Of Primates, Reptiles ‚black And White In America.…


It was­n’t so long ago that a Gorilla nick­named Harambe was out of neces­si­ty killed to save a lit­tle Ohio boy who slipped away from it’s moth­er and fell into the moat which formed part of the Gorilla’s sanctuary.
Media report­ing on the inci­dent said the child’s moth­er was con­tend­ing with oth­er chil­dren when the lit­tle boy went through par­ti­tions and even­tu­al­ly fell into the moat where he was snatched and dragged around vio­lent­ly by the Gorilla for almost 10 min­utes before author­i­ties were forced to take the nec­es­sary actions to save the young child’s life.
Out of that inci­dent hun­dreds of thou­sands of peo­ple across the coun­try signed peti­tions and rose up in self right­eous indig­na­tion , demand­ing that charges be prof­fered against the moth­er of the child. The gen­er­al tone of their anger was that the endan­gered pri­mate should not have been killed to save the child.
As a lover of ani­mals I was stunned at the bla­tant hypocrisy . These pri­mates are endan­gered because of white peo­ple who believe they have a right to kill what­ev­er and whomev­er with­out restraint now they have the nerve to decide when one may be killed to save human life.

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One of he prob­lems I had with those calls was that the out­rage did not seem to bear a sin­gle iota of con­cern for what the moth­er of the lit­tle boy must have gone through while her child was sec­onds from death in the cus­tody of the wild beast.
As a par­ent who lost a child I can imag­ine the absolute hor­ror of that moth­er, not know­ing whether she would ever get to touch her son alive again.
The calls prompt­ed police author­i­ties to com­mence Investigations and for­ward their find­ings to pros­e­cu­tors who cor­rect­ly said he was frankly offend­ed at the attempts to equate the life of an ani­mal with that of a human being. The pros­e­cu­tor found no evi­dence of wrong­do­ing or neg­li­gence on the part of the moth­er. No charges were filed against her .
Not a sin­gle one of the per­sons call­ing for her arrest empathized with her ordeal or how close she came to los­ing her child .

The Hypocrisy Of The Harambe Objectors…

Did I men­tion that the moth­er was black ?

Fast for­ward to Tuesday June 14th around 9.00 pm a two-year-old baby (2) was wad­ing in the shal­low water close to theo edge f the Seven Seas lagoon at the Grand Floridian Resort & Spain Orland Florida. when an Alligator esti­mat­ed to be between 4 – 7 feet dragged the infant under water. The child has not been seen since. Authorities said that the child is part of a fam­i­ly of five which arrived there on Sunday from Nebraska.
Thus far we have heard not one sin­gle soli­tary word of con­dem­na­tion for the moth­er of this child . Not a sin­gle com­ment about police inves­ti­ga­tions and poten­tial jail­ing the moth­er for negligence.
We have heard no word on how many Alligators have been abused or pos­si­bly killed as they try to deter­mine which gator may have dragged the child under.
Where are the cries and out­rage from the pha­lanx of sanc­ti­mo­nious hyp­ocrites ? What is the dif­fer­ence with this case.

Since no one is ask­ing ques­tions I will.….
Where was the moth­er, or whomev­er was sup­posed to be attend­ing to the two-year-old baby?
Why was a baby wad­ing in water out of arms reach of an adult and worse at 9.00 clock at night ?
If ever there was a case of neg­li­gence this seem to be it. The age of this infant is half that of the child which fell into the Gorilla enclave. Why is there a dif­fer­ent stan­dard for the black moth­er than the white care­givers of this child?
The younger the child the greater the lev­el of hands on care is required.
So far there has been total radio silence , so while I am lis­ten­ing , I wish to bring to the fore that though there prob­a­bly will nev­er be any out­cry. And though what we will most def­i­nite­ly see is a Over-dra­ma­tized out­pour­ing of grief for that fam­i­ly’s loss we have already made our deter­mi­na­tion that those who cried for Harambe were fraud­u­lent racist hypocrites.
We knew would be exposed in short order!


Since I wrote this sto­ry author­i­ties have report­ed that the body of the child have been found in about 6 feet of water. They report­ed that this was made pos­si­ble through the use of sonar technology.
They have also report­ed that at least 5 Alligators were pulled from the lagoon and they have tak­en steps to try to fig­ure out which one was respon­si­ble for pulling the child underwater.
Your guess is as good as mine as to the meth­ods used.
