Schoolbus Cop Identified/​We Urge Grace And Mercy, A Teachable Moment For Police Officers…

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We report­ed recent­ly on the Concord police vehi­cle that passed a stopped school bus; luck­i­ly, the bus dri­ver was vig­i­lant, saw a poten­tial­ly bad sit­u­a­tion devel­op­ing, and ordered the child to stop before he/​she stepped off the bus.

This medi­um sup­ports good polic­ing yet seeks to hold crim­i­nal cops account­able. Police offi­cers are peo­ple, too. Officers deal with stress­ful sit­u­a­tions each day in their jobs. They also deal with per­son­al mat­ters in their lives as well.
I hard­ly believe that this offi­cer will­ful­ly drove past a stopped school bus know­ing the dan­ger to chil­dren. I, there­fore, think this was a moment in which the offi­cer was pre­oc­cu­pied, pos­si­bly in thought, about some­thing going on in his life, pub­lic or private.

Sgt. Matthew Willet,

This is a teach­able moment for the police all across the United States who inter­act with mem­bers of the pub­lic. Daily we see police offi­cers berat­ing, dis­re­spect­ing, bru­tal­iz­ing, and even killing peo­ple for the most minute and insignif­i­cant thing, things they them­selves do with­out consequence.
As I per­son­al­ly chas­tise police for the god com­plex, far too many of them devel­op after they are giv­en a gun and badge; I also urge grace and mer­cy in the way this offi­cer is treat­ed because I believe his actions were not willful.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
See Mike’s Youtube chan­nel @ mikebeckles
