Security Forces Called To Save Jamaica Again: Later Comes The Demagoguery…

As I watched the images of JDF assets rolling into parts of Saint James yes­ter­day I was filled with hope that this would not be anoth­er show of force laced with the worn out overem­pha­sis on rights, so much so that it will become incon­se­quen­tial and worth­less as ZOSO turned out to be. More than any con­cerns I have for the effec­tive­ness of any action to be tak­en by the secu­ri­ty forces, how­ev­er, is a deep tre­pedi­tion of here we go again.
As I con­tem­plat­ed a response to what I saw I also felt anger, an anger born out of the thought of how this ingrate nation abus­es those who risk their lives for it.

JDF assets roll into St. jamaica)

Born out of that anger I want­ed to write about the events which neces­si­tat­ed the Military and police hav­ing to enter the Garrison com­mu­ni­ty of Tivoli Gardens in Western Kingston.
A com­mu­ni­ty I have risked my life in, get­ting shot at and hav­ing to take cov­er as com­mon punks fire at us with high pow­ered weapons.

I am tempt­ed to lash out at the fact that police sta­tions were attacked and burned to the ground. Those police offi­cers, sol­diers, and aver­age cit­i­zens were mur­dered as the entire com­mu­ni­ty came out in white T‑shirts extolling their loy­al­ty and love for Christopher Coke.
That despite it all busses were pro­vid­ed to res­i­dents who want­ed to take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to leave the com­mu­nity so that the secu­ri­ty forces could go in and do their jobs with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of col­lat­er­al dam­age being dras­ti­cal­ly reduced.
That they all refused that offer.

That despite the Government of the day rolling over in the blood of those mar­tyred mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces to appease a com­mu­ni­ty which oper­at­ed out­side the bounds of the laws, the next admin­is­tra­tion con­vened a Kangaroo pan­el to judge the secu­ri­ty forces, demo­nize them, chas­tise them, for sav­ing Jamaica and hand­ing it back to them.

More infu­ri­at­ing the new Government went ahead and rubbed salt into the wounds of the secu­ri­ty forces by apol­o­giz­ing to the com­mu­ni­ty and are pay­ing them off with tax­pay­ers money.
Both polit­i­cal par­ties have rolled over and made con­ces­sions to ter­ror­ists who kill mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces, burn Government prop­er­ty and thumb their noses at the nation’s laws?

Additionally, the PNP while in Opposition took the trea­so­nous steps of refus­ing to sign on to an exten­sion of the lim­it­ed state of emer­gency which would have giv­en the secu­ri­ty forces the time to con­sol­i­date its gains by uproot­ing those ter­ror­ist killers who find safe haven in PNP garrisons.
By so doing the PNP chose to keep the pri­vate mili­tias it has in the var­i­ous gar­risons under its control.
The PNP chose to keep the pil­lars of failed states when it had an oppor­tu­ni­ty to be great. As a con­se­quence, nei­ther the PNP nor the JLP has the moral author­i­ty to end the crime scourge eat­ing away at our country.

There are many who feel as I do that the cure is not out­side of our grasp but that our polit­i­cal lead­ers would rather play pol­i­tics than solve the problems.
I share the sen­ti­ments of my friend whose response on the lim­it­ed state of emer­gency is far more art­ful than I could ever express myself.

My only con­cern is for the mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces whose every action in the heat of bat­tle will be scru­ti­nized by men and women who nev­er ever even got involved in a ver­bal con­fronta­tion much less life and death sit­u­a­tions as a mat­ter of course.
The civ­il soci­ety groups are lurk­ing to pounce. The said gov­ern­ment is con­sid­er­ing which of their rich retired friends they will hire to chair and pre­side over anoth­er witch hunt. It is strange and iron­ic how we chas­tise and treat the secu­ri­ty forces yet they are the only ones who put lives on the line to save Jamaica time and again. The rest of us are like spec­ta­tors in the are­na while the glad­i­a­tors bat­tle to the death.[adapt­ed RS]

The shit­heads who sit in judg­ment ought to be ashamed of their hypocrisy, these char­la­tans [Jesus warned about] who walk about the mar­ket­place in their long robes.
What frauds? They no longer wear the long robes of the Pharisees they wear coats and tie nowa­days, as they were when Jesus walked the earth so too do they exist today, liars, thieves, and frauds, the deceivers who ben­e­fit from the sta­tus quo but pre­tend they care.

I have no desire to be art­ful in my dis­dain for them, I loathe them. and As my friend said they are ready to pounce,. I will be watch­ing to see which one of these lying scrubs will begin the ver­bal onslaught against the secu­ri­ty forces their lips drip­ping with the vile hypocrisy befit­ting eter­nal perdition.
