Putin’s Pup?

The polit­i­cal class in the US, as well as many of Washington’s European allies, were aston­ished to watch Donald Trump play­ing into Vladimir Putin’s hands at the Helsinki sum­mit on Monday (16 July).2018.

So this is your friend­ly ques­tion­er here; you know I ask the ques­tions every­one else is too prop­er to ask.
So let’s begin.….….… Why do you think Donald Trump took high­ly clas­si­fied mate­r­i­al that he had no busi­ness hav­ing and kept at Mara Largo?
Okay, so I under­stand that the main­stream media is not going to dis­cuss it the way I do; they will tell you he prob­a­bly believes they are his because some of it may have been col­lect­ed dur­ing his pres­i­den­cy, and so he believes he has a right to them.
I am skep­ti­cal; I believe he took them for a spe­cif­ic rea­son. I’ll explain.
You will remem­ber that the sto­ry is that the Russians helped Trump get elect­ed, right? You also know that Special Counsel Robert Muller was not allowed to thor­ough­ly inves­ti­gate the Russian col­lu­sion that Donald Trump labeled a ‘hoax”.
You will also remem­ber that his guy Michael Flynn was under Federal inves­ti­ga­tion for being a for­eign agent, and Trump made him National Security Adviser notwithstanding.

Michael Flynn plead­ed guilty to lying to the FBI and was par­doned by Trump.

You will also remem­ber the Trump-Putin Meeting in 2018 and the world’s response when Trump refused to speak out against Russian inter­fer­ence in the 2016 Presidential elec­tions, which made him pres­i­dent. Instead, Donald Trump chas­tised America’s secu­ri­ty agen­cies and laws for sug­gest­ing that the Russians had inter­fered in the elec­tions. But why would Trump chide Vladimir Putin for mak­ing him President of the most pow­er­ful nation in the world?

1987: Donald and Ivana Trump vis­it­ed Palace Square in Saint Petersburg after their trip to Moscow. Photo: Maxim Blokhin/​TASS via Getty Images

In fact, if Donald Trump is a Russian agent as a result of Putin’s help in mak­ing him pres­i­dent, does­n’t he owe Putin a large debt of grat­i­tude that is out­side with­hold­ing mil­i­tary help from Ukraine and bad­mouthing the North Atlantic Treaty Organization? (NATO).
At the time Donald Trump emerged with Vladimir in Helsinki, Finland, he looked like a beat­en man who had just received a tongue lash­ing from his boss.
The German Foreign Office imme­di­ate­ly tweet­ed out the following.
We can no longer ful­ly rely on the White House,” says Foreign Minister
@HeikoMaas  In order to recal­i­brate our part­ner­ship with the US, we need a unit­ed, con­fi­dent, and sov­er­eign Europe!

Is Donald Trump a Russian asset?

Leading up to the Trump-Putin Helsinki meet­ing, Jonathan Chait writ­ing for New York Magazine, asked the per­ti­nent ques­tion; Will Trump Be Meeting With His Counterpart — Or His Handler?
I run the risk of bor­ing you with too deep a dive, so let us focus on the search of his estate by the FBI, a first for any for­mer American President.
Why would Trump not hand over the sen­si­tive doc­u­ments in full when he was asked?
Why did he keep those top secret doc­u­ments even after he was sub­poe­naed to hand them over? You do not believe that Donald Trump mere­ly want­ed to keep bor­ing paper­work he would cer­tain­ly nev­er read when he did not even read the brief­ing books while he was pres­i­dent and was required to read them.
Why did Donald Trump’s lawyers sub­mit a let­ter to the Department of Justice that they had turned over all the doc­u­ments Trump had?

Joe Biden calls Donald Trump Putin’s pup; what do you think?

