Rapper Gets 99 Years In Prison For Hiring His Friends To Kill His Mother(video Inside)

Chicago, IL — Qaw’mane Wilson, a rap­per from Chicago known as Young QC, who report­ed­ly hired his friends to kill his own moth­er has been sen­tenced to 99 years in prison. He thought that by hav­ing his moth­er killed, he could get her life insur­ance mon­ey and sav­ings to spend on his lux­u­ri­ous lifestyle.

Wilson, the only child of his moth­er Yolanda Holmes, was appar­ent­ly used to get­ting every­thing he want­ed. His moth­er would spoil him with clothes, jew­el­ry, car, and even helped him get a steady job.
However, Wilson wasn’t con­tent. He want­ed to flaunt more mon­ey in hopes to get more fans as a bud­ding rap­per. To achieve that, he decid­ed to kill his moth­er.
In 2012, Wilson, who was then 23-years old, hired Eugene Spencer to kill his moth­er. Spencer rode with Wilson’s girl­friend when he went to Holmes’ apart­ment to car­ry out the crime.

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According to police reports, Spencer shot Holmes as she slept in her bed. Holmes’s boyfriend tried to stop Spencer but fell uncon­scious after a phys­i­cal strug­gle. Spencer then stabbed Holmes after call­ing Wilson who told him, “make sure the b — - is dead.”
Wilson even­tu­al­ly with­drew mon­ey from his mother’s bank account. He used the cash to cus­tomize his Mustang car. At one point, he went to a local night­club and threw mon­ey in the air for his fans to col­lect, as seen on a YouTube video post­ed on his account in May 2013.
Wilson, who is now 30-years old, recent­ly received a 99-year sen­tence. Before the rul­ing was made, he told the judge, “I just want to say, nobody loved my moth­er more than me. She was all I had. That’s it.”
The gun­man, Spencer, was sen­tenced to 100 years.
