The Problems Can Be Fixed Today But White America Refuses To Let Go Of White Privilege.…

One of the things that you will not hear the talking heads discuss regarding the killing of the Dallas Texas cops is that pressure will be relieved one way or another.One of the things I have always talked about as a former police officer is that when supposed good police officers remain silent it gives credibility to bad officers.
Dallas Police car with bullet holes....
Dallas Police car with bul­let holes.…

When the sys­tem refus­es to indict and con­vict the most egre­gious cas­es of police mur­der it cre­ates anger and ani­mos­i­ty in those aggriev­ed. In the weeks and months to come the talk will be about police under siege ‚it will be about gun vio­lence, it will be about every­thing oth­er than that the sys­tem refus­es to deal appro­pri­ate­ly with killer cops who have no respect for peo­ple of col­or. Every time the issue of police vio­lence comes up the con­ver­sa­tion gets watered down with talk about the good work police do. I cre­at­ed a medi­um of my own in which I ded­i­cate a lot of my time to bring­ing atten­tion and clar­i­ty to the work police offi­cers do in soci­eties. Too often we do not hear a word of thanks , yes thanks.
One of the many com­ments I have heard over the years even since I left law-enforce­ment is that police offi­cers should not need any spe­cial thanks because they are paid to do what they do. We also hear all oth­er kinds of com­ments regard­ing their ded­i­ca­tion , edu­ca­tion , it runs the gamut.
To those I ask how much would you accept to risk your lives day in day out to pro­tect oth­ers? There is nev­er an answer com­ing from those who would crit­i­cize police yet have no word of support .

Protesters gathered peaceably to air their grievances before the shooting....
Protesters gath­ered peace­ably to air their griev­ances before the shooting.…

Like steam in a pipe there will be an out or pres­sure will cre­ate one.
When author­i­ties at all lev­els refus­es to lis­ten to the cries of seg­ments of the soci­ety about the hor­rors they expe­ri­ence dai­ly on the streets across America from police offi­cers whom are sup­posed to pro­tect them we are bound to end up deal­ing with events which hap­pened in Dallas Texas , like what hap­pened to Officers Lieu and Ramos in Queens New York and oth­er police offi­cers who lose their lives sim­ply because they are wear­ing a uniform.
Alton Sterling being killed by Baton Rogue Louisiana police.....
Alton Sterling being killed by Baton Rogue Louisiana police.….
When elect­ed offi­cials use their offices to pro­tect mur­der­ous cops from jus­tice this embold­ens many cops to go out and kill with impunity.
The world watched in hor­ror as NYPD cop Daniel Pantaleo killed Eric Garner, this is not some­thing which shocks Americans of col­or in America as well as peo­ple across the globe they are used to this. What peo­ple can­not rec­on­cile is how a pros­e­cu­tor could cir­cum­vent the process in such an egre­gious and bla­tant way that does not even allow Pantaleo to have to defend his inno­cence in a court of law. As a result of that cor­rup­tion , two inno­cent police offi­cers sit­ting in the patrol cars in Queens lost their lives to a man who want­ed to avenge the blood of Eric Garner.
These are the images which drive the rage. Eric Garner being killed by a cop who broke department rules ....No indictment.....
These are the images which dri­ve the rage.
Eric Garner being killed by a cop who broke depart­ment rules .…No indictment.….
The oth­er thing you do not hear being dis­cussed is the fact that many of these guys are for­mer vets who served in Afghanistan and Iraqi . We hear talk about mil­i­ta­riza­tion of police depart­ments but its the dam­aged men they allow into the police depart­ments who are the problem.
How do you train peo­ple to kill , send them abroad for tour after tour after tour , then make them peace offi­cers when they return? Anyone watch­ing the actions of that cop who killed Philando Castile in Minnesota would have rec­og­nized that he snapped , pan­icked, and as a result an inno­cent man is dead.
Whether or not that par­tic­u­lar cop is ex-mil­i­tary is imma­te­r­i­al, this guy was plain­ly unfit to be a police offi­cer and the end result is dis­as­ter for that family.
Philando Castile kiled by a cop who pulled him over for an alleged broken tail-light....
Philando Castile kiled by a cop who pulled him over for an alleged bro­ken tail-light.…

What is impor­tant is that we now learn that the Dallas shoot­er is also ex-mil­i­tary. What hap­pens when you bring these men back from com­bat tours to see their broth­ers and sis­ters gunned down with­in a sys­tem which is absolute­ly unconcerned?
Despite the many killings of inno­cent black peo­ple many in the United States par­tic­u­lar on the right remain uncon­cerned . Yet after the unfor­tu­nate and trag­ic killing of the Dallas offi­cers CNN went out of it’s way to find every black talk­ing-head it could find to place them on tele­vi­sion to get them on record.
The con­ver­sa­tion is con­ve­nient­ly shift­ed from the rea­son we are where we are to the argu­ment that we should only mourn our slain police officers.
As a for­mer police offi­cer my per­son­al love and sup­port for police offi­cers is well known whether they are here in the United States or in Jamaica. I have many friends who serve in dif­fer­ent police agen­cies . I also have a nephew I love with all my heart who serves as a police offi­cer in a California department.

Jeh Johnson secretary of homeland security...
Jeh Johnson sec­re­tary of home­land security…
When we allow the actions of bad police offi­cers to go unchecked we place the lives of decent good offi­cers at risk. During my ser­vice I was maligned by a few offi­cers who thought that I was too chum­my with the pub­lic. I under­stood that even though I whole­heart­ed­ly sup­port my broth­ers in uni­form , I had a duty and an oblig­a­tion to be just and fair to the peo­ple I served. On that basis I had a moral and eth­i­cal oblig­a­tion to be fair and hon­est in deal­ing with even the worst char­ac­ters who crossed my path.
I watched and lis­tened intent­ly to Texas Governor Abbot , who did not once acknowl­edge that there is a prob­lem with police vio­lence in America. Abbot spent his entire press con­fer­ence cheer-lead­ing law enforce­ment and the state of Texas,.
The Secretary of Homeland secu­ri­ty Jeh Johnson a black man, spent his entire time talk­ing to CNN about his sup­port for law-enforce­ment and not a word about the chal­lenges blacks face in America which are lead­ing to these killings.

Until there is a recog­ni­tion by white peo­ple that their police are ille­gal­ly and vicious­ly killing black peo­ple we will con­tin­ue to find our­selves hav­ing these unnerv­ing, tire­some and drain­ing moments . Moments which makes us say “oh my God not again”»

Minnesota Govt Mark Dayton...
Minnesota Govt Mark Dayton…

Until there is a recog­ni­tion that when black peo­ple call police because a white per­son has done them wrong the police come and abuse them who call and treat the offend­er with respect and def­er­ence we will con­tin­ue to go to our respec­tive cor­ners hard­ened in our positions .
CNN and oth­er media net­works can place all of the black suit­ed talk­ing heads they want on tele­vi­sion , most of these peo­ple do not rep­re­sent the peo­ple on the ground, nei­ther do they have any cred­i­bil­i­ty with the peo­ple on the streets.
The Governor of Minnesota Mark Dayton said if Philando Castile and his fam­i­ly were white he would not be dead today . Whether the nation chose to acknowl­edge this truth or not is imma­te­r­i­al . What’s impor­tant is that the por­tion of the nation which con­tin­ues to defend police killings because it does not affect them are com­plic­it in the backlash.….
