­tal tac­tics of American polic­ing are now becom­ing the focus of world­wide atten­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly after the killing of George Floyd by police in Minnesota.
The glar­ing out­ra­geous nature of mis­ter Floyd’s killing, unjus­ti­fied by any stan­dard, was a light­ed match to the dried kin­dling that has been the American sta­tus quo for centuries. 
Blacks had no voice in America, so no one saw what was hap­pen­ing to them, and truth­ful­ly no one cared. The police killed whom they want­ed to, and the news media read police bul­letins as if they were facts, which was the end of that.
Consequently, police felt no con­straints to enforce the laws; the laws became what police depart­ments and indi­vid­ual offi­cers said it was.
Black cit­i­zens were caged ani­mals under the sys­tem of oppres­sion, exposed to the whims and fan­cies of the zookeep­ers. Police became gods and rock stars, and Hollywood glo­ri­fied it. Today you can hard­ly turn on your tele­vi­sion with­out being bom­bard­ed with a litany of cop shows that depict cops as good guys who risk life and limb to pro­tect all Americans.…..If only it were true, but it is not. In fact, it is a far cry from what obtains real­is­ti­cal­ly on the streets of poor black neigh­bor­hoods where cit­i­zens live under the vicious and bru­tal bootheels of America’s race sol­diers who oper­ate with the full author­i­ty and pow­er of the states.

American polic­ing was always a bru­tal, racist white enforce­ment gang, so much so that the Apartheid regimes in South Africa and Israel pat­terned their sys­tems from it. American polic­ing nev­er rep­re­sent­ed Black Americans, so the glow­ing and flow­ery roman­tic char­ac­ter­i­za­tions white Americans give of police are their expe­ri­ence, not that of Black people.
The trag­ic irony today, how­ev­er, is that the beast has been left untamed for too long, the praise piled ‑on by the white pop­u­la­tion, and the immu­ni­ty it has been giv­en has turned into impuni­ty. Poorer whites are dis­cov­er­ing that this beast destroys more than just the poor and pow­er­less Black community.
Real polic­ing endgames are usu­al­ly the main­te­nance of law & order, the pre­ven­tion and detec­tion of crimes, and the pro­tec­tion of life and prop­er­ty. The American polic­ing cul­ture has served that pur­pose for the major­i­ty white pop­u­la­tion, but it has been an organ of oppres­sion since slave-catch­ing for the Black community.
But now, the lines of demar­ca­tion between how it treats Black Americans and poor whites are not as clear as they once were.
In most civ­i­lized nations, law enforce­ment does not go out look­ing to end the lives of cit­i­zens because it is legal­ly justified.
Some time ago, I wrote in a piece that American cops kill not because they are moral­ly jus­ti­fied in doing so but because they know they will not be held accountable.
When immoral and unjust men and women write the laws, it is easy for unjust men and women to abuse them.
American cops kill not because they are moral­ly jus­ti­fied in doing so but because they do not have to wait to achieve a blood­less out­come. Killing is jus­ti­fied to min­i­mize wast­ing resources. Killing is jus­ti­fied because the vic­tim’s life is deemed worth­less and dis­pos­able. Killing is jus­ti­fied because cops may have already spent a lit­tle time pre­tend­ing to care.
The police, as I said ear­li­er, are [g]ods with the pow­er of judge, jury, and exe­cu­tion­er, the pow­er of life and death. They are [not] ser­vants of the people.
So even though American cops are arguably the best equipped in the world, there is not much empha­sis on sav­ing lives. So a woman with a knife whom they were told was act­ing irra­tional­ly, act­ing as if she was expe­ri­enc­ing a med­ical emer­gency, does not get approached with care and love; she gets mur­dered in a hail of police bullets.
The shock­ing real­i­ty is that the white pop­u­la­tion finds this jus­ti­fied because of one word, the word [knife]. Mental health does not mat­ter, unavoid­able does not mat­ter, less-lethal does not mat­ter, unnec­es­sary does not matter.
And I con­tin­ue to ask the ques­tion, what would they do if they did not have guns? When immoral men and women write the laws, we get the out­comes we get.

Rachel Ellis’ life did not mat­ter, the fact that she was in dis­tress and threat­en­ing her own life was not tak­en into account. The word ‘knife’ was all the jus­ti­fi­ca­tion they need­ed. There will be no con­se­quence for this sense­less state-sanc­tioned murder.

Police in Orlando, Florida, shot and killed 32-year-old Rachael Ellis after she alleged­ly charged at them with knives. Police arrived at an apart­ment com­plex on the 12000 block of Pioneers Way around 12:03 p.m. Friday after a call from Ellis’ boyfriend, who told dis­patch­ers Ellis was hold­ing a knife and threat­en­ing to kill herself.
This is nor­mal police behav­ior across America. They get called to a scene where some­one is threat­en­ing their own life, a clear indi­ca­tion of men­tal dis­or­der, and they oblige the vic­tim by end­ing their lives in a hail of tax-pay­er-fund­ed bullets.
There is no out­rage because she had a knife, and worse yet, she [alleged­ly] charged at the demigods.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
