

You may have noticed that from time to time I argue that the police can do a bet­ter job despite the myr­i­ad prob­lems of want which seem to char­ac­ter­ize the force.
Oh we can’t do our jobs because we want this and we want that.
Some of the small­est issue becomes mam­moth prob­lems sim­ply because the police are sim­ply too stu­pid to do the sim­ple things .
I refer here to a report in one of the Jamaican dai­ly papers on Thursday May 26th 2016.
Roughly 17 per cent of the almost 800 street lights that were installed less than a year ago at a cost of $248.5 mil­lion along the 17-kilo­me­tre cor­ri­dor, which runs from the Sangster International Airport round­about to Lilliput, were out of ser­vice because speed­ing motorists are crash­ing into them.

According to the National Works Agency spokesper­son a deci­sion was tak­en to recov­er the cost of the dam­age from the insur­ance of the cul­pa­ble motorists.
A series of mea­sures were also insti­tut­ed which includ­ed the instal­la­tion of rum­ble strips as well as ceram­ic road markings .
Read sto­ry here : http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​w​e​s​t​e​r​n​n​e​w​s​/​L​i​g​h​t​s​-​o​u​t​_​6​1​973

I real­ly don’t want to talk too much about this rather sim­ple issue which seem to be cre­at­ing heart­burn for the NWA, the Police , the Utility com­pa­ny and oth­er stake hold­ers at this so called “Elegant corridor”.
According to those inter­viewed includ­ing a police offi­cer who does not want to be named “the num­ber of acci­dents on this par­tic­u­lar strip is frightening.”

So there you have it !!!
Here is a clas­sic exam­ple of small total­ly man­age­able blis­ters being allowed to fes­ter until they become huge sores even­tu­al­ly requir­ing amputation .
According to the police they will con­cen­trate more patrols in the area.
Wrong solution.
This does not require patrols what it requires is police traf­fic units sta­tioned there with radar guns . Make the speed­ers become a source of rev­enue , the coun­try needs the revenue.
Two real­ly sim­ple proposals.
(1) Static Police units round the clock and make the strip a tick­et bonanza.
(2) Adjust the road traf­fic fines and oth­er puni­tive mea­sures. Offenders dri­ving at a cer­tain rate of speed and repeat offend­ers lose their licence for a cer­tain peri­od of time.
Impound their vehi­cles and levy painful fines for the recov­ery of their return. Make the monies derived from those fines avail­able to improv­ing law enforce­ment capa­bil­i­ties. They will get the mes­sage when you hit them in their pock­et­books, it’s a great source of rev­enue and it saves lives.
This is a eco­nom­ic bonan­za for tow­ing com­pa­nies around the area and more rev­enue for the nation’s coffers .
If peo­ple decide they want to con­tin­ue on a path of law­less­ness the nation must make sure that their activ­i­ties come at tremen­dous cost .
Problem solved , you may now take this sim­ple strat­e­gy nationwide.