Former Homeland Security advis­er Olivia Troye revealed that she once found a clas­si­fied doc­u­ment left in a women’s bath­room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, where most White House offices are housed. Troye told MSNBC in an inter­view Sunday that she felt “pan­ic” when she dis­cov­ered the mate­r­i­al on a bath­room shelf in the build­ing next to the White House. She said she was ter­ri­fied but secured the doc­u­ment and hand­ed it over to security.
It is easy to brush some­thing like that off and say, ‘Oh, some staffer had the doc­u­ment and acci­den­tal­ly left it there after she used the restroom”. In fair­ness to Trump, Ms. Troye also said that it was com­mon in the Trump white house to see staffers mis­han­dle sen­si­tive documents.
But what if this was no acci­dent? What if the doc­u­ment was left there for some­one to retrieve?
As a mat­ter of fact, hard­ly any­one expect­ed Donald Trump to pick up the phone and call Vladimir Putin, “hey Vlad, I have some nuclear secrets for you; you want me to fax them over”?

Trump Hosts Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov And Ambassador Kislyak At White House. No American reporter was allowed into the room,.The White House belongs to the American peo­ple, not Donald Trump or the Russians.
No American reporters were allowed in the room.

How far-fetched is it to imag­ine that the top secret doc­u­ments Donald Trump took down the I‑95 to his pri­vate for-prof­it club where he also lives were tak­en for profit?
As a cour­tesy, past pres­i­dents are giv­en secu­ri­ty brief­in­gs, but President Joe Biden stopped those brief­in­gs to Donald Trump a year ago.
What does Joe Biden know that made him decide to break with prece­dent and pre­vent Trump from get­ting any fur­ther intel­li­gence briefings?
If a for­mer pres­i­dent can­not be trust­ed with sen­si­tive intel­li­gence brief­in­gs, why would he be allowed to keep sen­si­tive and top secret infor­ma­tion belong­ing to the gov­ern­ment? The short answer is that he should not have those documents.

Russia’s state TV called Trump their agent…

Trump’s min­ions demand­ed that the search war­rant used to enter Mara Lago be unsealed. The Attorney General of the United States, Merrick Garland, also asked a Federal judge to unseal the war­rant. So a Federal judge unsealed the war­rant, which revealed that Donald Trump is being inves­ti­gat­ed under the espi­onage act.
Shockingly, we also learned that some of the doc­u­ments Trump refused to hand over were nuclear-relat­ed, super secret infor­ma­tion that should have been in the vaults at the nation­al archives.
Donald Trump’s min­ions were not swayed by the sheer weight of what we learned; they switched gears and demand­ed the release of the affi­davits asso­ci­at­ed with that search.
The war­rant detailed what they were look­ing for and what they found.
The affi­davit would expose those who gave infor­ma­tion to the FBI that the doc­u­ments were, in fact, still at Trump’s club. Naturally, this is an absolute no, so the Justice Department object­ed, argu­ing that retriev­ing the doc­u­ments was not a one-off affair but part of an ongo­ing investigation.
That is bad news for Donald Trump.
The Daily Beast argued after the Mara Lago search; Donald Trump was, and is, a nation­al secu­ri­ty risk unlike any the United States has ever faced.
Writing for Lawfare, National Security Official John B Bellinger wrote; In December 2015, I wrote a post for Lawfare enti­tled “Donald Trump Is a Danger to Our National Security,” in which I argued that Trump not only lacked “the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to be pres­i­dent, he is actu­al­ly endan­ger­ing our nation­al secu­ri­ty right now by his hate-filled and divi­sive rhetoric.” I con­clud­ed Donald Trump not only would be a dan­ger­ous pres­i­dent, he is mak­ing us less safe as a can­di­date.” At the time, I may have been the first nation­al secu­ri­ty offi­cial to write pub­licly that Trump was and would be a threat to the United States. Tragically, more than five years lat­er, Trump is still a dan­ger to our nation­al security.

If it walks like a Duck, quacks like a Duck, and acts like a Duck, maybe, we need to accept that it is a Duck. The cir­cum­stan­tial evi­dence that sug­gests that Donald J Trump is a Russian agent that some believe Russia has been cul­ti­vat­ing for over 40 years is overwhelming.
The American major­i­ty ignores that evi­dence at its per­il. The fun­da­men­tal thing here is that America is being direct­ed by a white minor­i­ty that is will­ing, in the name of white suprema­cy, to destroy the 246 years of demo­c­ra­t­ic gov­er­nance to main­tain white supremacy.
Donald Trump is only a vehi­cle towards that end.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
