Rules Which Disqualified Previous Presidential Candidates Out The Door.…


After decades of building up Donald Trump as a legitimate businessman who took his father’s construction business and made it an empire, and framing Hillary Clinton as one half of a pair of pathological disgusting untrustworthy liars the media gets it’s moment in the sun.


For months the media has been sell­ing the first pres­i­den­tial debate as a prize fight , they have gone as far as to tell view­ers it will be the most watched event in the his­to­ry of television.
At the end of it all Neilsen will tell just how many house­holds tuned in for the spec­ta­cle. Ironically the nar­ra­tive is baked in. Hillary Clinton is a patho­log­i­cal liar who can­not be trust­ed because she used a pri­vate serv­er . [sic] The nar­ra­tive is that Clinton is viewed as some­one who can­not be trusted.
The polit­i­cal­ly neu­tral Politico has point­ed out that Donald Trump tells a lie every three min­utes and fif­teen sec­onds , over a five hour period.

There have been so much about Donald Trump which has dis­qual­i­fied him from the pres­i­den­cy yet none of it seem to mat­ter to vot­ers accord­ing to the polls. Which caus­es us to won­der whether the require­ments for the pres­i­den­cy has­n’t already changed this elec­tion cycle.
MSNBC’s Craig Melvin this morn­ing asked Jack Kingston a for­mer Georgia Congressman and a Trump sup­port­er, whether the Moderator has a respon­si­bil­i­ty to fact check can­di­dates who lie dur­ing this debate?
Not sur­pris­ing Kingston said no, mod­er­a­tors should not be in the busi­ness of fact check­ing the can­di­dates on the lies they tell. A female Clinton sur­ro­gate on the same pro­gram said absolute­ly yes , they should be .
Why would any­one seek­ing the pres­i­den­cy want to lie about pol­i­cy posi­tions or about their oppo­nen­t’s record? That I believe is the defin­ing issue in this debate .

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton

Now here is what I find trou­bling . It was the job of the Press to guard our democ­ra­cy unless that too has changed as well this cycle.
Debate mod­er­a­tors are jour­nal­ists, how is it that it is not the guardians of our democ­ra­cy’s job to fact check lying politi­cians seek­ing the world’s most pow­er­ful office?
Presidential debates are job inter­views. Candidates seek­ing the pres­i­den­cy should be prepar­ing and study­ing up on pol­i­cy posi­tions and that of their oppo­nents with a view to being able to appro­pri­ate­ly debate the issues.
They should not be seek­ing to lie and get away with lying their way to the nuclear codes.
Why would the media be ask­ing lying politi­cians and their sur­ro­gates whether can­di­dates caught lying should be called out as CNN’s Candy Crowley called Mitt Romney out in 2012? It is their job to do so why would the media cede that most crit­i­cal of func­tion to either polit­i­cal par­ty? Is there any won­der that the sys­tem is this corrupt?
In the last gen­er­al elec­tions Mitt Romney insist­ed that President Obama had not called the Benghazi attack an “act of ter­ror” for 14 days. Crowley cor­rect­ly fact checked Romney that Obama had indeed used the term “act of ter­ror” dur­ing remarks at The White House the day after the attack.
Candy Crowley was right , Mitt Romney was wrong end of story.
However it did not stop the usu­al bar­rage of attacks on Ms Crowley from the polit­i­cal right for doing what her pro­fes­sion trained her to do , get to the truth.

There is no point in lit­i­gat­ing the neg­a­tives of Donald Trump. They are far too many, they are far too dis­tinct, they are far too dis­qual­i­fy­ing. A vot­er who claim that he or she is still unde­cid­ed about who they are vot­ing for at the top of the tick­et is a lying Trump voter.
There is a bina­ry choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, bar­ring some unfore­seen event one of these two peo­ple will be the next pres­i­dent of the United States. Gary Johnson will not be nei­ther will Jill Stein.
There is a hid­den vote out there for Donald Trump I believe, despite the work President Barack Obama has done to return this coun­try to a sound foot­ing there is an ele­ment out there that is pre­pared to reg­is­ter a protest vote against him.
Hillary Clinton’s neg­a­tives also plays into that somehow.
Sure Donald Trump’s neg­a­tives are as stink as a Skunk but they are pre­pared to destroy every­thing by vot­ing for him because he is white and male. They will vote for him with­out admit­ting that they did. The equiv­a­lent of break­ing skin while wash­ing their hands of the blood . Being able to say I did not vote for him when s**t heads south.
That is the chal­lenge for Hillary Clinton.

Donald J Trump
Donald J Trump

In a nut­shell this pres­i­den­tial cam­paign may be summed up with­in the con­text of Ted Cruz’s recent endorse­ment of Donald Trump . Cruz said he does not get mad eas­i­ly but when some­one mess­es with his wife and his fam­i­ly he pulls the gloves off.
During the Republican pri­maries Donald Trump made neg­a­tive state­ments about Heidi Cruz’s appear­ance. He also said that Cruz’s father may have been involved with Lee-Harvey Oswald in the killing of President John F Kennedy. This infu­ri­at­ed Cruz to the point that at the Republican Convention Cruz took to the stage and asked vot­ers to vote their con­science rather than ask them to vote for Donald Trump.

Despite all of that, last week in a lengthy face­book post Ted Cruz said he would be vot­ing for Trump. Cruz’s capit­u­la­tion can only be seen for what it was, a craven ‚cal­cu­lat­ed attempt to posi­tion him­self for anoth­er run at the pres­i­den­cy in either 2020 or 2024.
Country be damned it’s all about per­son­al ambitions.
