After Rubio : Now This !!!


It’s remarkable to watch Marco Rubio the son of Cuban Immigrants stand in front of crowds berating immigrants as he tries to take down Donald Trump.
Here’s a guy whose parents ran away from Cuba and now he is running to be Gestapo in chief .

Marco Rubio
Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio told Reporters that the sit­ting President of the United States Barack Obama has no class. .
That real­ly piss­es me off.
Now Rubio is doing every­thing to gain trac­tion in the Republican Presidential nom­i­na­tion race in which he is yet to win a state .,
The new line of attack for Rubio is that Trump is a “Con Artist” . The fact is that even as Maraco Rubio attacks Trump label­ing him a con artist, Rubio expos­es him­self as a worse con-artist than Donald Trump .


Marco Rubio is a polit­i­cal hus­tler who has accom­plished much in his 45 years, no one can deny him that. The only prob­lem how­ev­er is that Rubio accom­plished every­thing for himself.
Ask Jeb Bush about that. Bush felt the bite of Marco Rubio the hus­tler when he jumped the line and helped to knock him out of the polit­i­cal race. Not that the Republican pri­ma­ry vot­ers had any stom­ach for anoth­er Bush, they just won’t say it.
Oh well they spoke loud­ly by walk­ing away from Jeb despite his huge war chest no one was inter­est­ed in hear­ing what poor Jeb had to say , so he went back home with his mommy.

Rubio took a beat-down from Chris Christie in what was a Kamikaze style mur­der sui­cide take-down . Now Christie is on the hus­tings cam­paign­ing for Trump and he has a sharp sword out for Rubio, clear­ly there is a lot of bad blood between those two .
The Republican estab­lish­ment wants Trump gone how­ev­er and they are pulling out all the stops to ensure that Trumps loco­mo­tive is derailed before he gets the nomination.
Why ?
Because the Republican par­ty estab­lish­ment cre­at­ed Donald Trump but now they want him gone. The par­ty is scared s***less that Donald Trump is poised to win the par­ty’s nomination.
They were ecsta­t­ic when Donald Trump was mak­ing an ass of him­self on FOX at the expense of the pres­i­dent. Now the chick­ens have come home to roost.
The prob­lem is not that they are afraid Trump will become President. The prob­lem is that they fear what the Democrats oppo­si­tion research will unearth on DonaldTrump once he becomes their nominee.
So the Rubio Cruz tag-team is designed to take Trump down.…… so they can all line up behind Marco Rubio.
Or at least that’s the plan .
There’s much at stake this elec­tion cycle as there are in all oth­er cycles . There’s the lit­tle issue of (1) Obama’s lega­cy and (2) the direc­tion the Supreme Court will take after the death of Antonin Scalia.
For the Constitution lov­ing Republicans the Constitution can take a back seat this time as Obama can­not be allowed to obey the Constitution. He must not be allowed to appoint a nom­i­nee to fill that vacancy.

Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz

Donald Trump labeled Rubio a light­weight, tru­ly Rubio has a glib tongue and absolute­ly no respect. Personally I have some oth­er names I could think of for the lit­tle non-iden­ti­ty Cuban but that’s for anoth­er time.
It says a lot about a per­son who comes from a cer­tain sit­u­a­tion, accom­plish­es his dream, or at least part of it,then dis­cards oth­ers by work­ing to kick away the ladder.
What if the Administration in pow­er had put his par­ents back on a boat and sent them back to Castro when they arrived in America? Where would Marco Rubio be?
Chances are he would be cut­ting sug­ar-cane in the Cuban countryside.
Marco Rubio is worse than a light­weight, he is a snivel­ing lit­tle social climber.

The fact is that Marco Rubio has not won a sin­gle state thus far and now Chris Christie has endorsed Trump and is active­ly cam­paign­ing for trump. In an unprece­dent­ed move Christie is now on stage run­ning pass-pro­tec­tion for Donald Trump.
Ever the con­niv­ing strate­gist Chris Christie is look­ing to be Vice President Chris Christie, or at least Attorney General Chris Christie.

Republicans were gid­dy when Donald Trump antag­o­nized Barack Obama with racist birther com­ments and demands .
To a man they said it’s not their job to cor­rect Donald Trump or any­one else who had neg­a­tive and racist things to say about the Nations first black president.
They had no prob­lem when he labeled all Mexicans ” rapists mur­der­ers and drug-deal­ers”. There were no out­rage when he char­ac­ter­ized Blacks as lazy deserv­ing of being shipped back to Africa.
They glee­ful­ly cel­e­brat­ed when he talked about build­ing walls and mak­ing Mexico pay for it, until Vicente Fox snapped back of course.
They rejoiced as he unleashed a xeno­pho­bic , Islamophobic rant against the Muslim com­mu­ni­ty , demand­ing that they not be allowed into the coun­try until the coun­try can fig­ure out whats going on.
Whatever that means.

Donald J Trump
Donald J Trump

They fig­ured that like a gas fire Donald Trump would burn him­self out leav­ing an estab­lish­ment can­di­date they could ral­ly around.
Not so, they missed the gas hose feed­ing the flames of Trump’s insur­gency. That gas hose is a 30% to a 40% of large­ly white peo­ple who exact­ly shares Trump’s vile views. To these peo­ple Donald Trump is not a can­di­date he is a megaphone.
Trump was exact­ly right when he said he could fire a gun down 5th avenue and he would­n’t lose any votes. Of course not they don’t care about any­thing he does or says , he is sim­ply an instru­ment through which they are air­ing their grievances.
Yeah they want to make America white again , oops I meant great again.

Now no one is laugh­ing any­more, this is seri­ous s**t.
So the plan is to gas Rubio up. They don’t care too much about Ted Cruz who has no per­son­al­i­ty, the guy has the appeal of a Rhinoceros .
In fact they are not sure about Cruz’s can­di­da­cy they believe Hillary will chal­lenge Cruz’s legit­i­ma­cy to run for the Presidency were he to become their nominee.
Ted Cruz who was born in Canada gave up his Canadian cit­i­zen­ship less than two years ago because he intend­ed to run for the pres­i­den­cy of the United States, which leaves the robot­ic Rubio.

Incredibly the Republicans field­ed sev­en­teen can­di­dates and this is whats left. !!!
