Rep. Ilhan Omar Claps Back At The Bigot In Chief: ‘You Have Trafficked In Hate Your Whole Life’

Photo: Mark Wilson (Getty Images) 

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D‑Minn.) had time Wednesday morn­ing when she clapped back at President Trump’s call for her to resign, not­ing that the pres­i­dent has traf­ficked in hate his whole life.
In a tweet, the president’s pre­ferred mode of com­mu­ni­ca­tion because he’s basi­cal­ly a 13-year-old 7th grad­er, Omar tweeted:

Hi @realDonaldTrump- You have traf­ficked in hate your whole life — against Jews, Muslims, Indigenous, immi­grants, black peo­ple and more. I learned from peo­ple impact­ed by my words. When will you? 

You know that Omar’s ini­tial tweet end­ed with “When will you, bitch?” Fine, she didn’t say “bitch,” but I feel like there is an implied bitch at the end of the state­ment. OK, fine, maybe I just want it say bitch.The Hill notes that Omar’s tweet comes after the pres­i­dent called for her res­ig­na­tion, or at the very least her removal from the House Foreign Affairs Committee “over her tweet ques­tion­ing the influ­ence of the Israel lob­by, name­ly the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), in Washington D.C.”
Omar apol­o­gized for the tweet not­ing, “Anti-Semitism is real and I am grate­ful for Jewish allies and col­leagues who are edu­cat­ing me on the painful his­to­ry of anti-Semitic tropes,” Omar wrote. “My inten­tion is nev­er to offend my con­stituents or Jewish Americans as a whole. We have to always be will­ing to step back and think through crit­i­cism, just as I expect peo­ple to hear me when oth­ers attack me for my iden­ti­ty. This is why I unequiv­o­cal­ly apologize.”

Trump told reporters Tuesday that Omar’s apol­o­gy was “lame” and reit­er­at­ed his demand for her resignation.“Anti-Semitism has no place in the United States Congress,” Trump said at a Cabinet meet­ing. “And I think she should either resign from Congress or she should cer­tain­ly resign from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.”
Trump failed to men­tion that he’s a racist-filed whoopee-cush­ion who lives off a diet of baby goat’s blood and fast food, who would be fine if we went back to Jim Crow laws and only has one black friend: Ben Carson. 

