Reduce Response Time To Ensure Officer Safety.…


In the last couple of days I have written two Articles which are less than complimentary of the High command of the Jamaica Constabulary Force(JCF). In both instances I recommend firing the entire high command with the exception of a few who may have a record of accomplishment .In the interim however, I would like to offer to the Department a simple plan which will greatly impact policing, more-so in urban areas. Particularly in light of the attacks we have witnessed on Jamaican police officers and the relentless tax-payer funded witch-hunt by INDECOM


Policing as it was done before is no longer pos­si­ble. It is impor­tant that if no one rec­og­nize it, the lead­er­ship of the police depart­ment do so. Superintendents and the com­mis­sion­er ranks can­not exist as a vehi­cle to bul­ly and intim­i­date the hard work­ing rank and file of the department.
Throughout the exis­tence of the depart­ment the lead­er­ship of the depart­ment has waged war­fare against the rank and file it pur­ports to lead. The great king of beast­’s tail is not uncon­nect­ed from it’s tail. The police high com­mand dis­joint­ed and adver­sar­i­al rela­tion­ship with the men and women of the depart­ment who actu­al­ly take the risks must come to an end.


Failure of lead­er­ship has forced many good offi­cers from the depart­ment. In many cas­es the prob­lems being expe­ri­enced with younger offi­cers can be laid firm­ly at the feet of the lead­er­ship whose rela­tion­ship style increas­es the stress lev­el of the men and women who actu­al­ly do policing.
Over the years we have wit­nessed an increase in mur­der sui­cide and in some cas­es sui­cide by rank and file officers.
Some crit­ics sug­gest the offi­cers are just bul­lies who can­not con­trol their urge to bul­ly oth­ers. Other self appoint­ed Gods have argued these offi­cers are just con­trol­ling that’s why they kill their spous­es and that’s why they kill their spous­es and them­selves. Try hav­ing prob­lems with finances and oth­er fam­i­ly issues and then being sub­ject­ed to pres­sure on your job and see how you may have a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive on this issue.

Leadership is not about lord­ing, it is about lead­ing. The hall­mark of a good leader is to crit­i­cize in pri­vate and praise pub­licly. The men and women of the depart­ment who real­ly mat­ter are nei­ther being praised nor supported.
As the INDECOM Act empow­ers and rad­i­cal­ize ordi­nary peo­ple to fight and assault police offi­cers under the ban­ner “him caaaan shoot yu” . As Government past and present allows it to metas­ta­size out of con­trol . And as we wit­ness that even effect­ing a sim­ple arrest on a bel­liger­ent, vio­lent female using no guns, no batons, no pep­per spray, no taser, is being sold as police abuse on the island . The police high com­mand must now act to pro­tect officers.

There are far too many peo­ple at the upper end of the police depart­ment whom are not doing any­thing toward reduc­ing crime. From the Commissioner of police down it appears some do not even feel a con­nect­ing with the force but are there sole­ly for the pay­check. On the rare occa­sion the com­mis­sion­er wears his uni­form there is no belt to his uni­form and absolute­ly no util­i­ty belt with a weapon and oth­er accou­ter­ments of the trade.
The same is true of the female mem­bers of the Gazetted ranks . Do they believe their rank pre­clude them from doing the most rudi­men­ta­ry task of effect­ing an arrest.
Does their rank set them apart from get­ting dirty sub­du­ing a vio­lent sus­pect? Can they even make an arrest? If no Huston we have a problem.


Terrence Williams Jamaica has a history of putting these anti-police aggressors in position to militate against police, endangering the nation as a result. Since the (indecom) Act was passed scores of Jamaicans have been killed over and above the norm before the act was passed, Conversely there are no increase in the numbers of rogue cops removed from the department as result of the law.
Terrence Williams
Jamaica has a his­to­ry of putting these anti-police aggres­sors in posi­tion to mil­i­tate against police, endan­ger­ing the nation as a result.
Since the (inde­com) Act was passed scores of Jamaicans have been killed over and above the norm before the act was passed, Conversely there are no increase in the num­bers of rogue cops removed from the depart­ment as result of the law.

There is a seri­ous issue of vio­lent resis­tance against law­ful arrest, and attacks on police offi­cers on the Island. Factually this was not start­ed by the cre­ation of the INDECOM Act , it sim­ply has tak­en on new life not just because of it’s cre­ation, but because of the unwar­rant­ed acri­mo­ny it’s head has cre­at­ed, delib­er­ate­ly fan­ning the flames of anti-police sen­ti­ment on the Island.

People inter­fere in police activ­i­ty because they believe there will be no penal­ty for their actions. As a young police offi­cer I was incensed that the lib­er­al left­ist activist judges on the Island would sum­mar­i­ly admon­ish and dis­charge crim­i­nals for assault­ing police offi­cer and resist­ing arrest . Even when the evi­dence sup­port­ed the charges as they were laid .
By doing so there was tac­it sup­port from the bench to con­tin­ue the prac­tice of vio­lent­ly resist­ing arrest and assault­ing offi­cers some­times seri­ous­ly. Even when con­vict­ed the archa­ic laws offered only a slight slap on the wrist punitively.
Understanding fun­da­men­tal­ly that my safe­ty and secu­ri­ty as a Jamaican police offi­cer would not be helped by the Island’s leg­is­la­ture .Would not be helped by the Courts. Would not be assist­ed by the peo­ple under whose com­mand I served, I built my own defense struc­ture which worked per­fect­ly until I depart­ed the department.

That defense struc­ture was an unprece­dent­ed, yet not unique no-non­sense strat­e­gy which became known real quick­ly . You F*** with that lit­tle cop and things will turn out real­ly bad for you!


Because of the increased assault and vio­lence against offi­cers, police lead­er­ship must reduce response time, not just for calls to the 119 switch-board, but more impor­tant­ly in get­ting appro­pri­ate back­up to offi­cers who demand it as rapid­ly as pos­si­ble. When poten­tial offend­ers know back­up will flood the are in min­utes if not sec­onds and they will be going to jail they will get the message.
No, the police can not change the atti­tudes of the crim­i­nal lovers who sit in the Island’s par­lia­ment . The police can do lit­tle to change the atti­tudes of the left­ist activists on the bench but it can do a whole lot bet­ter in pre­serv­ing offi­cer safety.
After all that and only that is the num­ber one priority.
You can­not secure any­one else if you can­not secure yourself.
Lets get rid of the senior offi­cers giv­ing inter­views from behind desks. Let them get up off their fat ass­es and go out into the streets in sup­port of the young offi­cers. Policing is not about floss­ing and show­ing off . It’s about crime reduc­tion and elimination.
