Sometimes Someone Has To Get Blood On Their Hands In Order To Stop The Bleeding…


For me it’s sad, I have no choice but to sit and watch like other shocked observers at the spectacle which is the wanton loss of life in Jamaica. Young children slaughtered along with their parents yet it does not evoke any anger or outrage.
It has become par for the course, another day of life or more like another day of living at death’s door in Jamaica.

I have con­sis­tent­ly said I do not speak to the killers nor their sup­port­ers who tell us peo­ple are dying every­where. I have said before that by your state­ments we know who you are . So feel free to ignore what I have to say.
To the filthy dirty crim­i­nals who have also infil­trat­ed the Police depart­ment , I say to you as well you are a dis­grace. You are an affront to dig­ni­ty . You are a liar and a deceiv­er to the oath you took to defend the con­sti­tu­tion and uphold the laws of our country.
To you dirty cops I say your day is coming.…


As the Government looks on seem­ing­ly help­less and the Opposition par­ty leader pay lip ser­vice to the pan­dem­ic of ruth­less mur­ders , we are shocked at what seem to be a nev­er end­ing litany of killings and with no one held accountable.
Just yes­ter­day two police offi­cers were shot and injured as they fell vic­tim to crim­i­nals who tried to rob a pas­sen­ger bus in Kingston.
Hell no, it’s not the first time cops are get­ting shot , Jamaican police have been get­ting shot for years . I should know, more than twen­ty five years ago I found that out first hand.
It was bad when we were fight­ing crime naked with one hand tied behind our backs, it’s worse now that police are naked with both hands tied behind their backs, and added weight drag­ging them down.
No they are not guilt­less, they must take some of the blame for that.

According to Jamaicagleaner​.com....
Details have emerged about the shoot­ing of two police­men along Spanish Town Road in St Andrew last night.Communication Officer with the Jamaica Constabulary Force, Superintendent Stephanie Lindsay, says one of the cops was shot dur­ing a rob­bery of a pub­lic pas­sen­ger bus. Superintendent Lindsay says the police­man and oth­er pas­sen­gers were held up and robbed by men armed with guns. According to her, the police­man, who was robbed, chal­lenged the rob­bers and he was shot. She says a police team that was near­by rushed to the scene to help and they were fired on by the armed rob­bers. Superintendent Lindsay says one of the cops in the team was shot and injured. She says two of the rob­bers are in police cus­tody and the injured police­men are still being treated. 

Now the peo­ple who fol­low what I have to say on the sub­ject of crime knows quite well that I have con­sis­tent­ly and unabashed­ly advo­cat­ed that mem­bers of the Jamaica Constabulary Force shoul­der their arms in this fight against the Island’s murderers.
What I did not say was that they shoul­der arms when they are attacked. Every good police offi­cer must ensure that they pro­tect their fam­i­lies and themselves.
Either this insane fever of crim­i­nal sup­port breaks or the coun­try slide fur­ther into insan­i­ty. There is time,all offi­cers have to do is sit tight.
I do not encour­age this action because I am opposed to exter­mi­nat­ing vicious mur­der­ers from among us. I say this because the laws crim­i­nal­izes cops for doing their job on one hand and empow­ers crim­i­nals on the other.

Police remove high powered weapons from the streets , but are largely unbacked in the task at hand which is how to remove the killers from the streets.
Police remove high pow­ered weapons from the streets , but are large­ly unbacked in the task at hand which is how to remove the killers from the streets.

The pow­er that be, knows what to do to end this pan­dem­ic of murder.
How do I know this ?
Because they cre­at­ed the con­di­tions which made it possible !
It was no acci­dent that they removed the idea of super cops who knew where the crim­i­nals ate, slept and copulated.
It was no acci­dent that they cre­at­ed anoth­er police agency (INDECOM) to crip­ple and cor­ral law enforce­ment , (which by the way has no pow­er to inves­ti­gate them).
It was no acci­dent that both polit­i­cal par­ties balka­nized the Island into gar­risons from which their Dons wield pow­er and con­trol out­side the pow­er and scope of the nation’s law enforce­ment agen­cy’s control.
It’s was no acci­dent that the Administration in Kingston, past and present, has cozied up with and col­lud­ed with Jamaicans For Justice, Families Against State Terrorism , among oth­ers, while police offi­cers who face the mind­less killers are left on their own, exposed to crim­i­nal indict­ment even when the do every­thing by the book.

I have repeat­ed­ly said that the fact that police killing of crim­i­nals have gone down has noth­ing to do with INDECOM’ s vig­i­lance. It has every­thing to do with the fact that cops are not will­ing to be crim­i­nal­ized for engag­ing crim­i­nals. Why should they?
When cops do not engage with crim­i­nals they do not shoot criminals.
When Cops are mind­ful of finan­cial ruin and crim­i­nal pros­e­cu­tion they are hes­i­tant and they get shot by criminals.
When cops do not engage every­one gets killed includ­ing babies.
It fol­lows sim­ply that when police offi­cers engage mind­less killers who are heav­i­ly armed they have to use com­men­su­rate force. I have been say­ing this for years crim­i­nals get shot when police engage them and they resist.
These ass­wipes do not care about life, not yours not mine, as such, those who empow­er them , those who sup­port them, those who mil­i­tate on their behalf should be treat­ed with the same degree of con­tempt that they are treated.

There will be much more blood­shed because the mur­der­ers are embold­ened . They open­ly post caches of weapons on social media with their entire pro­file and noth­ing is done about it.
Jamaica is a fuck­ing small Island, lets cut to the chase. It does not require a bunch of fan­cy experts to fix this shit.
I am ter­ri­bly tired of hear­ing all of the con­vo­lut­ed mum­bo jum­bo shit com­ing out of the mouths of the shit-heads who talk about crime from behind com­put­er key­boards as if they are writ­ing a term paper of a doc­tor­al thesis..
This is a fuck­ing war which requires war­riors who are unafraid to go where these fuck­ing crim­i­nals are and appre­hend them .
If they resist then fuck­ing kill them.
Period !!!!
There is no pret­ty way to put that.
Killers who kill inno­cent chil­dren in blood-lust deranged assaults are inca­pable of under­stand­ing any­thing but bullets.

The Prime Minister knows this Portia knows this and Terrence Williams knows it. But Terrence Williams does not give a shit about the loss of life as long as he makes a name for him­self on the pile of dead babies.
Andrew Holness can in no way claim that he could­n’t do any­thing about it, he is now the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defence .
The first order of busi­ness is to pro­tect the lives of inno­cent peo­ple . None so more than the very old, the very young, and those inca­pable of defend­ing themselves.
Enough with the talk­ing, there comes a time when some­one has to get blood on their hands in order to stop the bleeding.
